Advanced English Writing

Advanced English
Writing (1)
Instructor: Chun Mao Le
Organization of Paragraphs
A paragraph is a basic unit of
organization for writing a group of
sentences that develop one main idea.
There are 3 parts.
1.A topic sentence
2.Supporting sentence
3.A concluding sentence
Topic Sentence
The topic sentence is the most important
sentence in the paragraph. It is the main
idea of the paragraph. The topic sentence
controls and limits the ideas that can be
discussed in a paragraph.
 Two parts:
1.Topic: the subject of the paragraph
2.the controlling idea: limit or control your
topic to one aspect that you want to write
Concluding Sentence
The last sentence of your paragraph
 Signals the end of the paragraph
 Similar to the topic sentence. Both are
general sentences.
 Two ways to write in the concluding
1.state the topic sentence in different
2.Summarize the main points in the
Color Preferences Reveal Your
Personality by Geraldo Fuentes
Ever wonder why there are so many colors of new cars to chose
from? What about the color of your shirt or blouse? What color is
your bedroom? Your preferences for certain colors is a very
personal one and psychologists - as well as marketing researchers
- have studied the question of why certain colors appeal to certain
people for years. These answers may lie in our attitudes towards
life, as well as our emotional states.
The Luscher Color Test was devised by psychologist Max Luscher
in 1969. It's effectiveness has been known in advertising,
automotive and the fashion industry for years. Now you can gain
some insight on your inner struggles and problems with this
highly effective color test.
We warn you that this is no party trick. The selections that you
make are to be compared with an extremely large database,
gathered by Luscher and his collegues over many years and trials.
The results can be very revealing, often surprising, but hopefully
very helpful.
Writing an Essay
Several paragraphs long.
Just like a paragraph, it is about one
Since its topic is broad, the essay is
divided into paragraphs, one for each
major point. To tie all the parts
together, an introduction is added to
the beginning and a conclusion to the
3 parts: An introduction, a body, a
The Introduction
There are 2 parts.
1. General statements: Introduce the topic or
the essay and give background information on
the topic
2. A thesis statement:
-often the last sentence of the introduction
-States the specific topic
-May state the subtopics
-May state the method of organization
The conclusion
Summarizes the main points or
restates the thesis in different words.
Includes a final comment or thought
on the subject
Begin your conclusion with a
transition signal such as
In conclusion,…
In summary,…
In summarize,…
Writing Practice
1. Pre-writing.
a. brainstorm the topic.
b. brainstorm for ideas about strong
character traits.
c. work on a thesis statement.
2. Outlining.
a. Organize your ideas.
Step 1: write your thesis statement
Step 2: pick the best examples
Step 3: remember to begin each paragraph with a
transition showing example.
b. Make a more detail outline.
3. Write a rough draft.
4. Revise your rough draft.
5. Edit your essay.
6. Write your final copy.
Cause and Effect Essay
a. Brainstorm the topic.
b. Brainstorm for reasons and ideas about each person.
c. work on a thesis statement.
2. Outlining.
a. Organize your ideas.
step 1: write your thesis statement.
step 2: pick the two best reasons from your brainstorming
activity (or choose three reasons for a three-paragraph
step 3: remember to begin your paragraphs with different
transition words for showing causes and their order of
importance. Keep your most important cause for last.
b. Make a more detailed outline.
3. Write a rough draft.
4. Revise your rough draft.
5. Edit your essay.
6. Write your final copy.
Cause and Effect Essay Outline
1. Introduction
Thesis: situation and reasons for it
2. Body
Topic sentence: cause or reason
Supporting sentences
3. Conclusion
Restatement of thesis
Final comment