International Cooperation in Higher Education: Trends and Challenges Brasília, 9/6/2015 World Conference on Higher Education 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY; ACCESS, EQUITY AND QUALITY; INTERNATIONALIZATION; REGIONALIZATION; LEARNING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION; 6. CALL FOR ACTION. World Challenges (areas of cooperation) 1. food security; 2. climate change; 3. water management; 4. intercultural dialogue; 5. renewable energy; World Challenges (areas of cooperation) 6. public health; 7. sustainable development; 8. Construction of peace; 9. The defense of human rights; 10. The defense of the values of democracy. INTERNATIONALIZATION 1. Develop International cooperation based on solidarity and mutual respect and the promotion of humanistic values and intercultural dialogue. 2. Increase the transfer of knowledge across borders, and work towards finding common solutions to foster brain circulation and alleviate the negative impact of brain drain. INTERNATIONALIZATION 3. Develop international university networks and partnerships to enhance mutual understanding and a culture of peace; 4. Develop more intense and balanced academic mobility; INTERNATIONALIZATION 7. Promote globalization of higher education to benefit all (for this to happen, it is critical to ensure equity in access and success, to promote quality and respect cultural diversity as well as national sovereignty); 8. establish national accreditation and quality assurance systems along with promotion of networking among them; INTERNATIONALIZATION 9. Increase regional cooperation in aspects such as quality assurance, recognition of diplomas, of credits and studies; 10. Combat 'degree mills' at national and international levels. DEGREE MILLS Combat degree mills through multi-pronged action at national and international levels; How are we doing? Regulatory controls are being put in place, with Strong implications over the evaluation system. A new Institute (INSAES) is being created to assure a better control over institutions that have little appreciation for quality. Degree Mills are exactly what creates enormous resistence in public universities vis-a-vis diplomas obtained in foreign countries. At CNE a new resolution is under discussion and SESu is presently working on a platform to rationalize the recognition of foreign degrees. ICT and ODL Support the fuller integration of ICTs and promote ODL to meet increasing demands for higher education.. How are we doing? The growth of distance education has been exponential in Brazil during the last ten years. The creation of the Brazilian Open University (UAB), as a consortium of public universitiers, is also a form of democratization of access to higher education with good quality. Today higher education representes about 16% of all higher education enrolments. Growth of distance Education Enrollments 1.400.000 1.200.000 1.154.344 1.113.850 992.927 1.000.000 930.179 838.125 800.000 727.961 600.000 369.766 400.000 207.206 200.000 114.642 49.911 59.611 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Major Internationalization actions under way 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PDU (University Development Plan) Science without Borders Pec-G (+Promisaes) Pec-PG Unilab (University for Luso-African-Brazilian Integration) Unila (University fo Latin-American Integration) Prouni internacional (Exchange Program for Prouni students) Ações nos Palops (Ponte Estratégica Brasil-África) English/Language without Borders ARCO-Sul (Acreditação Regional de Cursos do Mercosul) MARCA (Mobilidade Acadêmica Regional de Carreiras Acreditadas) BRICS Network University BRICS University League Paulo Freire Exchange Program with OEI PNE Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) – Lei 10.172/2001. Visão: “No country can aspire to be developed and independent without a strong higher education system.” 13 NEW PNE: MORE ACADEMIC MOBILITY Goal 12 Strategy 12.12 – consolidate and expand programs and actions to foster student and faculty mobility. PNE – International Networks Goal 13 Strategy 13.7 – support the creation of interinstitutional higher education networks, enhancing regional cooperation. PNE: MAIS PARTICIPAÇÃO NA PESQUISA INTERNACIONAL Goal 14 Strategy 14.9 - consolidate programs, projects and actions that aim at the internationalization of research and posgraduate efforts. PNE: MAIS INTERCÂMBIO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO Goal 14 Strategy 14.10 - Promote scientific and technological exchange, national and international, between universities. PNE: MAIS COMPETITIVIDADE INTERNACIONAL Goal 14 Strategy 14.13 – raise the quality and quantity of scientific and technological activity of the country and increase the international competitiveness of Brazilian research, expanding scientific cooperation with companies, institutions of higher education and other Scientific and Technological Institutions; Major Internationalization actions under way 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PDU (University Development Plan) Science without Borders Pec-G (+Promisaes) Pec-PG Unilab (University for Luso-African-Brazilian Integration) Unila (University fo Latin-American Integration) Prouni internacional (Exchange Program for Prouni students) Ações nos Palops (Ponte Estratégica Brasil-África) English without Border ARCO-Sul (Acreditação Regional de Cursos do Mercosul) MARCA (Mobilidade Acadêmica Regional de Carreiras Acreditadas) BRICS Network University BRICS University League Paulo Freire Exchange Program with OEI Plano de Desenvolvimento das Universidades - PDU SIX DIMENSONS OF THE PDU 1. INTERNATIONALIZATION 2. TECHNOLOGICAL INOVATION 3. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 5. TEACHER TRAINING 6. DISTANCE EDUCATION INTERNATIONALIZATION – PDU - 1 Concept 1 - International Partnerships Description: Lasting partnerships with academic peers from other countries that result in an insertion of the research groups of the institution in the world system of knowledge generation. INTERNATIONALIZATION – PDU - 2 Concept 2 - International Environment Description: International environment in the institution's campus, with regard both to the acceptance of foreigners and to the presence of a significant international component in the academic training of the native community. INTERNATIONALIZATION – PDU - 3 Number of articles indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus or in magazines classified as QualisA that record, the affiliations of the authors, at least one author affiliated to the institution and at least one author affiliated to a foreign institution. INTERNATIONALIZATION – PDU - 4 International Environment - International environment in the institution's campuses, with regard both to the acceptance of foreigners and the presence of a significant international component in the academic training of the native community. INTERNATIONALIZATION – PDU - 5 Number of teachers of the institution who have made visits (Post Doctorate, In-service training, PhD Sandwich Program, Congresses, Technical Visits, etc.) to foreign institutions with cumulative duration of at least 180 days in the last five years... INTERNATIONALIZATION – PDU - 6 Number of hired foreign visiting professor who participated in academic activities directed at the institution´s undergraduate and graduate programs. INTERNATIONALIZATION – PDU - 7 Number of courses that give credits to students of the institution that are offered in English or other foreign language (in undergraduate or graduate programs). Major Challenge Construct and implement the PDU, the University Development Plan, to address the demands of PNE to increase the scholarization rate, meet the demands of undergraduate and post-graduate studies, research, national and regional development, the academic requirements to participate in the international advancement of knowledge. Vision Strategic Mission Emancipated Sovereign Society Nation Inclusive Democratic Nation Nation 30 Summing up • Keep alive the dream of reaching as fast as possible the goal of having 33% of net scholarization rate at the unviersity level and 85% of scholarization rate for the high school level. • Consolidate Sinaes to assure that our HEI may participate with quality of the internationalization effort, contributing to the advancement of the arts and Sciences.