Section 6: Concepts in Nutrition Vocabulary T20: Digestive Anatomy Alimentary Canal Cecum Digestion Ruminant Saliva T21: Energy Energy Amino Acid Calorie Carbohydrate Digestible Energy (DE) Gross Energy (GE) Lipid Metabolizable Energy (ME) Net Energy (NE) Nitrogen-Free Extract (NFE) Protein Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) T22: Minerals Goiter Macromineral Metabolic Bone Disease Micromineral Mineral T23: Vitamins and Minerals Carotene Fat-Soluble Vitamin Rickets Total Dissolved Solids Vitamin Water-Soluble Vitamin Questions T20: Digestive Anatomy 1. What happens to feed in the mouth of the horse? 2. Name the three main divisions of the large intestine in the horse. 3. List three ways the digestive tract of the horse is different than that of a cow. T21: Energy 1. List two signs that a diet lacks energy. 2. Describe how carbohydrates, fat, and protein provide energy. 3. Do fats provide more or less heat compared to carbohydrates? 4. What is protein used for in the body? 5. What is meant by the term essential amino acid ? 6. List two methods for measuring energy. 7. State the function of the cecum. T22: Minerals 1. Describe the importance of minerals in the horse. 2. List three macrominerals required by the horse. 3. Legume forages are a good source of calcium. True or False? 4. List three microminerals. 5. Can excessive iron be toxic? If so, describe how. 6. Describe the function/importance of one of the minerals described on pages 171-174. T23: Vitamins and Minerals 1. Describe the importance of vitamins in the horse. 2. List two fat-soluble vitamins, their uses, and a source for each. 3. List two water-soluble vitamins, their uses, and a source for each. 4. The older horse contains a larger percentage of water in the body. True or False? 5. List three functions of water in the horse. 6. List two things your water should be tested for each year.