Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid

Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
Air Force Aid Society
The revitalized Air Force Aid Society Education Fund enables the Society to sustain an
extremely popular grant program, the General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program. This
program provides $2,000 need-based grants to full-time college undergraduates who are
dependent children of active duty; Title 10 AGR/Reserve, retired and deceased Air Force
members; spouses (residing and attending schools within the lower 48 contiguous states) of
active duty members and Title 10 AGR/Reserve; and surviving spouses of deceased personnel.
Dependent children of full-time active duty AGR serving as Title 32 and of retired reservist with
20+ qualifying years are also eligible to compete for these grants.
The Education Funds also supports another extremely beneficial program, the General George S.
Brown Spouse Tuition Assistance Program, that provides up to $1,500 in tuition costs annually
to spouses who have accompanied active duty members to their overseas assignments (includes
Alaska and Hawaii).
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Air Force Association Scholarship
Lists a number of opportunities including :
(1) Michael Wilson Scholarship
(2) Pitsenbarger Awards
(3) Lt Col Romeo and Josephine Bass Ferretti Scholarship
(4) Jodi Callahan Memorial Scholarship
(5) Spouse Scholarships
(6) Full Scholarship to Grantham University
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Air Force Association Spouse Scholarship
The Air Force Spouse Scholarship program is designed to encourage Air Force spouses
worldwide to pursue associate, bachelor or graduate/postgraduate degrees. The number and
amount of scholarships awarded depends on available funding and on the number of qualified
applicants. Scholarships are awarded in June. A check in the amount of $2,500 will be sent to
the recipient in September. Scholarships may be used to pay for any reasonable cost related to
pursuing a degree. This would include tuition, books, and any remaining money can be used to
pay for either transportation or childcare costs.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
Air Force Crossroads
Commissaries have a long tradition of supporting the military community through good will
programs such as vendor-sponsored educational and charitable promotions, cooperative efforts
with community quality of life programs, and employee involvement in a wide range of
installation activities. The scholarships are open to qualified sons and daughters of U.S. military
ID card holders to include active duty members, Reserve and Guard members.
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Air Force Sergeants Association
AFSA Scholarship Program
The Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) and the Airmen Memorial Foundation (AMF)
joined together to conduct a scholarship program to financially assist the undergraduate studies
of eligible, dependent children of the Total Air Force which includes Air Force Active Duty
(AFAD), Air National Guard (ANG) , and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) enlisted
members in active duty, retired, or veteran status. Applications are screened and verified for
eligibility prior to submission to the respective selection committee(s). The AFSA and AFSA
International Auxiliary programs have membership requirements, but there are no association
membership requirements for the AMF or CMSAF programs. Applications for the upcoming
academic year are available between November 1 and March 31. Completed application
packages with all required documents can be sent to AFSA Headquarters between January 1 and
March 31, incomplete packages or packages received after March 31 are ineligible for
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Airmen Memorial Foundation Scholarships
Airmen Memorial Foundation
The AMF Scholarship Program was established in 1987 to aid Air Force enlisted dependents
seeking higher education, awarding scholarships annually to the unmarried dependent children of
Air Force enlisted personnel. To date, AMF has awarded a total of 395 scholarships, valued at
(Last checked 06/22/12)
American Legion Legacy Scholarship
Deadline : April 15
Child/Children, or legally adopted child/children, of active duty United States military and
Guard, and Reserve personnel who were federalized and died on active duty on or after
September 11, 2001. Must be a high school senior or high school graduate to apply for the
scholarship. Scholarship is for undergraduate study at a U.S. school of higher education. The
amount and number of awards depends upon the income derived from the trust. Scholarship
recipients may reapply for the award.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
AMVETS Scholarship Program
AMVETS annually awards scholarships to veterans, their sons, daughters or grandchildren. A
son, daughter or grandchild of a deceased veteran is also eligible. Awarded on the basis of
academic excellence and financial need, the scholarships go to deserving high school seniors,
high school JROTC students and veterans pursuing a higher education. The following
scholarships, funded by the National Service Foundation, are awarded annually:
Six $4,000 scholarships for high school seniors ($1,000 a year of a four-year
undergraduate program or at an accredited technical/trade leading to certification or a
degree; one selected from each district).
