The Villages Golf and Country Club 2009/2010 Operating and Reserve Budget Presentation FINAL DRAFT – APRIL 22, 2009 The Remaining Schedule The Club Budget Development Process (what’s remaining) March 26, 2009 Operating budget recommendations are presented to Finance Committee – including any fee changes April 2, 2009 Replacement Reserve budgets and Facility Reserve budgets are presented to Finance Committee April 9, 2009 April 16, 2009 April 28, 2009 Complete budget overview is presented to Finance Committee Operating budget, Replacement Reserve budget and Facility Reserve budget are presented to the Board of Directors Board of Directors formally approves and accepts FY10 budget 2 Club Operating Draft Budget - FY 09/10 Process To Date Budget workshop with Board of Directors Departmental meetings Line-by-line review of each budget There was a heightened awareness this year to be as frugal as we could without affecting service levels to obvious extent Three budget review meetings were conducted with Finance Committee and the Committee approves of the budget with the exception of the golf operation element 4 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Draft Club Budget Summary As it stands today, the operating assessment can remain flat for the next fiscal year – assuming fee adjustments are made to the golf operation The history… CLUB ASSESSMENT HISTORY YEAR OPERATING FY 06 FY 07 % CHANGE FY 08 % CHANGE FY 09 % CHANGE FY 10 % CHANGE 158.37 174.23 10.0% 178.72 2.6% 197.71 10.6% 198.18 0.2% RESERVE-REPLACEMENT 21.38 25.07 17.3% 33.02 31.7% 37.82 14.5% 42.35 12.0% *RESERVE-FACILITY FUND 20.00 7.00 -65.0% 15.00 114.3% 15.00 0.0% 10.00 -33.3% 199.75 206.30 3.3% 226.74 9.9% 250.53 10.5% 250.53 0.0% TOTAL 5 The Big Picture Association and the Club CLUB/ASSOCIATION ASSESSMENT CHANGE SUMMARY 2010 2009 Difference % Change Association Operating Assessments 7,082,133 7,297,740 215,607 -3.0% Association Reserve Assessments 4,766,970 4,426,300 (340,670) 7.7% 11,849,103 11,724,040 (125,063) 1.1% Club Operating Assessments 6,031,071 6,017,086 (13,985) 0.2% Club Reserve Assessments 1,289,113 1,150,938 (138,175) 12.0% Club Facility Fund Assessments 304,320 456,480 152,160 -33.3% Total Club 7,624,504 7,624,504 Total Club & Association 19,473,607 19,348,544 Total Association (125,063) 0.0% 6 0.6% 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Draft Operating Budget Summary Decrease in total revenue of $93,600 Pro Shop retail ($18,000) Food and Beverage ($81,500 – 4.7 percent) Advertising ($23,500 – 9.3 percent) – Villager and Directory Total decrease to expenses of $40,200 Employee benefits up $179,800 Total cost of wages and benefits equals $123,800 Cost of water increased $90,500 7 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Draft Operating Budget Summary Insurance is flat Repair and Maintenance increased $28,300 (7.1 percent increase) Landscape expenses decreased $240,100 (31.9 percent) – this includes savings from the recent contract renewal and reduced landscape expenses on the golf course General utilities are down $56,400 – mainly electricity (UCCC-driven) Cable television expenses increased $21,700 per contract – less than the maximum amount permitted Outside services increased $47,100 (8.5 percent) Villager printing $20,000, aeration on course $10,000 and payroll processing $10,000 8 The Main Expense Categories FY 10 FY 09 $ Change % Change CATV $34.22 $33.50 $0.72 2.1 Clubhouse/Restaurant $21.70 $17.90 $3.80 21.2 Clubhouses $20.62 $19.98 $0.64 3.2 All others $24.04 $32.33 ($8.29) Community Activities $18.08 $16.66 $1.42 8.5 G&A $23.53 $22.46 $1.07 4.8 Pools $6.23 $6.33 ($0.10) -1.6 $27.82 $27.07 $0.75 2.8 $4.26 $4.01 $0.25 6.2 $17.68 $17.47 $0.21 1.2 Public Safety Maint Admin Golf/Pro-Shop -25.6 9 Totals $198.18 $197.71 $0.47 0.2 Revenues: Assessments Green Fees Pro Shop Revenue Golf Cart Fees Restaurant Sales Rental Income Advertising Billable Services Activities/Lessons/Classes Other Total Revenues FY 10 6,031,100 1,327,500 314,100 146,700 1,655,500 96,200 229,500 43,500 231,400 175,500 10,251,000 FY 09 6,017,000 1,419,500 332,600 153,000 1,737,000 100,500 253,000 46,000 230,300 175,500 10,464,400 Change 14,100 (92,000) (18,500) (6,300) (81,500) (4,300) (23,500) (2,500) 1,100 (213,400) Per Cent 0.2 -6.5 -5.6 -4.1 -4.7 -4.3 -9.3 -5.4 0.5 0.0 -2.0 Expenses: Wages and Benefits Cost of Sales Operating Supplies Repair & Maint Landscape Water Utilities Cable TV Outside Services/Consultants Insurance All Other Club Transfers to Association/HO 6,327,000 1,019,000 324,700 426,800 511,700 656,900 536,800 1,041,300 602,700 98,200 258,400 (1,582,400) 6,203,200 1,033,900 331,500 398,500 751,800 566,400 593,200 1,019,600 555,600 98,500 259,100 (1,550,000) 123,800 (14,900) (6,800) 28,300 (240,100) 90,500 (56,400) 21,700 47,100 (300) (700) (32,400) 2.0 -1.4 -2.1 7.1 -31.9 16.0 -9.5 2.1 8.5 -0.3 -0.3 2.1 10,221,100 10,261,300 (40,200) -0.4 Surplus(deficit) 29,900 203,100 (173,200) New capital purchases (11,800) Cash Surplus (Deficit) 18,100 Total expenses (36,000) 24,200 10 167,100 (149,000) Landscape Contract Renewal ASSOCIATION $433,100 CLUB $237,600 HOMEOWNERS TOTAL Note: $6,700 $677,400 When the savings were applied to the operating assessment, $40,000 remained that was transferred to the Reserve Fund 11 TRUGREEN ALLOCATION-8445 1,915,000 % 10.8% 10.0% 3.0% 8.8% 8.0% 9.1% 10.4% 3.7% 11.9% 1.5% 4.5% 3.7% 85.4% Association 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 Cribari District Montgomery District The Heights District Hermosa District Verano District Del Lago I District Highlands District Glen Arden District Olivas District Fairways District Sonata District Valle Vista District FY 10 YEAR 206,820 191,500 57,450 168,520 153,200 174,265 199,160 70,855 227,885 28,725 86,175 70,855 1,635,410 Homeowners 3.5% Estates 67,025 67,025 Club 1.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.8% 6.1% 0.4% 0.1% 0.7% 11.1% 100.0% 081 082 084 085 146 151 161 168 Cribari Center Montgomery Ctr Vineyard Ctr Foothills Ctr Other properties Cribari Pool R.V. Lot Corporation Yard 32,555 13,405 11,490 15,320 116,815 7,660 1,915 13,405 212,565 12 1,915,000 The Villages Golf and Country Club FY 2009-10 Capital Equipment/Improvements Section Cost Center Item Amount 25-Mar-09 Reason Cribari Center Stiga Table Tennis Table/Wheels Powermatic Band Saw Sand-Free Drum Sander 1,400 1,100 750 Amenity Enhancement Amenity Enhancement Amenity Enhancement Public Safety Exit Bar Code Reader 8,500 Improve Security Grand total 11,750 Last year 36,000 13 Club Operating Expense Components - FY 09/10 Club Operating Expense Components Outside Services/Contractors 5% Cable TV 9% Water & Utilities 10% Insurance 1% All Other 2% Salaries and Benefits 54% Landscape 4% Repair & Maint 4% Operating Supplies/ Cost of Sales 11% 14 Payroll Related Expenses Overall increase of $123,800 or 2 percent Head count reduced by 3 FTEs Only two departments increased head count Wages and taxes reduced by $55,000 .5 FTE in GM office (delivery of monthly statements) .5 FTE in Community Activities (AV set ups) Reductions in overtime pay (F&B and Golf Maintenance) 2.75 percent increase to employee