AP Computer Science Syllabi Revised

AP Computer Science
AP Computer Science A Exam requires the use of JAVA ( JDK 1.2)
Course Resources: A Guide to programming in JAVA- Lawrence Ville Press
Web site- http://www.oracle.com
JCreator Pro
Barons case study for AP Computer Science.
Topic Outline
1. Object- Oriented Program Design
Program Design
Class Design
2. Program Implementation
a. Implementation techniques
b. Programming Constructs
c. Java Library
3. Program Analysis
a. Testing
b. Debugging
c. Understanding and modifying existing code
d. Extend existing code using inheritance
e. Understand error handling
f. Reasons about programs
g. Analysis of algorithms
h. Numerical representations and limits
4. Standard Data Structures
a. Simple data types
b. Classes
c. Lists
d. Arrays
5. Standard Algorithms
a. Operations on data structures
b. Searching
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c. Sorting
6. Computing in Context
a. System reliability
b. Privacy
c. Legal issues and intellectual property
d. Social and ethical ramification of computer use
Week 1
To become familiar with: Lab, User Account and IDE.
Discussing Source, Byte code, Compiler, interpreters, Java Virtual Machine, platform
Computer hardware and software components, operation system
Primary and Secondary Memory, processor, peripherals,
Languages , translator and compilers
Operating System
Brief description of number systems.
Students will be learning the system installation, reliability, privacy issues.
Legal issues and intellectual property
Social and ethical ramification of computer use
Week 2
Introducing Java
Starting with Java application.
Understanding the concept of Objects, Classes and packages.
Basic class structure including instance variables, local variables, parameter passing,
scope , private and public visibility
Introducing statements, controlling class ,method ,comments.
Executing Java application
Displaying output, formatting output.
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Code conventions.
Allows to analyze, design, code and test software.
Algorithm designs, pseudo codes and flowcharts.
1. Using the IDE and starting with review 1 and 2.
2. Answering the Critical thinking questions.
3. Writing algorithms.
4. Transcribe, compile and test programs Java environment from exercises 1 to 12.
Week 3,4
Declaring and using variables.
Assignment statements.
Primitive and abstract data types..
Using Named constants
Arithmetic operators, Arithmetic Exceptions, precedence, casting promotion.
Java packages- Java. Lang. Math(abs, pow,sqrt,random). Static methods
String class, objects references.
Identifiers and keywords.
Programming errors.
Case Study ( A birth day game)
Assignments / labsSource- A Guide to programming in JAVA- Lawrence Ville Press
1. Finding the area and perimeter of a rectangle.
2. Create a distance application to find the distance of a race with three segments.
3. Create a digit application to display ones and tens place.
4. Grade Average application, Temp converter.
5. Circle circumference application.
6. Critical thinking questions.
7. Exercises 1-16
Week 5
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Condition control of structures.
If statement,if-else statement, if –else if statement
Random numbers
Compound Boolean expressions.
Case study- creating a Rock Paper Scissor application.
Students will be able to apply looping structure for creating program.
Critical thinking questions.
Exercises 1-17 for practice.
Week 6,7
Loop Structures and strings
While looping structure,iteration.
Do -while statement.
Infinite loops
Counters and accumulators.
The For stament,increment operators.
Debugging Techniques.
The String class., ( Java.Lang.String)
Comparing strings
Case study- Word guessing game
1. Create a prompter application that prompts the user for two numbers.
2. Create an Evens application that displays the even numbers between 1 and 0, inclusive
3. Create a NumberSum application.
4. Creating a percent passing application.
5. Variable trace application.
6. Critical thinking questions.
7. Exercises 1-21
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Week 8,9
Program development using methods, top –down development, Procedural abstraction
Writing methods
Method parameters, Overloading, the return statement
Documenting Methods.
Case study- An application for generating a letter grade based on a numeric grade in the range
of 0 to 100 or a-l .
Time converter application.
Spanish number application
Critical thinking questions
Exercises 1-8
Week 10, 11,12
Classes and object Oriented Development
Object, Designing and writing classes
Writing constructors.
Instance and class members.
Classes using classes
Object oriented Development.
Case study-RPS using OOP concept.
Assignments /Labs
1. Critical thinking Questions.
2. Exercises 1-10
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Week 13,14
Inheritance and polymorphism
Extending classes
Implementing a subclass
Abstract classes
Case study- Sales center application.
Week 15, 16
Declaring arrays, using arrays, parameters, Arrays with meaning ful Indexes.
Characters and Arrays
Searching an array,
Two dimensional arrays.
Array list class.
Wrapper classes
Auto boxing and Auto-unboxing
Case Study- Local bank specification
Exercises 1-15
Week 17
AP GridWorld Case Study- Introdution
Students are introduced with the part 1
 GridWorld Case part 2 work with bug variations
Resource: AP GridWorld Case Study
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Week 18,19
Files and Exception Handling
File class
Handling Exceptions
File Stream
The File reader and Bufferreader
Processing Numeric Data
The FileWriter And Buffered Writer Classes
Case Study- Local bank specification
Exercises 1-15
Week 20,21
Recursion and Advanced Algorithms
Selection Sort
Sorting objects
Insertion Sort
Binary Search
Depth- First Searching
Algorithm Analysis
Review Exercises
Array ListSort
Object Mergesort
DetectColonies application
Exercises 1-8
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Week 22,23
Data Strcutures
The stack Data Structure
The Stack Class
The Queue Data Structure
The queue class
The Linked List Data structures
The LinkedList Class
Exercises 1-6
Week 24, 25,26,27
AP GridWorld Case Study( continued)
GridWorld Case Study GridWorld part 3:
 Design your own classes and Interfaces
 GridWorld Case Study GridWorld part 4:Interacting objects
 GridWorld Case Study GridWorld Case
Reviewing and Preparing for AP Computer science exam.
Test – 40 % Students will be tested and evaluated for the content knowledge every topic.
Lab-25% Tested for the skills for solving problem.
Project-15% all the case study will be graded as projects.
Class work- 10% All assignments will be graded as class work.
Responsibility-10% Students will graded for keeping the timeline and completion of their
A part from test students will evaluated with semester exams.
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A practice exam will be given on April 12.
Course Expectations
 Time frame of this course is set for 27 weeks.
 Students should practice and complete exercises.
 Should be prepared with all assignments to meet deadlines.
 Should be able to solve the given problems independently.
 Read the chapter to be ready with the content knowledge.
 Ready for test and quizzes
 Should be prepared for Lab test for every new skill.
 Students will solve the case study problems.
By the end of the course students should be able to:
• design and implement solutions to problems by writing, running, and debugging
• use and implement commonly used algorithms and data structures.
• develop and select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.
• code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the programming language Java
and are expected to be familiar with and be able to use standard Java library classes
from the AP Java subset.
• read and understand a large program consisting of several classes and interacting
• recognize the ethical and social implications of computer use.
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