Persuasive Essay Template

Persuasive Essay Template
How to plan your essay
Planning An Essay
There are 5 steps in the essay writing process:
1. Prewriting – You read your texts and underline key ideas
as you read. You highlight and make note of what is useful
information in the margins. Then you plan an outline; figure
out which quotes and supporting evidence you are going to
use from your texts; and develop a thesis statement.
2. Drafting – You double space. Use pen. Turn your essay
outline into paragraphs and a rough essay.
3. Revising – Using different colored pen or pencil, you
add/subtract ideas to make your arguments more fluid;
change wording to improve the way your essay sounds;
rearrange points in your paragraphs; tweak topic sentences
and connecting statements.
4. Editing – Using a different colored pen than when you
revised, you check for errors using the CUPS model. You can
ask a peer to help you fix up errors.
5. Publish – You rewrite your final version of the essay in pen,
double spaced.
Let’s plan one!
• Using the play Julius Caesar as our text, let’s
plan an essay using the Essay Outline Template
I’ve given you.
• Our prompt –
“In your opinion, was Brutus justified in deciding
to act against Caesar? Review his arguments for
doing so in Act 2, scene 1.”
What is our RAFTS for this prompt?
How do I make a thesis statement?
• A thesis is not a simple observation or fact – it
is an argument or opinion or assertion
based on facts.
• Refer to the handout “Thesis Statements” for
Finally, how do I add quotes?
• MLA format for “in text citations”:
Your Turn!
(See handout “Julius Casear – Essay Writing Assignment”)
• Your task is to write me a persuasive essay using
the prompt and instructions on your handout.
• This is a major assignment for Term 3 and
represents a significant portion of your final grade.
• This assignment is the same format as the PVEC
English exam. I will be using the PVEC English
exam rubric to mark these essays.
• You have 5 classes to complete this task. You will
not be given any additional class time to complete
this essay, as such you need to use your time wisely.
• Be sure to complete an essay template outline for
your essay and follow the writing process as we
discussed in class.