MGT510: Strategy Planning

MGT510: Strategy Planning
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:
This is a 3-credit course, offered in a 14 week format. The exact number of hours
per week that you can expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the
weekly coursework, as well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to
spend 10-12 hours per week in each course reading material, interacting on the
discussion boards, writing papers, completing projects, and doing research.
Faculty Information
CSU-GC Email:
Virtual Office Hours:
Course Description and Outcomes
Students will gain knowledge and the ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations.
Students will consider and assess relevant internal and external factors to create effective and ethical
strategies to equip organizations to meet modern-day organizational challenges.
This course incorporates textbook, scholarly articles, and current media applications in work with peers
to complete assignment activities that require critical analysis and evaluation skills. The student will
demonstrate comprehension of materials through the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis. New
tools and frameworks are applied to real-life organizational scenarios. The student will also incorporate
abilities to synthesize data and apply organizational theory to create strategies to meet the everchanging goals of an organization
Course Learning Outcomes:
Through course reading material and execution of assignments and final Portfolio Project, students will
be able to:
 Implement strategy tools and frameworks.
 Analyze internal and external factors of organizations to enhance strategic planning.
 Incorporate the components of strategy formulation to create appropriate strategic plans.
 Identify the organizational lifecycle phases and development.
 Identify the management and operational considerations for strategy implementation.
 Create appropriate evaluation and control plans to help ensure successful implementation of
 Discuss strategic management issues for managing technology and innovation, entrepreneurial
and small businesses, and non-profit organizations.
Describe the theories and purposes of strategic planning and ethical decision-making from a
management perspective
Participation & Attendance
Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success. Failure to verify your
attendance within the first 7 days of this course may result in your withdrawal. If for some reason you would like
to drop a course, please contact your advisor.
Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget
your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical
problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your
instructor know as soon as possible.
Course Materials
Wheelen, T. L. & Hunger, J. D. (2012). Strategic management and business policy: Toward global sustainability
(13th Ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-215322-5
Course Schedule
Due Dates
The Academic Week begins on Saturday and ends the following Friday.
Discussion Activities: Application of knowledge is an important step in the learning experience and
every course has key discussions wherein students can apply and analyze content as well as move
toward synthesis. This course has Discussion Forums that provide learners an extended opportunity to
interact with one another in an instructor-facilitated dialogue that focuses on key course themes.
Students will apply and synthesize knowledge learned to case studies simulating real-world decisionmaking.
Mastery Exercises: These exercises will assess learner knowledge in each topic area.
Critical Thinking Application Assignments: each assignment will require students to apply their
knowledge learned in the module to real-world scenarios.
Final Exam: The exam will assess learner knowledge.
Week #
Overview of Strategic Management
Learning Outcomes:
1. Gain an understanding of the components and benefits of
strategic management
Discussion (25)
2. Comprehend the fundamentals of the strategic audit
3. Discriminate between social responsibility and
organizational performance
4. Identify and evaluate organizational stakeholders
 Chapters 1 & 3 in Strategic Management and Business
External Environmental Scanning
Learning Outcomes:
1. Comprehend and demonstrate understanding of external
scanning frameworks
2. Synthesize and evaluate external organization factors as
part of a strategic assessment
3. Apply and analyze an external environmental data set
related to a specific organization
 Chapters 4 & 12 in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Critical Thinking (30)
External Environmental Analysis
Learning Outcomes:
1. Analyze industry situations and competitors
2. Comprehend the fundamentals of organization
3. Synthesize external data and demonstrate an
understanding of using data in an organizational analysis
 Hiltbrand, T. (2nd Quarter 2012). Context-enabled business
intelligence. Business Intelligence Journal, 17.2 7-13.
 Vinekar, V., Teng, J. T. C., & Chennamaneni, A. (2009). The
interaction of business intelligence and knowledge
management in organizational decision making. Journal of
International Technology and Information Management, 18.2,
 Waheed, K. S. (4th Quarter 2011). Four strategies for
increasing business intelligence usage. Business Intelligence
Journal, 16.4, 34-38.
 Ogut, A., Kocabacak, A., & Dermirsel, M.T. (2008). The impact
of data mining on the managerial decision-making process: A
strategic approach. Journal of American Academy of Business,
15(2) 137-144.