salaries – except F&B – no increases CPI – 3.3 percent Fed COLA 5.8 percent 15 Payroll Related Expenses - Benefits Increase cost to benefit package of $178,800 – a 20 percent increase Benefit plan renewal equated to roughly 11 percent Dental was budgeted short last year – $35,000 Participant plan mix changed – single to family Average cost per employee increased from $7,400 to $9,100 Plan was adjusted – deductibles and co-pays were increased – passing $300 to $400 in additional cost back to employee in form of monthly program contribution 16 THE VILLAGES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Full-time equivalent staffing Payroll Comparative Changes FY 10 Budget Department General Services FY 09 Budget Budget Change FY 10 Budget: FY 08 Actuals 9.9 9.4 18.0 18.0 2.0 2.0 14.2 15.5 (1.3) 15.5 Golf Professional 5.9 6.2 (0.3) 5.5 0.4 Community Activity 4.1 3.6 0.5 3.8 0.3 Club Maintenance 8.4 9.0 (0.6) 8.5 (0.1) Stables 0.3 0.5 (0.2) 0.3 15.3 15.7 (0.4) 16.1 Villager 4.9 5.1 (0.2) 4.7 0.2 Post Office 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.1 The Clubhouse 2.9 3.2 (0.3) 2.6 0.3 30.9 31.5 (0.6) 32.2 TOTALS 117.5 120.5 Maintenance Services Shop Maintenance Golf Maintenance Public Safety Food & Beverage 0.5 FY 08 Actuals 9.0 0.9 - 16.8 1.2 - 2.0 - (3.0) 117.7 (1.3) (0.8) (1.3) (0.2) FY 10 Payroll Costs Wages Taxes Benefits $ $ FY 10 4,862,800 394,800 1,069,400 6,327,000 % Change $ 123,800 $ Total $ Change Fiscal Year FY 10 FY 09 $ FY 09 4,908,200 404,400 890,600 6,203,200 Average Pay Data FTE Wages, Taxes, and Benefits Wages Taxes Benefits 41,400 3,400 9,100 40,700 3,400 7,400 1.7% 0.0% 23.0% % Change -0.9 -2.4 20.1 2.0 Total 53,900 51,500 18 4.7% Food and Beverage Loss of revenue - $81,000 (4.7 percent) Lower diner count expected Will not jump out to a big start this summer as we did last summer Total expenses increased by $39,100 (1.7 percent) Wages and Benefits Salary flat other than F&B Director incentive that was never budgeted Benefits increased by $62,800 (25 percent) Overtime cut in half No wage adjustments – frozen 19 The Bottom Line – not better…worse F&B Bottom Assessment - Historical Subsidies (Assessments) 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Budget 2009 Forecast 2010 budget 2006 Actual $ 475,132.00 $ 604,380.00 $ 551,428.00 $ 544,877.00 $ 544,872.00 $ 660,513.00 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Budget 2009 Forecast 2010 budget 20 Golf Program Revenue Base FY 10 FY 09 Green fees 1,327,500 1,420,000 No change in fee structure Golf carts 146,700 153,000 No change in fee strucutre Pro shop revenue 314,000 333,000 1,788,200 1,906,000 Remarks 21 Golf Program Cost Distribution Costs shared 65/35 - FY 10 Golf Maintenance Op FY 09 Change Per Cent 1,838,000 1,796,000 42,000 2.3 Pro Shop Op-Net 163,000 144,000 19,000 13.2 Golf Reserves 250,000 227,000 23,000 10.1 Prior budget deficit - Total shared costs 2,251,000 2,167,000 84,000 3.9 Costs to golfers Pro Shop Op-Net - Prior budget deficit 150,000 Deferred 172,000 (150,000) Total cost base (10,000) 2,251,000 Paid by resident golfers 1,003,300 Paid by guest golfers 459,700 Paid by assess (35% of 2,251,000) 788,000 2,329,000 48% 19% 33% 1,085,400 485,600 758,000 47% 21% 33% (22,000) -12.8 (140,000) 1400.0 (78,000) (3.3) (82,100) (25,900) 30,000 -7.6 -5.3 4.0 22 Monthly assessment (788,000/2536/12) $ 25.89 $ 24.90 0.99 4.0 Golf Rates and Fees FY 10 Weekday FY 09 Weekday Member, regular 18 Member, regular 9 Member, short 9 Guest, regular 18 Guest, regular 9 Guest, Guest day, regular 18 Guest, Team/Invitational, regular 18 Guest day, regular 9 Guest day, short 9 $22.00 $14.00 $9.00 $52.00 $37.00 $32.00 $22.00 $15.00 $9.00 Special green fees: Twilight Outside tournaments Green fees: Private Club Exchange Golf Cart Rentals(Subject to change) Members Diff FY 10 Weekend FY 09 Weekend Diff $22.00 $14.00 $9.00 $52.00 $37.00 $32.00 $22.00 $15.00 $9.