 Three $4,000 scholarships for veterans ($1,000 a year of a four-year undergraduate
program or certification/degree from an accredited technical/trade school; no regard for
district boundaries).
 One $3,000 scholarship for veterans/guardsman/reservists will be awarded nationwide
per year, for the duration of the grant, without regard for district boundaries. The
scholarships are for veterans, including members of the National Guard and Reserves,
seeking new skills in order to be more competitive in the job market. The one-time
$3,000 award may be used for undergraduate courses, accredited degree or certificate
programs, including online schools.
 One $1,000 scholarship for a JROTC high school senior entering any undergraduate program
(no regard for district boundaries).
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Army Emergency Relief Fund Spouse Education Assistance Program (SEAP)
Army Emergency Relief currently has two spouse scholarship programs, the Overseas Spouse
Education Assistance Program and the Stateside Spouse Education Assistance Program. In order
to offer more educational opportunities to Army Spouses, both programs will be consolidated
into one Spouse Program. The Spouse Education Assistance Program (SEAP) is a need-based
education program designed to provide spouses of active duty or retired Soldiers with financial
assistance to pursue a 4-year college degree. Applicants must apply each year, and scholarship
awards do not exceed four academic years.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Educational
The AFCEA Educational Foundation is a tax-exempt organization. It provides annual
scholarships, fellowships and awards to students in the "hard" sciences attending the five service
academies, ROTC programs, graduate schools and other educational institutions. The Foundation
also sponsors awards and prizes for academic excellence in military schools and training
institutions of all of the services.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Educational
General Emmett Paige Scholarship
Merit-based scholarships of $2,500 will be awarded to persons on active duty in the uniformed
military services, to honorably discharged U.S. military veterans (including Reservists and
National Guard personnel), disabled veterans, and to their spouses or dependents who are
currently enrolled full time in an eligible degree program at an accredited two- or four-year
college or university in the U.S.
Veterans enrolled as freshmen, part-time students and/or in two-year institutions are also eligible
to apply; all others must be at least second-year college students enrolled full time as
sophomores or juniors in four-year institutions at the time of application. Candidates must
provide a copy of Certificate of Service, Discharge Form DD214, or facsimile of candidate's
current DoD or Coast Guard
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Armed Forces Relief Trust
The mission of the Armed Forces Relief Trust is to assist the military aid societies by providing a
single vehicle to accept donations that will benefit the men and women of our Armed Forces and
their families. Examples of such assistance may include payment for a soldier's airfare to fly
home for his father's funeral, a special reading program for a sailor's daughter, special medical
attention for a pilot's expectant spouse, or college tuition for a soldier's child. Last year, the four
emergency assistance programs disbursed more than $109 million in interest-free loans and
grants to 145,000 individuals and families in need. But in order to meet our troops needs today,
the Armed Forces Relief Trust is depending on the public's support.
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Army Emergency Relief
Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private non-profit organization with the primary mission of
providing financial assistance to Army Soldiers and their dependents in time of valid emergency
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
Army Emergency Relief
MG James Ursano Scholarship Program
For Dependent Children of Active, Retired and Deceased Soldiers
MG James Ursano Scholarship
The MG James Ursano Scholarship Program assists children of Soldiers in obtaining a 4-year
undergraduate degree. Children of Soldiers on active duty, children of retired Soldiers, or
children of Soldiers who died while on active duty or in a retired status are eligible.
(Last checked 06/22/12) Pay for College
Searching and applying for financial aid (i.e. scholarships, grants, etc.) requires planning and
resourcefulness. In order to receive the maximum aid you may be eligible to apply for and
possibly receive, you must create a plan and start your scholarship search early.
