Scoliosis. Deformations of the neck, chest. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment. PROFESSOR Fishchenko Vladimir Alexandrovich BASHINSKIY GENNADIY PETROVICH Scoliosis (Scoliosis) - a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system, represented by the curvature of the spine in the frontal plane and twisting around its vertical axis (SARS), which manifests itself at a young age and progresses with the growth of the organism Depending on the age of the appearance of strains of scoliosis are the following: Infantile (diagnosed before 3 years of age) (Infantile) Juvenile (diagnosed from 3 years to 10 years) (Juvenile) Junior (diagnosed between 10 and 15 years) (Adolescent) Scoliosis in adults (diagnosed in adulthood, after the termination of growth) (Adult) skeletal changes in scoliosis, depending on age Of the numerous classifications of scoliosis in accordance with the etiology and pathogenesis of most widespread use classification received Cobb (1958), according to which they are distributed into five main groups. The first group - myopathic scoliosis . Basically on these curvatures of the spine is insufficient development of muscle tissue and ligaments. This group can be assigned and rachitic scoliosis, which arise as a result of degenerative process not only in the skeleton, but also in the neuromuscular tissue. The second group - scoliosis neurogenic origin: on the basis of neurofibromatosis, syringomyelia, spastic paralysis. In the same group may be included scoliosis and lyumboishialgii caused by degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, often leading to compression of the roots and cause clinically hetero-orgomo radicular syndrome The third group - scoliosis on the basis of of developmental abnormalities of the vertebrae and ribs. This group includes all congenital scoliosis, which is associated with the occurrence of bone dysplastic changes. The fourth group - scoliosis caused diseases of the chest (scar after empyema or burns, plastic surgery on the chest - The fifth group idiopatic scoliosis, the origin of which currently is still far from understood. These scoliosis found in the greatest number of people By the degree of scoliosis deformation divided I degree scoliosis is characterized by small lateral deviation of the spine and the initial degree of torsion, radiographically detectable. Torsion on the radiograph is defined as a small deviation of the spinous processes of the midline and the lack of symmetry of the roots of the arches. Angle of the primary arc of curvature less than 10 ° Scoliosis II degree is accompanied not only noticeable deviation of the spine the frontal plane, but also expressed the rotation, the presence of compensatory arcs. Radiographically clearly manifested deformation of vertebral bodies at the level of the top of the curve. Angle of the primary arc of curvature in the range 21-30 °. Clinically defined muscle roller because torsion of the spine and rib hump. III degree scoliosis is characterized by persistent and more severe deformation, the large rib hump, deformity of the chest. Angle of the primary arc of curvature from 40 to 60 °. Radiographically on top curvature and adjacent areas are wedge-shaped vertebrae, intervertebral discs with the concave side of hard traced Scoliosis IV degree accompanied by severe deformation of the body. Marked kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine, deformity of the pelvis, the deviation of the body, stiffness in the spine, fixed deformity of the chest, back and front rib hump. Determined radiographically pronounced sphenoid deformation bodies of the thoracic vertebrae, and spondylosis, deformans spondylarthrosis in the thoracic and lumbar spine, calcification of ligamentous apparatus. Corner of the main curvature Сlassification of scoliosis by Chaklin Curvature of the spine are divided into four levels (by Chaklin) when I degree angle of curvature 180-175 °; with II degree - 175-155 °; with III degree - 155-100 °; with IV degree - less than 100 ° How to define scoliosis Congenital form of scoliosis in the early stages is almost impossible to determine. It must notice at regular examinations by orthopedist. Orthopedist should prescribe intensive orthopedic treatment. Thus, we can stop the development of scoliosis to severe stages. If a child is already on his feet, parents can also do a little diagnosis, which will help determine whether there is a violation in posture. There are five such points, which will help them to see the lateral curvature. First, the shoulders are at different heights. Second, the uneven position of the lower corners of the blades. To define it is necessary to bring your fingers under the blade and see at what level they are located. Third, the presence of lateral folds of the stomach, on one side of the body deeper one pleat, and on the other side of the fold is absent. Fourth - different levels of sacral dimples. Fifth - when you lean forward or when lying down spinal curvature is maintained. This manifestation is absent in scoliotic posture Treatment of severe curvature of