Reading Guide 4

Unit 1- Reading Guide 4
Vocab: Be prepared to define each of the following terms
First Industrial Revolution
American Colonization Society
Market Revolution
William Lloyd Garrison
Free enterprise
The Liberator
Frederick Douglass
Lowell Textile Mills
Nat Turner
The National Trades’ Union
Harriet Tubman
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Underground Railroad
Samuel Morse
Wilmot Proviso
King Cotton
Planter Aristocracy
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Second Great Awakening
Gold Rush
Compromise of 1850
Dorothea Dix
Popular sovereignty
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Gadsden Purchase
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Liberty Party & Free Soil Party
Seneca Falls Convention
Republican Party
Declaration of Sentiments
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Guided Reading Questions: Provide comprehensive answers, in complete
sentences, to each of the following questions.
1. During which period was power-driven machinery introduced in to the
United States? Where was this revolution primarily located? What war
helped this phenomenon grow?
2. Eli Whitney is famous for his cotton gin, but another concept of his was even
more impactful to the Industrial Revolution. What was that concept?
3. Who created the first commercially successful steamboat in the U.S.? What
was it called? Were they safe? Explain.
4. After you’ve defined Market Revolution, describe how it works. Explain how
each region began to specialize and how they were interconnected.
5. Explain how the textile mills at Lowell, Massachusetts were an example of
opportunity for women. What changed for women there, and how did they
6. What role did Irish immigrants play in places like Lowell?
7. You may have noticed that steamboats have paddled back into the notes.
Explain why they were an integral part of the strengthening of regional
specialization during the Industrial Revolution.
8. With numbers, provide evidence of the growth of canals and railroads.
9. What were the results of the Industrial Revolution during the first half of the
19th century?
10. What evidence can you find that Americans were beginning to establish a
distinct cultural and literary independence during the early 19th century? Be
sure to explain Noah Webster’s contribution.
11. Explain how the centuries old economic differences between the states
solidified during the antebellum period. What divisive social idea grew in the
North as that region industrialized?
12. What effect did Eli Whitney’s cotton gin have on the production of “King
Cotton?” How did that effect the slave population in the South?
13. Explain, statistically, the reality of the domination of southern society by the
“planter aristocracy.” How important was southern agriculture to the
nation’s economy at the outbreak of the Civil War?
14. What were the characteristics of the spiritual awakening that swept the
nation after 1790? What was this Second Great Awakening and explain an
example of how it helped spur many other reform movements during the
19th century.
15. What were the key ideas in the philosophical movement known as
Transcendentalism? Who was one of its founders?
16. Explain how the women were inspired by the Second Great Awakening to
take the lead in reform movements.
17. Be sure you know what reform movement each of the women listed were a
part of.
18. What experience led Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott to hold a
women’s rights convention? What was that convention called? What was the
message of the Declaration of Sentiments?
19. Why was the women’s rights movement less successful in the early 19th
20. What was the goal of the American Colonization Society?
21. What message did William Lloyd Garrison advocate for in his antislavery
paper, The Liberator?
22. Describe Frederick Douglass’ rise to prominence in the abolitionist
23. What effect did Nat Turner’s rebellion have on slave owners in the South?
24. What was the excuse to declare war on Mexico in 1845? What was the true
reason Polk, and many others, wanted war?
25. Why did many northerners strongly object to war with Mexico? Explain how
that sentiment is seen in Congress in 1846. How does the South react to the
Wilmot Proviso?
26. What are the provisions of the Compromise of 1850?
27. Be sure you know the purpose for the founding of the new political parties
that emerged over the slave issue.
28. Describe the effect that Uncle Tom’s Cabin had on the issue of slavery and the
Fugitive Slave Act.
29. How did Stephen Douglas’ Kansas-Nebraska Act attempt to solve the issue of
slavery in those territories? Explain the series of events that led to violence
in Kansas.