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.00 $14.00 $9.00 $60.00 $40.00 $32.00 N/A N/A N/A $22.00 $14.00 $9.00 $60.00 $40.00 $32.00 N/A N/A N/A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14.00 $50.00 $14.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14.00 N/A $14.00 N/A $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 23 Emergency Preparedness Committee $10,000 in this year’s budget EPC requested $22,000 Resubmitted at $15,000, which was approved 24 The Villages Golf and Country Club FY 09 Schedule of Fees and Charges FY 09 Amount Third Resident Assoc. Fee (Per Month) Fourth Party Club Fee (Per Month) Stabling Fee (Per Month) R.V. Storage Fees (Per Month): 20 Feet or Less 21 to 25 Feet 26 to 30 Feet 31 Feet or More RV Lot Electricity Connection Guest Rooms (Daily Rate): Single Double (Plus 10% Room Tax) Facility Use: Deposit (Varies with Facility) Clean-up Charge (Per Hour, 1/2 Hr Min.) Rental Fee (Varies with Facility) Key Purchase Equipment rental The Villager Newspaper: Display Advertising (Per Inch) Non-Resident Subscription (Per Year) Inserts (Per 1000) Classified Ad/Resident (Minimum) Classified Ad/Non-Resident (Minimum) Golf Cart Fees (Per Month): Golfer's Trail Fee Storage Electricity Green Fees: Member, Regular 18 Member, Regular 9 Member, Short 9 Member, Twilight *Guest, Regular 18 *Guest, Regular 9 *Guest, Short 9 *Guest day, Regular 18 *Guest Day, Regular 9 *Guest Day, Short 9 *Guest, Team Play/Invitational, Reg. 18 *Outside Tournament *Private Club-Reciprocal *Golf Cart Rental: Member Guest FY 08 Amount Diff $55.00 $113.37 $250.00 $55.00 $113.37 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $28.25 $33.25 $36.50 $40.25 $10.00 $28.25 $33.25 $36.50 $40.25 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 $85.00 $70.00 $80.00 $35.00 $35.00 Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Refer to published rates $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 $10.00 $80.00 $160.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $80.00 $160.00 $5.00 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.00 $2.00 $7.00 $15.00 $2.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.00 $14.00 $9.00 $14.00 $60.00 $37.00 $15.00 $32.00 $15.00 $9.00 $22.00 $50.00 $50.00 $20.00 $13.25 $8.75 $13.25 $49.00 $36.00 $14.75 $30.00 $15.00 $9.00 $20.00 $48.00 $48.00 $2.00 $0.75 $0.25 $0.75 $11.00 $1.00 $0.25 $2.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $25.00 $35.00 $25.00 $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 Things to Consider Shortening the swimming season at Cribari and Foothill by 12-13 weeks saves roughly $5,000 in utility and pool-related expenses Increasing the assessment late fee from $5 to $10 (which we can) could generate an additional $10,000 Going “electronic only” with the Villager could save $125,000 Billable charges to Association could be increased to reflect staff’s time Turning off irrigation to first 175 feet of fairway from the tee could save $35,000 Cancelling home delivery of Villager could save $25,000 – news-boxes would be placed around the community Not using the tent for the July 4 celebration could save $5,000 Restaurant and golf operation could shut down for a day (Mondays for golf and Tuesdays for the