PowerPoint Presentation - Light in the York Rite

Dr Mohan U Deshpande
Lodge Gondwana No 226, Nagpur
Major side Orders of Freemasonry
 The Symbolic Lodge
A Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons
A Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
A Lodge of Mark Men & Mark Masters
A Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners
A conclave, council and many others
The Symbolic Lodge is the Foundation
A continuation of the Work
 The Chapter is foundational
in it’s approach
 Many of the questions from
the Symbolic Lodge are
answered in the Chapter &
Council Degrees
Masonic Light of the
Royal Arch Masonry
In the Beginning, God said
“Let there be light and
there was light!”
Masonic Light of the
Who is Eligible To Join
Members in Good Standing
of our
Symbolic (or “Blue”) Lodges
Why the Chapter?
Because one or more of the following describe YOU ...
I am a Master Mason – 4 weeks+, or Proficiency
I Believe Freemasonry is a Progressive Science
I am a Respected Leader
I Possess High Standards of Integrity
I Support Worthy Causes
I have a Fraternal Belief in Principles
I am ready to Travel a Delightful New Road
I Believe in Continued Masonic Education
What is the Chapter degree?
 A Series of Masonic Degrees and Orders
 Exemplifies and explains teachings not addressed in the
Symbolic Lodge:
Historical Backgrounds
Ancient Craft Customs
 Rich in pageantry and color
 Dramatically presented in full regalia/costumes
 No “Memory” or “Work” Lectures (at first!)
“Royal Arch Masonry”
 Three GLI Degrees:
Mark Master
Royal Ark Mariner
Royal Arch
The Royal Arch Degree was maintained as a
part of the Craft until the 18th Century.
As Craftsmen you will learn how to collect your wages, assist in
the rebuilding of the Temple, find the Master’s Word, and learn
where it was placed before the death of our
Grand Master Hiram Abif.
A Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
Taken as a whole the theme of
the Chapter Degree may be
summarized in a single word
The Mark Master Degree
Considered by many to be one of the oldest
degrees in Masonry
• The Candidate represents a Fellow Craft Mason
• The Degree teaches us to look for the value in all things and to
be mindful of the importance of the contributions of others
Mark (contd)
 Historically Mark and craft connected intimately
 Both originate in KST
 Management of works by H. R. Techniques
 Workers separated in EA &FC each having a unique
Mark. Now only for MMs.
Mark ( contd)
 Making a Mark in life inspite of unjust treatment by
ignorant superiors
 Legend of Mark – The Keystone
 Special Shape neither square nor Oblong
 Lapis Reprobatus caputanguli
To bear disappointments
& Rejection
To rule own life so that
actions stand scrutiny
of the Great Overseer of
Mark ( Contd)
 Exhortations:
 Do justice, love mercy, maintain harmony & endeavour to live in
 Amongst the Mark masters here u will find friends to administer
relief to your distress & comfort you in your afflictions.
The Past Master’s Degree
Originally, the Royal Arch degree could only be conferred upon
those who served as Masters of their Symbolic Lodge
The Degree now confers the symbolic title of Past Master
First conferred in England in 1768
Royal Ark Mariners
Origin unknown; perceived to be stand-alone
• Corollary of Mark degree. Naval flavour.
• RAM moored to a Mark lodge.some wrestling amongst ‘Ancients’
and ‘moderns’
• Hiramic legend in craft ; Noachite in RAM
• Tubal Caine half brother of Noah
• Deliverance of Noah & fmly from heavenly wrath
• By patient planning , foresight& timely action.
• Initiation-similar to craft…/Habiliments of a distressed mason
Restoration to light..olive branch emblem of hope.
 Renewed Emphasis on Wisdom –Strength – Beauty.
 Working Tools -Carpentry Axe- Saw –Augur
 God’s Covenant with man.
 Assurance of Comfort in Trouble & Cheer in the hour of
 ..’no weapon against us will prosper & every tongue against us
condemned. We play our part irrespective of our station in life
The Royal Arch Degree
The Royal Arch Degree compliments the Master Masons Degree
The Climax of Ancient Craft Masonry
Without the Royal Arch Degree the Master’s Degree Is
A song that is half sung, a tale partly told or a promise unfulfilled
Holiness to the Lord
Council of Royal & Select Masters
 Comprised of Two Degrees
 Royal Master
 Select Master
Based on events that occurred before the Royal Arch Degree and after
the Third Degree of the symbolic Lodge
Taken as a whole the theme of the Council Degrees may be
summarized in a single word PRESERVATION
Royal Masters Degree
 A young Craftsman named Adoniram is the central character
 How the word will be preserved
This degree takes place prior to and shortly following the Master
Mason’s Degree
As a Royal Master you will have a discussion
with Hiram Abif about his mortality.
How and why was the word saved, what happened prior to its
discovery, by whom, and for what purpose?
The answers to these questions can be found as a
Select Master.
Select Master’s Degree
We must set a good watch over our words and actions and
attachment to duty thus the principles of Masonry will result
in advancement in life and Masonry
The heart of this degree is
“The Knights Templar”
 Three Chivalric Orders
Order of the Red Cross
Order of Malta
Order of the Temple
The Orders of a Commandery of Knights Templar
 The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
 The Order of Malta
 The Order of the Temple
These Orders may be summarized as
Assist at the Rebuilding of the 2nd Temple.
What is the origin of the Knights Templar?
Be Dubbed and Created a member of the
Valiant and Magnanimous Order of the Temple.
“Only A Christian Mason could be a Knight Templar”
The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
 The First of the Commandery Orders
 Founded upon Truth
 Dramatizes the freeing of the Jewish captives after 70 years of
Truth a Divine Attribute and the foundation of all Virtues
The Order of Malta
 The first of the Masonic Degrees to apply the precepts of
 Traces the history of the Knights Hospitaller
Also known as Knights of St. John of Rhoades, and of Cyprus
The Order of the Temple
The Crowning Glory of the York Rite
“The most solemn and impressive experience in Masonry”
The Order of the Temple
 The way of Jesus of Nazareth through
 His Life
 His Death
 His Resurrection
 His Ascension
“Only A Christian Mason, can be a Knight Templar”
Be a Part of History
Join side orders for education, enrichment & enjoyment