the spine is very difficult. Expect a significant correction of deformation is possible only with scoliosis I degree. Treatment usually must be started as soon as the first signs are found curvature of the spine Modern methods of treatment of scoliosis can be reduced to three main points: the mobilization of the spine, deformity correction and retain the achieved correction. This is achieved by means of physiotherapy, special corsets, or combined methods The main method of treatment of scoliosis currently accepted combination. Gymnastics in regular employment for several years increases muscle tone and makes the muscles able to resist deformation Exercises must be carried out in the clinic and make sure the house where treatment is considered basic. The clinic only studied complex, controlled quality of its execution, introduce new exercises. Basic exercises gymnastics performed lying: strengthening those muscles that standing less loaded. Exercises should spend at least 2 times a day, morning and evening (at least 20-30 minutes per session). CORSET CHENOT In world practice Corseting for over 30 years is a major scientifically proven method of conservative treatment of intermediate forms (II-III Art) scoliosis in children and adolescents. Using a corset for scoliosis is the only nonsurgical method of treatment for which there is scientific evidence for the effectiveness Indications for treatment corset CHENOT Angle of curvature of the arc before the onset of signs of puberty is 20 degrees. In cases bending magnitude increases more than 20 degrees more than 5 degrees per year. With the amount of curvature of more than 40 degrees and significant structural changes in the vertebrae in patients of any age unfavorable prognosis. In these cases, brace therapy performed before the optimum moment for surgery. Funnel breast Funnel chest (chest "cobbler") may be congenital or acquired. It is characterized by a funnel-shaped recess the bottom of the chest wall and upper abdomen, deepening crater and bend in the dorsal direction xiphoid process of the sternum and costochondral junctions. Classification depending on depth of the "funnel" and the degree of displacement of the heart There are three degrees of deformation: I degree - depth "funnel" within 2 cm without displacement of the heart. Grade II - deformation depth of not more than 4 cm and displacement of the heart within 2-3 cm Grade III - deformation depth of more than 4 cm, and the displacement of the heart more than 3 cm Keeled chest Characterized by an increase in the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest In this case the sternum and xiphoid sharply protrude. It gives a bird's view of the chest Treatment of congenital deformities of the chest Appointed by the general and special exercises volleyball, basketball and swimming. In strengthening deformation and increase functional changes of cardio - vascular system, the elimination of which is possible only by surgery - by thoracoplasty Congenital high scapulae Congenital high standing scapula (Sprengel's deformity) - malformation, characterized in that one of the scapula 4-5 cm is above the other. At the same time it is rotated around the sagittal axis so that the lower angle of the scapula approached to spine, and the outer edge is tilted downward. Treatment-operative. Klippel-Feil disease It is deformity of the cervical and thoracic spine, which arises due to malformation of the cervical segment and is characterized by extensive vertebral synostosis but arches have rupture Clinically - in patients with a short neck, sometimes it seems that it is absent. The boundary of the scalp is so low that the scalp goes to the scapula. Head tilted sharply to the side and anteriorly so that the chin touches the chest. Marked asymmetry of the face and skull, marked limitation of motion of the cervical spine, scoliosis or kyphosis marked, high standing shoulder girdle and scapula. Grisel disease (torticollis or rotational displacement of the atlas) Grisel French doctor in 1930 described the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease, called it displacement of the atlas and nasopharyngeal torticollis. Always precedes the appearance of deformation inflammatory disease in the throat or nasopharynx, accompanied by a high fever. After the disappearance of acute inflammation remains the torticollis Grisel is explained displacement of the atlas due to contracture of paravertebral muscles that attach to the front tubercle of the atlas and the skull and taking part in the movement of the skull around the dens II cervical vertebra The disease occurs most often in children, mainly in frail girls 6-11 years old, weak muscle-ligament apparatus and features of the lymphatic system that contribute to the deformation. The baby's head is tilted in one side and rotated in other side Treatment of this disease - antiinflammatory therapy, decontamination of the nasopharynx, traction loop of Glisson followed by the imposition collar Schantz Congenital torticollis Neck deformities which are characterized by incorrect head position - inclination