Chapter 4: Bismarck’s Grand Design ZeenaAmer No war while Bismarck was chancellor (19 years) o Defeated his enemies: Denmark, Austria, France 5 Great powers: Germany, France, Austria, Russia, Great Britain France was humiliated when Germany defeated them taking Alsace-Lorraine/ Hall of Mirrors at Versailles o German new task: isolate France, “League of three Emperors” (Dreikaiserbund) 1877 Russia declared war on Turkey o Bismarck scared this would cause tensions between Russia and Austria Russia soon pulled back from Turkey, pursued by Bismarck, but feeling betrayed Second of the foreign Policy: Preserve peace between Austria and Russia Bismarck wanted alliance with Austria for 2 reasons: ensure Germanys southern flanks in case of war with Russia, and frighten Russia in seeking alliance with Germany When William went to confront Tsar and question why he was going to the frontier, Bismarck drew alliance with Austria, betraying the Keiser and the Tsar Made a new alliance with Russia and Austria if 4th party would invade, other two parties become neutral (League of three Emperors: Russia, Germany, Austro-Hungry) Secret Treaty against Austria, with Russia: Reinsurance Treaty, but only neutrality, not defense. With England’s switch to liberal cabinet, Bismarck started to withdraw an idea with an alliance with Britain, and saw as England as “bi-polar” in its decisions (No alliance was ever made between two countries) Bismarck didn’t want colonies because of its many problems it may lead but later took advantage of its friendship with England and won over peoples votes Germany and Bismarck and his son Herbert) got into many arguments over a section in which Germany wanted, England wasted time, finally falling under the tide and letting Germany have it. (many of the colonies were embarrassing, desert, wasteland) o Made people against England and liberalism Keiser William I died, Bismarck cried during speech, Keiser William II ruled though didn’t take job seriously (traveled all around Europe) He thought the new young Kaiser impulsive self-confidence, frenetic energy, craving for flattery and applause. Bismarck remained under the Keiser 2 reasons: power of Reichstagbe limited and no English influence on foreign policy. Bismarck and Herbert influenced as her grew up William II but didn’t stop him from thinking himself better They both had disagreements in politics such as: labor legislation, West Phalian coal mines, antisocialist bill and labor reform which Bismarck talked to ministers before the Keiser approached them, leaving William II embarrassed and mocked. The struggle for more power grew, though Bismarck started to lose his power and trust within the people and ministry, even being left to plead with his enemy, Windthorst, to see his views. Bismarck was forced to resign after refusing to quite 3 times, Keiser told everyone he was ill and had to resign. o Bismarck got sympathy from his old enemy Empress Frederick, he visited Williams I grave, and crowd full of government officials bid him a farewell parade as he left Berlin: “A state funeral with full honors”. o Bismarck remained in politics, writing in newspaper articles (later admitting the Reinsurances Treaty with Russia) against William II and wrote an autobiography. Governments feared him still even after he resigned, and no officials attended his son’s wedding Went back and forth from where he lived in Friedrichsruh to Berlin were he occasionally visited the Keiser though William II still was completely rude to the old man now Otto Von Bismarck died July 30th 1898