restaurant) could save $ Cellular providers are re-interested – could generate $20-50,000 per year 26 Capital Budget Proposal Process To Date Budget workshop with Board of Directors Departmental meetings Line-by-line review of each schedule 28 Key Points Relating the Reserve Fund Total spending plan for 2009/2010 is $1,586,600 Golf portion of spending plan is $268,500 2009/2010 ending fund balance is $977,900 Club portion of spending plan is $1,318,100 2009/2010 ending fund balance is $870,100 29 Key Points Relating the Reserve Fund Total funding (assessment) for consolidated plan equates to $1,289,100 Increase in funding plan from last year’s projection is roughly $140,000 Increase in asphalt and roadway maintenance plan accounts for a $110,000 increase over the $235,000 projected last year – now $343,000 30 Key Points Relating the Reserve Fund $27,000 ADA improvements to Cribari Center $126,700 for seven new vehicles - four for maintenance, two for janitorial and one for public safety $82,000 in improvements to corporation yard building $60,500 to replace roof on professional buildings $65,000 for fitness equipment $50,000 for landscape improvements 32 Key Points Relating the Reserve Fund $42,000 for outdoor and pool area furniture $65,000 for chairs for Cribari $60,000 for Montgomery Center renovations $60,000 for driving range irrigation replacement $60,000 for driving range replacement netting $123,000 in golf course replacement equipment 33 The Reserve Fund in Detail 34 The Villages Golf and Country Club - Consolidated Reserve Fund and Cashflow 4/13/09 Inf factor Invest factor Estimated replacement costs at future dollars 1 2010 Location Cribari Center 152,400 Montgomery Center 128,000 Pro-Shop 3,800 Vineyard Center 18,400 Foothills Center 11,100 Pools 74,200 Tennis Courts Lakes and Ponds Perimeter Fences 9,700 Gazebo Park 10,000 Hill Lands Landscape 50,000 Public Safety 50,000 Other Equipment and Vehicles 107,600 Professional Building 77,600 Corporation Yard 208,700 The Clubhouse 77,400 Signs Streets 343,000 Golf 264,700 4 2013 5 2014 6 2015 7 2016 8 2017 9 2018 10 2019 260,800 57,800 3,300 3,300 800 300 800 27,600 57,900 12,000 130,500 400 29,900 142,700 11,000 224,500 323,800 54,700 11,600 22,600 700 4,600 60,800 11,700 4,100 1,700 71,800 35,000 11,600 412,600 227,400 36,500 26,200 78,800 900 1,200 2,100 158,900 9,700 63,800 20,400 17,300 24,400 13,900 75,200 6,100 752,900 209,500 79,300 29,600 3,800 3,000 18,700 244,200 5,900 112,300 67,000 2,600 26,000 1,200 7,500 37,500 72,700 669,500 2,700 19,300 36,300 13,400 6,700 3,200 70,400 30,800 86,400 49,000 60,400 302,200 320,300 46,300 580,100 39,700 19,800 11,500 209,900 53,900 11,500 14,100 73,900 5,400 95,200 1,700 17,200 132,900 21,000 762,400 - 81,500 33,200 19,200 48,400 6,700 21,400 1,000 77,600 13,300 41,600 15,800 154,200 112,300 138,500 90,700 495,100 28,000 21,000 3,800 48,400 82,500 2,500 34,200 143,200 35,000 9,300 123,100 455,700 789,200 1,586,600 1,670,100 1,287,400 930,900 1,497,800 1,380,800 1,047,400 2,050,200 855,400 2,271,000 1,930,500 1,289,113 159,100 (1,586,600) 55,800 1,847,913 1,413,000 66,300 (1,670,100) 52,600 1,709,713 1,548,900 2,026,413 1,697,900 2,865,713 1,861,400 3,320,713 1,964,700 4,013,013 2,074,000 5,175,413 2,189,600 5,472,213 2,312,000 7,114,813 2,441,500 (1,287,400) 55,200 (1,497,800) 91,400 (1,380,800) 108,400 (1,047,400) 135,800 (2,050,200) 157,400 1,847,913 1,709,713 2,026,413 3,320,713 4,013,013 5,175,413 5,472,213 Est ending Balance Est annual assessment 3 2012 203,100 52,300 10,200 30,600 45,400 38,500 127,800 33,100 5,300 