EXECUTIVE SUMARY PROJECT The integrated development of the Peruvian Scallop Shell (Agropecten Purpuratus) in a concession of 650.38 ha, near the bay of Sechura in Piura. 300 Ha (12 months); STAGES 350 Ha (14 monthss); Hatchery (Larvae development laboratory) and Processing and Conservation Plant (transforming the product for exportation). Long Line suspension system (modules of 100 Ha; 25 Ha CHARACTERISTICS / month) Integrated development of the Peruvian scallop shell: (larvae development, crop management, final product , harvest, laboratory and processing plant). EXECUTIVE SUMARY INVESTMENT Total Investment: US$15.5 MM, (US$ 6.8 MM equity and US$ 8.7 MM debt). Preliminary structure to discuss: (i)Promoter: US$ 2.8 MM; (ii)Particular Shareholder: US$ 1.0 MM; (iii)Investor: US$ 3.0 MM; (iv) Debt: US$ 8.7 MM (Investment+W.C)/ for 100 Has: US$ 1.6 millons PROJECTIONS Income / 100Has: US$ 2.050 millons Price Range / Kgrs: US$ 10.0 – US$13.5 Productivity: 170,760 / 100 Has EXECUTIVE SUMARY TIR Financiero: 39% PROJECT PROFITABILITY TIR Económico: 30% By eliminating the tail (2.5%) of the worst scenario and the tip (2.5%) of the best scenario, we established the performance of the Project at 95% of certainty value. This profitability contemplates a new financing structure define by COFIDE (Corporacion Financiera de Desarrollo), identify in the executive summary. TECHNIFIED PERUVIAN SCALLOP SHELL FARMING PROJECT LOCATION OF MARINE AREAS AREA GRANTS/FRANCHISE AREAS GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES: 1. • • • • 2. • • • Vertex A B C D A B C D Latitude South 05º30´21.222” 05º30´05.096” 05º30´53.495” 05º30´53.496” 05º30´56.753” 05º30´56.753” 05º31´54.833” 05º31´54.833” Longitude West 80º59´47.090” 80º58´38.519” 80º58´38.517” 80º59´47.090” 261.312 Hec. 81º00´26.894” 80º59´50.340” 80º59´50.340” 80º00´26.895” 200.621 Hec. AREA GRANTS/FRANCHISE AREAS GEOGRAFICAL COORDINATES: 3. • • • • 4. • • • Vertex A B C D A B C D Latitude South 05º30´30.582” 05º30´21.987” 05º30´53.496” 05º30´53.496” 05º31´58.090” 05º31´58.090” 05º32´58.436” 05º32´58.436” Longitude West 81º00´26.894” 80º59´50.341” 80º59´50.340” 81º00´26.894” 81º00´26.895” 81º00´10.243” 81º00´10.243” 81º00´26.896” 93.972 Hec. 94.93 Hec. NATURAL METHOD FOR HARVESTING THE SEED TECHNICAL SYSTEM FOR FATTENING THE SHELL (LONG LINE) MISSION To become the leader in sustinable developoment of Acuaculture activity, in marine water, continental water and/or brackish water. Contributing to the development of the country by means of generating greater sources of food materials, increased employment and better living conditions for the population in the areas where the projects have their influence/presence. VISION To become the reference point and leader in the development of Acuaculture activities, through the use of new technologies, improvement of processes and efficiency that guarantees our existence in the course of time. Contributing to generate new opportunities of investment and work on our renewable resources (within a framework of sustainable development). DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT “ARGOPECTEN PURPURATUS” First Stage • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Integral cultivation of the scallop shell by means of a "Long Line“ hanging system; consists of the following stages: This phase includes the development of an extension of approximately 300 Hectares Collecting of larvae by means of collectors and laboratory acquisition of larvae. Initial Cultivation of Pearl Nets. Intermediate cultivation using small and big lantern net-cages Final Cultivation using lantern net cages Harvesting DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT “ARGOPECTEN PURPURATUS” Second Stage • Development of the remaining 350 Hec. • Implementation of a laboratory or Hatchery and a Processing Plant. PROCESS IN THE OCEAN POST HARVEST PROCESS LEGAL FRAMEWORK