Second Life Virtual Clinical Experiences Survey 1. Which Second Life Modules did you complete? Check all that you completed. _____ Home Safety Assessment _____ Airplane Crash Simulation _____ Family Health Simulation Public Health Nursing Knowledge 2. Rank the top 5 competencies from 1 to 5 that you achieved through participation in the Second Life Modules. Rank only the top five and leave the remainder of the competencies blank. #1 Applies the public health nursing process to communities, systems, individuals, and families #2 Utilizes basic epidemiological principles (the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population) in public health nursing practice #3 Utilizes collaboration to achieve public health goals #4 Works within the responsibility and authority of the governmental public health system #5 Practices public health nursing within the auspices of the Nurse Practice Act #6 Effectively communicates with communities, systems, individuals, families and colleagues #7 Establishes and maintains caring relationships with communities, systems, individuals, and families #8 Shows evidence of commitment to social justice, the greater good, and the public health principles #9 Demonstrates nonjudgmental and unconditional acceptance of people different from self #10 Incorporates mental, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental aspects of health into assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation #11 Demonstrates leadership For the following items choose your level of agreement. SD = strongly disagree D = disagree A = agree SA = strongly agree The Second Life Modules contributed to developing public health nursing knowledge in the following areas: SD D A SA SD D A SA 3. How to use interventions from the Public Health Intervention Wheel 4. How to determine relevant individual and family level interventions in response to the scenarios 5. How to determine relevant community level interventions in response to the scenarios 6. How to use systems level strategies to promote the health of the population in the scenarios 7. How to prioritize nursing interventions based on safety concerns 8. How to determine relevant community resources for referral 9. How to identify and collaborate with partners to accomplish public health goal(s) 10. How to assess the impact of environmental factors (family home, neighborhood, community) on planning for interventions Satisfaction with Virtual Learning Experiences 11. Second Life modules were as effective for learning about public health nursing as my onsite clinical experience 12. Learning expectations were clear for Second Life Modules 13. 14. 15. Focus Group Questions (1 student per clinical group) 1. How did the Second Life modules promote your thinking about public health nursing? 2. What did you like about your learning experience in Second Life? 3. What was frustrating or challenging about your learning experience in Second Life? 4. What did you do or what do you think you could do to get the most out of learning through Second Life?