All students planning to attend a college/university, trade, technical, or vocational school should
apply for financial aid. You should never assume that you are not eligible for financial aid based
on your family’s income. Remember, there are many awards given to students based on their
academic achievements, athletic talents, artistic talents, and other merits.
This channel will guide you through the entire process, step-by-step, of how to pay for your
postsecondary education. It is divided into 4 Steps, each step is designed to help you with each
phase of the scholarship search and application process.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance
The CGMA is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. CGMA is a non-profit
charitable organization established to provide financial aid to the entire Coast Guard family.
While CGMA works closely with the U.S. Coast Guard, it is an independent corporation. Its
mission is to promote the financial stability and general well-being of Coast Guard people
through interest-free loans, grants, and financial counseling.
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Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents
Provides a comprehensive summary of federal government benefits available to veterans and
their dependents, including information on alcoholism treatment programs, aid for the blind,
burial assistance, clothing allowances, compensation for service-connected disabilities, death
payments, dental treatment, dependents' education, education and training loans, etc. Searchable.
2011 edition.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
FederalGrantsWire Military Grants and Loans
54 listings of grants and loans related to military service from the Catalog of Federal Domestic
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Fleet Reserve Association Scholarship
Fleet Reserve Association Education Foundation
FRA's Education Foundation scholarship program has also been helping deserving students reach
their educational and professional goals for decades, presenting annual awards of up to $5,000 to
individuals pursuing college and graduate degrees. Thanks to the generosity of our members,
legacy gifts and corporate sponsors, the scope of the program has grown substantially since
2000; increasing the number of recipients by more than 50 percent and boosting the monetary
value of the awards by more than 260 percent. Just since 2000, the FRA scholarship program has
provided over 200 scholarships totaling more than $850,000.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund
The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund honors the bravery and dedication exhibited by
Americans in our armed forces who have sacrificed life and limb by providing educational
scholarships to their children. Students are eligible if they are the dependent child of an active
duty service member who died or was permanently disabled (100% rating) in the line of duty, or
who is currently certified as POW or MIA. The applicant must also be a senior in high school, a
high school graduate, or enrolled in an institution of higher learning, including colleges,
universities, or vocational schools.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
GoArmyEd is the virtual gateway for all eligible Active Duty, National Guard and Army
Reserve Soldiers to request Tuition Assistance (TA) online, anytime, anywhere for classroom
and distance learning. It allows Soldiers to manage their education records including college
classes, testing, on-duty classes and Army Education Counselor support.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
HomeFront America Inc.
American Patriot Freedom Scholarship
Homefront America, Inc. is a non profit organization dedicated to assisting military service
members and their families is providing American Patriot Freedom Scholarship Award available
to all military dependent childred of Uniformed Service Members to include dependent children
of all active duty personnel, guard, reserve, retirees, and surviving children of parent(s) killed in
the line of duty while serving our country.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is the nation’s oldest and largest needbased scholarship organization supporting U.S. military families. Since 1962, the Foundation
has provided over 26,000 scholarships valued at more than $65 million, including nearly
$5,000,000 to more than 1,600 students for the 2011-2012 academic year. For further
information call: 866-496-5462.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Military Officers Association of America Scholarship Fund
The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship Fund was established in
1948 to provide educational assistance for children of military families. It is based on one of the
Association's founding principles that "education is the cornerstone of a strong Democracy". It is
supported by donations and bequests from MOAA members, chapters, corporations, and others.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Military Service Academies Scholarships
The U.S. Military Service Academies offer young men and women the opportunity to earn a
college degree (Bachelor of Science Degree) and commission as an officer for the U.S. Armed
Forces. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Merchant Marine, and Coast Guard have their own Service
Academy. An education received from one of the academies is ranked among the best in the
nation. Military Service Academies award full scholarships to students accepted for admission
which cover tuition, room and board; each student also receives a monthly stipend to meet cost
of books, supplies, clothing and personal expenses.