Discussion (25)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Reflection (5)
Internal Environmental Scanning and Assessment
Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate comprehension of internal scanning
2. Analyze core competencies and identify competitive
3. Synthesize and evaluate internal organization factors as
part of a strategic assessment
Critical Thinking (30)
 Chapter 5 in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Internal Environmental Scanning and Assessment
9/29/12 Learning Outcomes:
1. Deconstruct company resources and culture to assess
strategy fit
2. Assess the external and internal environmental factors in
relationship to business strategy
3. Evaluate analytic tools in relationship to organizational fit
 Chapter 2 in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Strategy Formulation Theories
10/6/12 Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate organization situation and identify strategic
alternatives for strategy
2. Evaluate business strategies and identify their fit for
enhanced performance
3. Integrate and apply external and internal scanning
information to assess and enhance organization strategy
 Chapters 6 & 7 in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Strategy Formulation
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand and evaluate functional strategies for
enhancing organizational performance
2. Identify appropriate activities and functions to construct
plans appropriate for strengthening competitive
3. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of stakeholder
considerations and organization culture on strategic
4. Assess and synthesize organizational data to construct a
management problem
 Chapter 8 in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Strategy Planning
Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of stakeholder
considerations and organization culture on strategic
2. Identify appropriate activities and functions to construct
plans appropriate for strengthening competitive
3. Comprehend and apply the process of strategic choice
 Leavy, B. (2010). John Hagel explains the concept and potential
of the "pull" management model. Strategy & Leadership,
38(5), 6-12.
 Song, M., Calantone, R. J., & Di Benedetto, C. A. (2002).
Discussion (25)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Reflection (5)
Critical Thinking (30)
Critical Thinking (30)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Critical Thinking (30)
Competitive forces and strategic choice decisions: An
experimental investigation in the United States and Japan.
Strategic Management Journal, 23(10), 969-978.
Zand, D. E., & Hawk, T. F. (2010). Formulating policy with a
parallel organization: How a CEO integrated independent
divisions. Strategy & Leadership, 38(5), 33-38.
Strategy Implementation
10/27/12 Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the importance of strategy implementation
2. Evaluate an organizational implementation plan and
identify areas for improvement
3. Demonstrate the comprehension of varying degrees of
complexities in strategy implementation
 Chapter 9 in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Strategy Implementation and Risk Mitigation
11/3/12 Learning Outcomes:
1. Comprehend the components of strategic plan
implementation and analyze their impact on
organizational effectiveness
2. Identify organization lifecycle to select appropriate
strategies and structure for strategic plan implementation
 Cooper, R.G. (2009). How companies are reinventing their
idea-to-launch methodologies. Research Technology
Management, 52(2), 47-58.
 Motorola. (2007, June 12). Quality management Six Sigma
[Video File]. Retrieved from
Critical Thinking (30)
Discussion (25)
Reflection (5)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Control Systems
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the fundamentals of measuring performance
and control systems
2. Comprehend evaluation methods that can be used on
implemented strategies
3. Analyze evaluation and control systems to identify
appropriate fit for organizational performance
 Chapter 11 in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
1. Evaluate organizational performance and control methods
for implemented strategies
2. Construct performance and control systems to enhance
organizational performance
 Carleton, Karen L,M.Ed, M.S. (2009). Framing sustainable
performance with the six-P. Performance Improvement, 48(8),
Critical Thinking (30)
Discussion (25)
Reflection (5)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Critical Thinking (30)
Other Strategy Issues
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the strategic management issues specific to
organizations in an industry that interests you
2. Evaluate the external and internal factors of an
3. Demonstrate an ability to create an appropriate strategy
based on organizational assessments
4. Demonstrate comprehension of strategic issues
surrounding modern-day organizations
 Chapter A: Strategic Issues in Managing Technology and
 Chapter B: Strategic Issues in Entrepreneurial Ventures and
Small Businesses
 Chapter C: Strategic Issues in Not-for-Profit Organizations
Discussion (25)
Final Exam Preparation
This week there are no readings or coursework, you should begin
studying for your final exam.
Final Exam
12/15/12 This week there are no readings or coursework, you will take your
final exam.
Final exam
Strategies, Decisions, Ethics
11/24/12 Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate organizational performance and control methods
for implemented strategies
2. Construct performance and control systems to enhance
organizational performance
 Bauer, C. (May 2009). Baking ethics into organizational culture.
Financial Executive, 25 (4), 18-21.
 Elms, H. , Brammer, S., Harris, J. D., & Phillips, R. A. (July 2010).
New directions in strategic management and business ethics.
Business Ethics Quarterly, 20 (3)401-425.
Assignment Details
This course includes the following assignments/projects:
Week 2
Case Study: Reorganizing Yahoo. (30 points)
Identify and discuss at least three external factors that were affecting Yahoo’s performance. Then, using the
Yahoo website and scholarly articles, find at least three sources that inform an inquiry into what occurred within
the organization subsequent to those factors. Refer to Chapter 12 for information and tips on organizational
analysis. Provide a summary of your findings in an 800-1200 word paper following Saudi Electronic University
academic writing standards and APA guidelines.