55,100 43,800 99,100 20,900 168,700 354,700 15,900 169,200 196,400 Totals Est Beginning Balance Assessments FF loan payments less expenses Est net interest 2 2011 5% 3% $ 42.35 $ 12.0% 46.43 $ 9.6% (930,900) 72,300 2,865,713 50.90 $ 9.6% 55.79 $ 9.6% 61.17 $ 9.6% 64.56 $ 5.5% 68.15 $ 5.6% 71.95 $ 5.6% (855,400) 186,000 (2,271,000) 216,000 7,114,813 75.97 $ 5.6% 7,501,313 35 80.23 5.6% The Villages Golf and Country Club 4/15/09 FY 10 Facility Location Club Reserve Consolidated Cash Flow ONLY GOLF Estimated replacement costs at future dollars 1 2010 Location Pro-Shop Golf Totals Est Beginning Balance Assessments FF loan payments less expenses Est net interest Est ending Balance Est annual assessment $ 2 2011 3 2012 4 2013 5 2014 6 2015 Inf factor 7 2016 8 2017 5% 9 2018 10 2019 11 2020 12 2021 3,800 264,700 10,200 196,400 3,300 323,800 11,600 227,400 78,800 209,500 3,800 669,500 36,300 46,300 - 19,200 90,700 21,000 789,200 6,200 2,385,500 114,800 261,000 268,500 206,600 327,100 239,000 288,300 673,300 82,600 - 109,900 810,200 2,391,700 375,800 967,600 250,000 977,900 270,000 1,071,600 291,600 1,067,700 314,900 1,176,800 340,100 1,264,700 367,300 992,100 396,700 1,340,700 428,400 1,815,700 462,700 2,228,300 499,700 1,980,000 539,700 159,600 582,900 (268,500) 28,800 977,900 (206,600) 30,300 1,071,600 (327,100) 31,600 1,067,700 (239,000) 33,200 1,176,800 (288,300) 36,100 1,264,700 (82,600) 34,500 1,340,700 46,600 1,815,700 (109,900) 59,800 2,228,300 (810,200) 62,200 1,980,000 (2,391,700) 31,600 159,600 (375,800) 7,900 374,600 8.22 $ 10.2% 8.87 $ 8.0% 9.58 $ 8.0% 10.35 $ 8.0% 11.18 $ 8.0% (673,300) 33,400 992,100 12.07 $ 8.0% 13.04 $ 8.0% 14.08 $ 8.0% 15.20 $ 8.0% 16.42 $ 8.0% 17.73 $ 8.0% 19.15 8.0% 36 The Villages Golf and Country Club - The Club (golf numbers not included) 4/13/09 Estimated replacement costs at future dollars 3 2012 260,800 57,800 Vineyard Center Foothills Center Pools Tennis Courts Lakes and Ponds Perimeter Fences Gazebo Park Hill Lands Landscape Public Safety Other Equipment and Vehicles Professional Building Corporation Yard The Clubhouse Signs Streets 18,400 11,100 74,200 9,700 10,000 50,000 50,000 107,600 77,600 208,700 77,400 343,000 30,600 45,400 38,500 127,800 33,100 5,300 55,100 43,800 99,100 20,900 168,700 354,700 15,900 169,200 3,300 800 300 800 27,600 57,900 12,000 130,500 400 29,900 142,700 11,000 224,500 22,600 700 4,600 60,800 11,700 4,100 1,700 71,800 35,000 11,600 412,600 900 1,200 2,100 158,900 9,700 63,800 20,400 17,300 24,400 13,900 75,200 6,100 752,900 3,000 18,700 244,200 5,900 112,300 67,000 2,600 26,000 1,200 7,500 37,500 72,700 13,400 6,700 3,200 70,400 30,800 86,400 49,000 60,400 302,200 320,300 19,800 11,500 209,900 53,900 11,500 14,100 73,900 5,400 95,200 1,700 17,200 132,900 21,000 762,400 48,400 6,700 21,400 1,000 77,600 13,300 41,600 15,800 154,200 112,300 138,500 3,800 48,400 82,500 2,500 34,200 143,200 35,000 9,300 123,100 455,700 1,000 11,600 75,200 59,100 70,200 62,200 315,200 633,500 1,318,100 1,463,500 960,300 691,900 1,209,500 707,500 964,800 2,050,200 745,500 1,460,800 1,367,500 962,900 1,039,113 159,100 (1,318,100) 27,100 870,113 870,113 1,143,000 66,300 (1,463,500) 22,300 638,213 638,213 1,257,300 958,813 1,383,000 1,689,013 1,521,300 2,056,113 1,597,400 3,021,013 1,677,300 3,834,813 1,761,200 3,656,513 1,849,300 4,886,613 1,941,800 5,521,413 2,038,900 (691,900) 39,100 1,689,013 (1,209,500) 55,300 2,056,113 (707,500) 75,000 3,021,013 (964,800) 101,300 3,834,813 (2,050,200) 110,700 3,656,513 (745,500) 126,300 4,886,613 (1,460,800) 153,800 5,521,413 (1,367,500) 175,700 