ACUACULTURE PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT LAW LAW No. 27460 OBJECTIVE To regulate and promote acuaculture activity in marine waters, continental waters or using brackish waters, as a source of alimentation, employment and income, optimizing the economic benefits in harmony with the environmental preservation and conservation of biodiversity. Scope of application – natural and legal persons/entities who develop acuaculture activities. AREA GRANTS/FRANCHISE AREAS: Franchise area rights are granted for a period of 30 years, renewable for equal periods of time and over the effectively worked up areas. LEGAL FRAMEWORK ACUACULTURE PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT LAW Labour Rules LAW No. 27460 Labour benefits as per articles No. 7 and 10 of Law No. 27360 – Agricultural Sector Promotion Law - will be applicable to acuaculture producers. Tax benefits. As applicable to acuaculture activity vide paragraph 4.1 of Article No.4, Article No.5 and 8 of Law No. 27360 – Agricultural Sector Promotion Law (Tax policy – Income tax of 15% for 10 years. Drawback of 5% of FOB Invoice value). WORLDWIDE FISH PRODUCTION PROJECTION UPTO 2025 DISTRIBUTION OF WORLD MARKET IN VOLUME Scallop Shell Producing countries China Japan USA Canada Argentina United Kingdom France Chile Peru México Russia Australia Iceland New Zealand Isle of Man Greenland Ireland Norway Thailand Indonesia Rest Total % 20 Major Exporting Countries 47.35 29.28 9.51 4.81 2.58 1.5 1.21 0.79 0.68 0.50 0.48 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.13 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.13 100 China Canada Argentina United Kingdom EEUU Japan Denmark France Chile Italia Russia Australia Peru México Belgium Iceland Greenland Ireland New Zealand Netherlands Total % 33.42 12.93 8.71 7.30 6.27 6.02 4.87 4.61 3.20 2.30 2.05 1.79 1.41 1.15 1.15 0.77 0.64 0.64 0.38 0.38 100 Major Scallop Shell Importing countries % EEUU France Spain Japan Italia Canada Republic of Korea Hong Kong Australia Belgium Denmark China Taiwan Singapore Germany Holland Switzerland United Kingdom Sweden Malaysia Rest Total 28.28 21.40 9.17 7.01 5.10 3.82 2.80 2.68 2.42 2.17 2.04 1.91 1.15 1.15 1.15 0.64 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 5.61 100 PERUVIAN EXPORTS Scallop Exports PRICE PER TON IN US$ FROM 1990 TO 2006 INVESTMENTS NO. OF UNITS PRICE PER UNIT US$ ITEMS Lines - cabos 3 *Has Net cage Lanterns 300 *Has Trimaran – boat with 3 pieces 1 Boats 3 Buoy 30 mm 34000 Buoy 37 mm 1470.0 SLP36G+M+G 1 Various Equipmentt Others Craft of 19" 1 Sieve 2 Total US$ IGV 19% TOTAL INVESTMENT IN US$ * ALL FIGURES IN THOUSANDS OF US DOLLARS INVESTMENT IN FIXED ASSETS 1 INVESTMENT IN FIXED ASSETS Depreciation yearsover 26 Investment toin be5done month 2 760 000 TOTAL DEPRESIACION US$ 552 000 TOTAL US$ 13.00 25.00 8.00 4.00 7.20 60.00 20.00 7.50 2 2 760 000 1 104 000 3 25 Hec 55.00 390.00 25.00 24.00 136.00 10.58 60.00 6.50 25.00 20.00 15.00 793.10 150.70 931.50 4 5 460 000 1 196 000 50 Hec 13.80 97.50 25.00 8.00 34.00 2.70 60.00 6.50 25.00 20.00 7.50 300.00 57.00 356.90 6 1 600 800 1 196 000 1 516 160 964 160 75 Hec 100 Hec 13.80 97.50 13.80 97.50 13.80 97.50 8.00 34.00 2.70 8.00 34.00 2.70 8.00 34.00 2.70 7.50 163.50 31.10 194.50 156.00 29.60 185.60 7.50 163.50 31.10 194.50 7 1 600 800 732 320 8 TOTAL 55.00 390.00 25.00 24.00 136.00 10.80 60.00 6.50 25.00 20.00 15.00 782.80 148.70 931.50 9 10 693 680 693 680 266 800 693 680 EVALUATION OF VOLATILITY WITH 95% DEGREE OF CERTAINTY REFERENCES RICARDO GORDILLO URIBE - ADDRESS : Manuel A. Fuentes 849 - San isidro. Lima - Perú - TELEPHONE : (511) 440 3591 - MOBILE : (511) 9595 5809 - E-MAIL : rgordillo@infonegocio.net.pe rgordillo@mibanco.com.pe / (551) 513 8107 RICARDO GORDILLO CORNO - ADDRESS : Manuel A. Fuentes 849 - San isidro. Lima - Perú - MOBILE : (511) 9580 5045 - E-MAIL : ricardo.gordillo@gmail.com