Week 4
Case Study 7: Apple, Inc.: Performance in a Zero-Sum World Economy. (30 points)
Identify and discuss at four internal factors that are affecting Apple’s performance. Then, using the Apple
website and scholarly articles, find at least four sources that inform an inquiry into what occurred within the
organization subsequent to those factors. Refer to Chapter 12 for information and tips on organizational
analysis. Provide a summary of your findings in an 800-1200 word paper following Saudi Electronic university
academic writing standards and APA guidelines.
Week 6
Case Study: Rosetta Stone, Inc.: Changing the Way that People Learn Language. (30 Points)
Working in pairs as established by the instructor, based on the Case Study information, discuss the
organization’s situation and its competitive strategy. Then, using current information retrieved from the Rosetta
Stone website and scholarly articles accessed from the library, in 1000-1500 words, discuss the current state of
Rosetta Stone and the effectiveness of the competitive strategy you outlined. Also, please discuss what changes
you both would have made in that strategy knowing what you both know about its current state now. Each of
you will submit the assignment. The grade and Instructor comments will be the same but will be uploaded to
your individual grade center.
Week 7
Critical Thinking: Problem Statement Worksheet (30 Points)
Complete the Problem Statement Worksheet by following these steps:
Use the Wallace Group problem facts that you identified above to anchor your problem.
Explore professional journals and select current research articles published within the last five (5) years
that are relevant to your management dilemma. The research articles need not be specifically about
the Wallace Group, but are relevant to the topical problem at Wallace
Use credible sources to support the information in the business problem statement that you develop.
Next, determine whether your problem statement would require either a qualitative or quantitative research
approach to investigate the problem. Refer back to the lecture, if needed, for clarification on the two
approaches. Provide two credible sources that substantiate your research approach decision.
Finally, develop a paper synthesizing the information for the reader. Include the following:
An introductory paragraph that describes what the reader will find in the paper
The problem statement with substantiated citations (the manager’s dilemma)
The research approach decision and why that research approach is appropriate based on the problem
4. A summary paragraph highlighting the major points of the paper; no new ideas or concepts should be
introduced in the summary
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
350-500 words in length
Clear, concise academic writing style, written in third person
Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA formatting standards are required. Include a
title page, citations, double spacing, and references. (30 points)
Week 8
Case Study: Tesla Motors, Inc. (30 points)
Identify and discuss at four factors that were affecting Tesla’s planning and performance. Then, using the Tesla’s
annual reports, find at least four data points that inform a financial analysis. Refer to Chapter 12 for information
and tips on organizational analysis. Provide a summary of your findings in an 800-1200 word paper following
Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA guidelines.
Week 9
Case Study: Panera Bread Company. (30 Points)
In an 800-1200 word paper, based on the information from the Case Study, outline the action plans that Panera
Bread Company’s management could take to help ensure success of their new strategic direction. Then, read
current information on the status of The Panera Bread Company today found on the Panera website and
scholarly articles accessed from the library. Based on the information you were able to find, compare and
contrast your proposed plan of action versus what Panera Bread Company’s management actually decided to
do. Also, please be sure to discuss how effective or not their actions were, and whether you would have
implemented your plan or their management’s plan if given the opportunity, and why. (30 pts.)
Week 11
Case Study: Dell, Inc. (30 Points)
Changing the Business Model (Mini Case). If you were leading Dell, what specific measures of performance
would you incorporate into your strategic management plans? Also, based on the guidelines for proper control,
what components would you include in the control system? In an 800-1200 word paper, summarize your
thoughts with supporting information retrieved from the Dell website and scholarly articles accessed from the
Week 13
Critical Thinking: Critical Evaluation (30 points)
Choose one of the following international organizations:
 Tata Consultancy Company
 BP Global
 Electricidad de Caracas
1. Identify a 5 year period of your choice in the company’s history.
2. Study company’s website, analyst reports, annual reports, and scholarly articles to gather data for the 5 year
3. Analyze the company’s financials, competitive environment, leadership/governance, and workforce.
4. Identify the strategies of the company during the time period
4. Identify potential risks associated with financials, leadership/governance, and workforce
5. Consider if there are potential ethical issues that could be associated with risks
Create a 2-4 page executive summary of the findings. Consider that the audience for your paper is the senior
management team of your chosen company. Use headings and sub-headings to promote clear understanding of
the content. Use SEU writing and APA format standards.
Course Policies
Grading Scale
95.0 – 100
90.0 – 94.9
86.7 – 89.9
83.3 – 86.6
80.0 – 83.2
75.0 – 79.9
70.0 – 74.9
60.0 – 69.9
59.9 or below
Failure for Nonparticipation