(Last checked 06/22/12) Disability Scholarship is pleased to offer scholarships in support of disability awareness. Every
year, a prospective or current college student will be selected to receive a $1,000 scholarship to
help with the costs associated with attending school. Applicants should submit an essay between
500 and 1000 words about how they or someone they knew overcame disability to do something
great. This year's potential award winners will be judged by the editorial staff of and selected on February 10th, 2012. Applications for this scholarship
period will close one month prior to the announcement date on January 10th, 2012.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
National Military Family Association
Joanne Holbrook Patton Military Spouse Scholarship Program
The National Military Family Association recognizes the unique challenges today’s military
spouses face in pursuing additional training or education. Frequent moves make it difficult to
complete programs and establish a career. We are here to help ease the financial obstacles that
accompany pursuing a higher education.
The mission of this scholarship program is to help prepare military spouses for meaningful
employment and to better contribute to their family’s financial security.
The Joanne Holbrook Patton Military Spouse Scholarship are to spouses of all uniformed service
The scholarships funds may be used for tuition, fees and school room and board.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
National Resource Directory
An online partnership of "shared care" providing information on, and access to, services and
resources for wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans, their families and families
of the fallen, and those who support them from recovery and rehabilitation to community
reintegration. It is maintained by the Departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs. The
information in the Directory is from federal, state and local governmental agencies; veteran
service and benefit organizations; non-profit community-based and faith-based organizations;
academic institutions, professional associations and philanthropic organizations.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Navy League of the United States Scholarship Program
One of the most rewarding opportunities to demonstrate your appreciation for the men and
women of the American Sea Services is to support The Navy League Foundation’s Scholarship
Program. Thanks to the generosity of donors and members from around the world, the Navy
League Foundation is able to provide financial assistance to the dependents and direct
descendants of Sea Service personnel for college and university expenses.
Currently, the Navy League Foundation has a total of 25 endowed scholarships. Navy League
councils across the United States provide additional scholarships to students and Sea Cadets in
their cities and regions.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
The mission of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society's (NMCRS) education programs is to
assist eligible Sailors, Marines, and families pursue their academic goals by providing a source
of education financing. Both scholarships and no-interest loan programs are available.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
Need a Lift? College Financial Aid Handbook
The American Legion, an organization of wartime veterans, wrote Need A Lift?, a college
financial aid guide, to spare you frustration and save you time as you plan your "after-highschool" education.
While the focus of this guide is to help children of deceased and disabled veterans in their pursuit
of higher education, all students can benefit from the information offered. The American Legion
wants to help all students go as far as they can.
This guide is filled with scholarships, grants, fee waivers, student loans, and the organizations
that offer them. We've also included information to help you select a school, apply for student
financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), learn about loan
forgiveness, understand tax credits, and much more!
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Operation Homefront
Operation Homefront provides emergency assistance and morale to our troops, to the families
they leave behind and to wounded warriors when they return home. Programs include: vehicle
repair, computers, furniture, holiday, food assistance, financial assistance, moving assistance,
and housing.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Reserve Education Benefits User's Guide
The military offers several programs to support your education goals including tuition assistance,
the GI Bill, and other education programs. The following guide will help you make the most of
these benefits. Courtesy of
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Samsung American Legion Scholarship
High school juniors who participate in and complete either an American Legion Boys State or
American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Program and be a direct descendant, i.e. child,
grandchild, great grandchild, etc. or a legally adopted child, of a U.S. wartime veteran who
served on active duty during one or more of the periods of war officially designated as eligibility
dates for membership in The American. Samsung scholarships are for undergraduate study only
and may be used for tuition, books, fees, and room and board. Winners are selected according to
academic record, involvement in school and community activities, community service and
financial need.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
Scholarships for Military Children
The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created to recognize the contributions of
military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary
in the military family community.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Society of Daughters of the United States Army Scholarships
Must be a son or daughter of an active, retired or deceased U.S. military service member whose
family resides at West Point (or within a 35 mile radius of West Point) at the time the scholarship
is awarded
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Sons and Daughters in Touch
To locate, unite and provide support to Sons, Daughters and other family members of those who
died or remain missing as a result of the Vietnam War.
