Sociology Pacing Guide First 9 weeks: Unit 1: Cultural and Social Structure Chapter 1 – What is Sociology Chapter 2- Cultural Diversity and Conformity Chapter 3 – Social Structure We will cover social life and development of sociology. Social interaction and variation of culture will be discussed along with the American value system. We will look at many different scholars such as Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx and Max Weber and the important contributions they made to the field of Sociology. The three major perspectives: Functionalism, conflict and interactionism will be viewed closely. The differences of macro and micro sociology will be examined along with how society views things from a global perspective. Unit 2: The Individual in Society Chapter 4 – Socializing the Individual Chapter 5 – The Adolescent in Society Chapter 6 – The Adult in Society Chapter 7 – Social Control and Deviance We will be covered. We will look at the personal development of the individual along with the social self. Adolescence and the understanding of will be viewed. Challenges such as dating and teenagers will be examined. How does early and middle adulthood affect us as we enter the world of work and the later years of our life. Social control and deviance and its connection with crime will be examined. Second 9 weeks: Unit 3: Social Inequality Chapter 8 - Social inequality Chapter 9 - Racial and Ethnic relations Chapter 10 – Bender Age and Health Chapter 11 – The Family A look at the American class system and social gratification will be looked at. How do we look at prestige? Have we become a society of instant gratification? While looking at the class systems, poverty across the world will be examined. What is the poverty level and what part does poverty play in life expectancy? Race in America and how race, ethnicity and the social structure play a part in our continued growth as a country will be discussed. A look at the different patterns of intergroup relations and minority groups in the United States will be addressed and the importance of them in our society as a whole. Gender issues along with age and disability will be touched on as well. Unit 4: Social Institutions Chapter 12- Economy and Politics Chapter 13 – Educator and Religion Chapter 14 – Sports and Mass Media In this unit we will be looking at the family system as it is in the United States. Recent trends regarding marriage and the family along with politics in our country and how it works will be discussed. Political socialization dealing with the family, media, school and peer group will be examined. Education, including the student teacher interaction and interactions among students will be discussed as well as social integration in the United States. Functions of religion including social control will be examined with different belief systems of people across the world. Unit 5: Population and Urbanization Chapter 15 – Population and Urbanization Chapter 16 – Collective behavior and Social Change Population change growth, decline birthrate, and death rate will be looked at. Urban life in our country and the demand of suburbs will be examined with looking at the relationships between people and the urban environment. Collective behavior dealing with crowds, public opinion, and collective preoccupation will be looked at. We will study social change and movements and theories of social change as they apply to our cultures. Dates Week 1-2 Week 3-4 Week 5-6 Week 7 Week 8-9 Week 10-12 Week 13 Week 14-16 Topics Assignment/Assessment Orientation Our Place in the World What is Geography, latitude/longitude, continents Chapter 7: Natural Environments of North America landforms, weather/climates, hydrosphere Chapter 8: The United States population geography, cultural geography Chapter 9: Canada Chapter 10: Mexico End of 1st grading period Chapter 11: Central America and the Caribbean Chapter 12: South America economic geography, urban/rural geography, political geography Chapter 13: Natural Environments of Europe Chapter 14: Northern & Western Europe Chapter 15: Central Europe Winter Break Week 17-18 Week 1-2 Week 3-4 Week 5-9 Week 10-11 Week 12-13 Week 14-15 Week 16-17 Week 18 Chapter 16: Southern Europe & the Balkans Chapter 17: Russia, Ukraine, & Belarus Chapter 18: Central Asia Chapter 19: The Persian Gulf & Interior Chapter 20: The Eastern Mediterranean Chapter 21: North Africa Chapter 22: West and Central Africa Chapter 25: India Chapter 26: The Indian Perimeter Chapter 27: China, Mongolia & Taiwan Chapter 28: Japan & the Koreas Chapter 29: Mainland Southeast Asia Chapter 30: Island Southeast Asia Chapter 31: Australia & New Zealand Chapter 32: The Pacific Islands Final Exams - review End of Semester End of 3rd grading period