Chapter 7 Study Guide Directions: Make flash cards for all people

Chapter 7 Study Guide
Directions: Make flash cards for all people and vocabulary terms listed below. Study all vocabulary.
Gouverneur Morris
Economic depression
Alexander Hamilton
Daniel shays
John Jay
James Madison
George Mason
Judicial Branch
Patrick Henry
Directions: Create notes in bullet point form, flash card form, or sentence form for the following topics:
1. (p. 208 and others) What were the good things (positives) about the Articles of Confederation?
2. (p. 208 and others) What were the bad things (negatives) about the Articles of Confederation?
3. What rights did Virginia find important to protect?
4. What rights did New York find important to protect?
5. What rights did Massachusetts find important to protect?
6. How many branches did the Articles of Confederation create?
7. How much power did the Articles of Confederation give the central (federal) government?
8. How many states had to approve articles for them to pass?
9. What was the Land Ordnance of 1785?
10. What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
11. What was Shay’s Rebellion? What did the farmers try to do? What was the outcome?
12. What was the goal of the Constitutional Convention?
13. How many delegates took part in the Constitutional Convention?
14. What state did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention?
15. Who wrote the Virginia plan?
16. What was the Virginia plan
a. Did it propose a strong central government or weak central government
b. What were the branches?
c. Who was going to be the leader?
d. How was congress designed under this plan?
e. Did this plan favor small state or big states?
17. What was the New Jersey Plan?
a. How was congress designed under this plan?
b. Did this plan favor small state or big states?
18. What was the Great Compromise?
a. What state proposed this plan?
b. How was congress designed under this plan?
c. How were the jobs of Representative and Senator designed?
19. What is the three-fifths compromise? What states did it favor big/small?
20. How long was the slave trade going to continue?
21. Who wrote the preamble to the constitution?
22. What is a federalist?
23. What is an anti-federalist?
24. What are the Federalist Papers? What did they support? Who wrote them?
25. Why were the anti-federalists opposed to the constitution (3 main reasons)
26. What was the first state to approve the constitution?
27. How many rights are there in the bill of rights?
28. What does amend mean?
29. Who was elected the first president? The first vice president?
Directions Essay Question: Write a practice essay to answer the question. Use your book and outline created in class
to help you. Pay special attention to page 223 in your book.
How did the United States Constitution overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and provide
for the organization of the new government?
For the test you will NOT need to know the 10 rights listed in the Bill of Rights. After Christmas break we will have the
quiz on the 10 rights. Most likely the week of the 12th.
Test will have at least 10 vocabulary and people matching questions.
Test will have at least 20 multiple choice questions.
Test will have one essay.
Study Session is Monday December 16th 3:45-4:15 in Ms. Maltese’s room. All students are welcome.
Test is Wednesday December 18. If you are going to be absent you need to take the test BEFORE vacation!
Due on Wednesday December 18th…
1. Vocabulary flash cards
2. Answers to questions 1-29
3. Practice essay question