(Last checked 09/13/11)
Special Operations Warrior Foundation
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) provides college scholarship grants, along
with financial aid and educational counseling, to the children of Special Operations personnel
who were killed in an operational mission or training accident.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
SVA Scholarships
The three scholarships each have their own focus and individual criteria. Student veterans wishing to
compete for one of these scholarships must provide all the required documentation by the advertised
due date to be considered. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.
 SVA Chapter Leader Scholarship
 Google-SVA Scholarship
 SVA STEM Scholarship
(Last Checked 06/22/2012)
That Others May Live Scholarship
That Others May Live Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization established in
2002. That Others May Live Foundation provides critical support, scholarships, and immediate
tragedy assistance for the families of United States Air Force Rescue Heroes who are killed or
severely wounded in operational or training missions.
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling Programs
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides counseling and services to service-connected
disabled veterans.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
USA Cares
USA Cares exists to help bear the burdens of service by providing post-9/11 military families
with financial and advocacy support in their time of need. Assistance is provided to all branches
of service, all components, all ranks while protecting the privacy and dignity of those military
families and veterans who request our help. Since 2003, USA Cares has responded to over
36,000 requests for assistance with more than $9,000,000 in direct support grants.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
VA Mortgage Center Military Education Scholarship
VA Mortgage has been proud to offer ten yearly $1,000 scholarships in conjunction
with our Military Education Scholarship Program. The process and purpose is simple - many
college students currently struggle to meet the financial requirements of pursuing their education,
even with the help of financial aid and other scholarship programs.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Veterans Online Application Web Page
The Veterans Affairs Department has launched a new Web site that enables veterans to file
online for pension and health care benefits. Unveiled last Friday, the Veterans Online
Applications site lets veterans apply for disability compensation, pension and vocational
rehabilitation benefits electronically. The site is designed to cut down on the time it takes for vets
to receive their compensation and pension checks.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
Veterans United Foundation Scholarship
The Veterans United Foundation has established the Veterans United Scholarship Program. This
program aims to assist military service members and their families by awarding five bi-annual
$2,000 scholarships to help pay for tuition and books.
(Last checked 08/24/12)
VFW Voice of Democracy Scholarship Program
Deadline: Nov. 1
This is a national Audio-essay scholarship competition for 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders.
Participants record their essays on an announced patriotic theme. A state winner is selected for
national competition. Each state winner receives an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C.,
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Veterans Scholarships and Financial Aid
where he/she competes for 56 national scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $25,000. Contact
your school principal, counselor, local VFW Post or visit our website . Entries must be submitted
ONLY to your local VFW Post or your high school.
(Last checked 06/22/12)
If you have access to the world wide web and are willing to fill in the online forms, this service
promises a free customized list of financial aid sources. FastWeb is actually a searchable
database of more than 400,000 private sector scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans from
more than 3,000 sources for all levels of higher education. First-time visitors have to register
(first and last name and a user ID), then complete a profile, including background and fields of
study. Registrants then receive a list of all currently relevant funding sources. The registration
information is stored and can be used on subsequent visits. The entire sign-up process, and
delivery of available funding sources, can be a bit tedious: about five to twenty minutes,
depending on the connection speed. Approximately 500 new scholarships are added to the
database daily, so registrants can stay current. Provided courtesy of Financial Aid Information
Page and Student Services, Inc. created by Mark Kantrowitz and sponsored by the National
Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
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