to a side and rotation - are united under the title “torticollis”. Most cases of congenital torticollis are of muscular and congenital origin. Congenital muscular torticollis is one of the most common orthopedic diseases in children. According to most authors it takes the third place after congenital hip dislocation and clubfoot. The number of the disease increased last years. Muscular Torticollis On the Left Side The guiding /key/ element in the pathogenesis of torticollis is an abnormal changes in clavisternomastoid muscle, that is lead to its fibrous degeneration. Degenerated muscle begins to delay in growth and in some time becomes shorter than the opposite muscle. Shortened muscle tension makes its points of attachment closer. This leads to patient's head tilt /inclination/ on the affected side and head’s turn to the opposite side. That is the way of forming of the main symptom of the disease wrong head position, called torticollis. On the background of it other secondary changes in skull and spine are developed. This sequence of muscular torticollis development makes clear why the symptoms in newborns in the first days of life are so poor. In most cases the initial symptom of the disease is the thickening and sclerotic compaction of clavisternomastoid muscle, which appears at the end of the second week. It is located in the middle or lower third of the muscle and has fusiform shape. In opinion of most authors it is a place where tendon degeneration is observed. As a rule, at the end of the 2nd month of life the limit in turning head to the affected side and its inclination to the opposite one is clearly visible. At the same time secondary deformities – asymmetry of the skull and face, which can be detected by different form and size of auricles at this age – begin to be identified. The forced head position causes the noticeable asymmetry of facial skeleton by 3-6 years old. All the skull bones, especially the lower jaw, are involved into the deformation process, forming the so-called "scoliosis of face". The vertical size of face decreases and the horizontal one increases on the side of lesion. All the lines, which connect bigeminal points of face, cross in the space on the affected side; while nose, mouth, chin are situated on the concave to the affected side curve /Felcker’s symptom/. In addition, there is a compensation of bent head position in congenital muscular torticollis by raising the girdle of superior extremities and lateral head displacement towards shortened muscle. Radiography detects asymmetry of the skull, which can be measured by a special technique and is a sign of severe forms of disease. Treatment of congenital muscular torticollis is conducted by conservative and operative methods. Patients in the age of 1 year are treated conservatively. Effectiveness of conservative treatment depends on early diagnosis /it’s better on the second week of illness/. The panel of procedure involves corrective laying, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy. The child lay on the unaffected side to the wall, so that he could turn his head to the affected side when various stimuli appear. Up to 3 months passive exercises are performed turnings the head to the affected side and its inclination towards unaffected side. They perform about 20-30 turnings and inclinations before each feeding. The corrective position is ensured by cotton-gauze pad /pillow/. Massage prescribed to the patients should relax the muscles on the affected side and reinforce the muscle tonus on the opposite side. Physical therapy techniques include heating procedures - solux, paraffin and electrophoresis with potassium iodide, lidaza Surgical treatment includes removing of the main link of the disease - shortened clavisternomastoid muscle. The optimal age for surgery is 1-3 years. The most effective operation was offered by Zatsepin. It involves dissection of sternal and clavicular cruses of the muscle with the obligatory dissection of the surface layer of neck fascia in a lateral triangle. Thanks to this, the edges of the dissected muscle dihescence, forming a diastasis that reliably prevents the possibility of relapse of disease. To increase the diastasis the resection of the lower areas of clavisternomastoid muscle by Mikulic within 2-3 cm is also performed. Operation by Zatsepin (a), fixation of head with the help of plaster bandage (б) and headholder (в) In order to achieve a better cosmetic effect some authors recommend allongement (lengthening) of muscle instead of its intersection, but this operation is not widely used because of the high likelihood of relapse. In the postoperative period the patient is Glisson’s skull traction tongs in order to hold the head in hypercorrection position. After 6-7 days a plaster collar is set for 30 days. After the finishing of immobilization therapeutic exercises, massage, physiotherapy are conducted within 3-6 weeks. In a case of perfectly performed operation and proper management of patients the recovery is obvious in the postoperative period. Untreated cases lead to severe irreparable deformations.