6,368,513 Est annual assessment $ 34.15 $ 12.5% 37.56 $ 10.0% 41.32 $ 10.0% 45.45 $ 10.0% 49.99 $ 10.0% 52.49 $ 5.0% 7 2016 2,700 19,300 10 2019 495,100 28,000 2 2011 203,100 52,300 (960,300) 23,600 958,813 6 2015 79,300 29,600 9 2018 81,500 33,200 1 2010 152,400 128,000 Est Beginning Balance Assessments FF loan payments less expenses Est net interest Est ending Balance 5 2014 36,500 26,200 3% 5% Location Cribari Center Montgomery Center Totals 4 2013 54,700 - Invest factor Inf factor 55.12 $ 5.0% 8 2017 580,100 39,700 57.87 $ 5.0% 60.77 $ 5.0% 11 2020 92,800 46,700 63.81 $ 5.0% 67.00 5.0% 37 The Facility Fund in Detail Note: The following projections do not assume that the Capital Project Improvement Plan will be approved. The recommendation: give $5 of the $15 back to offset the burden 38 Facility Fund Facilities Fund Status FY 2009/2010 ( Exclusiv e of interest income) Estimated balance at 06/30/09 $ Fixed commitments and contractsFixed payments Approved contracts Totals 1,299,500 (300,500) (256,551) (557,051) Unallocated balance $ 742,449 $1M* cap limitation balance $ 1,105,467 Cap limitation assessment balance $ 363,018 Maximum allowable assessment $ 11.93 $ 10.00 Recommendation *2008 Inflation Adjustment 3.2% *2009 Inflation Adjustment 2.9% *2010 Inflation Adjustment 4.1% 39 Facility Fund Facility Fund Annual Fixed Expenses Loan payments to Club Reserve $ 14 credit to 932 members $ 143,900 (Done 11/10) $ 156,600 (Done 06/11) $ 300,500 40 Facility Fund Current and Prospective Projects FY 09 Current Contracts Golf Cart Storage Facility Driving Range Fence $ 106,551 $ 150,000 $ 256,551 $ 256,551 FY 10 Prospective Projects None Listed Totals 41 How does all this affect the monthly assessment? Club Expense Categories Cost Per Member Per Month Golf Course Tennis Courts Swimming Pools Restaurant Clubhouse Community Centers Post Office Villager Cable TV Community Activities Public Safety Roads/Other Property General/Admin Reserve Replacement Reserve Facility Fund Total Tot.Expense Dollars 538,000 10,098 189,663 310,132 350,381 627,546 48,986 231,097 1,041,286 312,826 846,606 572,276 952,174 1,289,113 304,320 Cost per Unit 17.68 0.33 6.23 10.19 11.51 20.62 1.61 7.59 34.22 10.28 27.82 18.81 31.29 42.35 10.00 42 7,624,504 250.53 2010 Club Assessment Cost Components Total Monthly Assessment = $250.53 R e s e rve R e p lac e me nt R e s e rve F ac ilit y F und Go lf C o urs e Te nnis C o urt s S w im P o o ls R e s t aurant C lub ho us e Ge ne ral/ A d minis t rat ive C o mmunit y C e nt e rs R o ad s / Ot he r P ro p e rt y P ub lic S af e t y C o mmunit y A c t ivit ie s P o s t Of f ic e V illag e r C ab le TV Golf Course - $17.68 Tennis Courts - $.33 Swim Pools - $6.23 Restaurant - $10.19 Clubhouse - $11.51 Community Centers - $20.62 Post Office - $1.61 Villager - $7.59 Cable TV - $34.22 Community Activities - $10.28 Public Safety - $27.82 Roads/Other Property - $18.81 General/Admin - $31.29 Reserve Replacement - $42.35 Reserve Facility Fund - $10.00 43 The Big Picture Association and the Club CLUB/ASSOCIATION ASSESSMENT CHANGE SUMMARY 2010 2009 Difference % Change Association Operating Assessments 7,082,133 7,297,740 215,607 -3.0% Association Reserve Assessments 4,766,970 4,426,300 (340,670) 7.7% 11,849,103 11,724,040 (125,063) 1.1% Club Operating Assessments 6,031,071 6,017,086 (13,985) 0.2% Club Reserve Assessments 1,289,113 1,150,938 (138,175) 12.0% Club Facility Fund Assessments 304,320 456,480 152,160 -33.3% Total Club 7,624,504 7,624,504 Total Club & Association 19,473,607 19,348,544 Total Association (125,063) 0.0% 44 0.6%