

BY Melissa Guajardo, Teresa

Moreno, Eleanor Schoenbrun

Assyria is by northern

Iraq northwestern

Iran, southeastern

Turkey and eastern


• The Assyrians had taken land from


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• Located on the

Tigris river and

Nineveh is the capitol.

• There were posts throughout the kingdom to transport messages using mules and donkeys.

• Royal Roads was the first mail system.

• People were violentthey were tortured, enslaved and executed

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The hierarchy order is: king, his nobles, his generals, the scribes.

These are followed by merchants, artisans, poets, philosophers and musicians. Lastly comes the farmers and the slaves.

• The king was also the high priest and representative of the God


• The civilization is made up of mainly politics and religion combined.

• Education confined to upper class

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Assyria has a beautiful temple its called babylon the people that were building it were trying to build it really high because they thought that

• they were more superior than god.

People go to the most beautiful beaches to watch the sunset.

There clothing is one of there aesthetic values because there clothing is unique and takes value in who they are

 technology is every were in assyria like there shelter, clothing, music, table, chair, bowl, and much more.

The assyrians use technology on a daily bases.

Technology is what they all need to survive even food is technology

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There are kings and nobles they are the ones that decide what is given to the gods and what he wants them to recive

There are different parts of the assyrians political organization like the king, the nobles, and especially the gods.

Peasants also take part in the political organization

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There are not a lot of natural resources in

Assyria so they do a lot of trading.

Farming is very common in Assyria

People were now able to trade goods for goods like vegetables to meat or cloth

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Assyrians had two religions such as

Ashurisim, and Christianity

The word Assyrian means Ashur in Latin, witch means Assyrian god.

The Assyrians were the first nation to accept


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Some Assyrians ate bread, oatmeal, and onions for their normal diet.

They ate fish, meat, and chicken for protein

For meats they would eat beef, pork, lamb, and mutton. Back then the meat was very expensive so only wealthy people could afford it regularly

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Men and women wore tunics from single super long cloth. They would wrap the cloth around themselves and fix it with a leather belt. By 1400 they began to decorate their tunics.

Some Assyrians also wore the Scottish kilts.

They were made out of little pieces of cloth wrapped around your body.

They would use the leather belts and pins to keep them in place.

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The rich had large wide houses. The poor had narrow houses.

Each house was built at least three stories high.

The first floor was a courtyard, and the other two were where the family room and bedrooms.

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For recreation they would hunt. They were famous for hunting lions, elephants, ostriches, wild bulls, and other mammals.

They would play with board games made out of clay or stone.

They would also dance.

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Melissa had done food, clothing, and shelter.

She had also contributed to religion/philosophy and recreation. She had also contributed to the cover page.

Teresa had aesthetic values, political organization, technology, and the economic system. She contributed to the cover page.

Eleanor had taken her part to do setting, communication, societal groupings, bibliography and contributed to the cover page.

And we all worked as a group, a civilization almost to build this work that we are proud to call


Sumervill, B.(2010).


Empire of ancient

New York: Chelsea House





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