Key challenges in mutual accountability

Key challenges in mutual
accountability - citizens and csos
imperative in accountability
Antonio Tujan Jr.
Addressing important aspects at the
heart of mutual accountability
• Significant role of the DCF in addressing issue in a
balanced, inclusive manner
• Paper able to cover key elements and gaps in
general on the issue of MA focusing on global and
regional MA mechanisms and national mutual
accountability as the major areas of importance
where we must address inadequacies of current
practice of MA
• Rightly point out severe gaps in concept and
practice in MA in relation to other actors besides
executive and external provider
Analytical concerns to strengthen
• Move beyond aid to development cooperation as
an overarching framework of inclusive
partnerships of multiple development actors
• Frame aid effectiveness under or within
development effectiveness with focus on
development results and address development
resources secondarily
• Accountability as a broad and crucial principle
and concern of development effectiveness as a
whole and aid effectiveness in particular
Global and Regional MA Mechanisms
• Importance of international mechanisms for MA
• Focus of discussion is on M & E as foundation for
– Generally ad hoc, several cso monitoring
– Strengthen inclusive monitoring mechanisms
• Absence of regular multilateral mechanisms or windows to
receive programme country concerns and improve division of
– Aid allocation and express needs
– Submit complaints or settle disagreements from executive on
contractual issues
– Submit complaints from stakeholders such as CSOs on development
– Best developed as global network of regional bodies which can
address concerns more inclusively at every level as appropriate
National Accountability mechanisms
• Correctly noted imbalance in holding the country rather than provider
accountable in country frameworks
• Important to look into accountability processes within government
especially role of parliaments in approval and oversight and role of local
governments not only in implementation but also in M&E and oversight
• Domestic accountability for development results needs to be investigated
Legal and institutional mechanisms for parliamentary approval
Mechanisms for holding authorities to account
Weak cso engagement
Weak role of media
• Participatory and responsive accountability mechanisms
by executive
Role of parliament
Role of local government
By external partners/providers
Capacity development and participation
of key actors and institutions
• Organized role of civil society in catalyzing aid and
development effectiveness implementation – global Reality of
Aid program (with Betteraid support) to develop regional and
country CSO platforms and dialogue spaces and participation in
mutual accountability mechanisms (AAA country
implementation program)
• Enhanced parliamentary oversight functions including public
consultative processes
• Develop role of local media for transparency of development
finance and programs, public awareness of development
effectiveness issues, improved oversight mechanisms
• Role of bilateral exchanges to ground Northern stakeholder
actions as well as support Southern stakeholder capacity and
• Coordination of capacity development efforts and
Accountability and Development
• Accountability is crucial principle and element of
development effectiveness
• Other pertinent principles - empowerment and
participatory governance; gender justice in process and
results accountability
• Transparency as an element and implementation of
participatory governance methods; need for full
transparency including contracts and policy
conditionality and impact evaluation
• Proactive approach to accountability – role of citizens
and local organizations in program design and approval
processes and the role of various governmental bodes,
civil society and other actors (ex. Social acceptability
clause in EIA)
CSO development effectiveness and
• CSOs as development actors in their own right
• Substantial aid volumes, role in empowerment,
democracy and as watchdogs
• CSOs accountability measured by their
development effectiveness to constituencies,
society at large, government and donors
• CSOs are expression of right to association, are
private voluntary actors in the public interest –
require their own appropriate principles and
mechanisms of development effectiveness and
Open Forum for CSO Development
• AAA paragraph 20b recognizes CSO led
multistakeholder process to develop CSO
development effectiveness principles and
• Open Forum as a CSO led global process to
develop set of principles and framework of
development effectiveness accountability
mechanisms for implementation at country level
• And - Identify minimum standards for enabling
environment for effective operation of CSOs as
development actors – AAA para 20c
CSO Dev Effectiveness process
2008 - 2011
Working Party Eff
Open Forum
3 global assemblies
5 global thematic
50 country consultations
Work Stream on
CSO Dev Eff and
consultations at
various levels
Challenges and risks in CSO development
effectiveness and acountability process
• Developing inclusive cso processes and effective
engagement with executive and parliamentary
processes at country level
• Developing representative international
multistakeholder processes for validation of country
and global results
• Developing effective global processes including HLF IV
and DCF/UN processes for validating and endorsing
– CSO development effectiveness principles and framework
for implementation of accoutability mechanisms
– Guidelines for minimum standards for enabling
environment for CSOs at country level
Challenges for the DCF in MA
• Endorse recommendations in the paper
• Objective to develop equitable multilateral
framework for mutual accountability where
program countries stakeholders concerns fully
taken into account
• WP EFF must work with towards
strengthening DCF role in establishing and
managing international mechanisms for MA
for various stakeholders and actors