SPEAKING SKILLS The action of conveying information or

What language skill does this woman use?
What kind of language skill is this man using?
The action of conveying information or expressing one’s thoughts and
feelings in spoken language. The linguists argue that is a primary
medium of framing people’s experiences of the world is speech,
they acknowledge that writing is another medium but secondary.
Speaking is the delivery of language through mouth. To speak we
create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs,
vocal tract, vocal cords, tongue, teeth and lips. Speaking is an
important method for communicating knowledge and expressing
idea. In distinguish between spoken and written language; they
argue that written language is more prestigious than spoken
language. It is likely to be close to standard language, it is more
dominant in education, it is used as language of public
In other hand, speech (spoken language) is
regarded as primary in at least four ways;
Speech came first to homo sapience and
writing marched later
It is most wide spread in human experience
It is the first linguistics medium that all human
being first learn to use
It is possible in the life and common to go
through without knowing how to read and
Speaking can be formal or informal
• Informal speaking is typically used with family
and friends or people you know well
• Formal speaking occurs in business or
academic situations, or when meeting people
for the first time.
• Speaking is probably the language skill that
most of the language learners wish to perfect
as soon as possible
Differences between spoken and
written language;
Takes place where both speaker and
listener are there, this is face to face
coversation with exceptional of
telephone conversation,
Have incomplete sentences due to
It is sponteneous because it is not
prepared in advance, it depend on
the existing situation, in term of style
speech is not ussually planned in
advance and speaker tend to think
ahead when they speak. For example
informal conversation questions are
interruption during speaking
• Communicate with someone
who is away often address to
unknown audience,
• Well edited because there is
enough time of reading what
has been written
• Non sponteneous because it is
well prepared. The reader
depends on the text only.
Writing is often planned and
ideas can therefore be
carefully organised,
Differences between spoken and
written language;
Characterised by pauses and gap fillers and
hesitation,. This is due to the situation of the
speaker think as they speak.
Characterised by immediate responses
Mainly informal ,although depend of what
topic and participants
Characterised by the use of paralinguistic
features as well as word that cheek that
communication is meaningfull, example
smilling, winking, blinking, use of tongue
twisters, hands, body movement.
Words getting attention, welll, I say, see here,
I mean
Characterised by frequent change of topics
especially in conversation
Gap fillers are absent
Lack immediate feedback
Normally formal
No use of paralinguistic
though words that makes you
become attention can be used
• Normally sticks to one topic at
one time, characterised by
paging, bolding, italising and
Prepare it sometimes before your present it
Know your listener
Consider the size of your audience
Examine your knowledge
Analyze the attitudes of your audience
towards you
• Determine the purpose of your presentation
Show the feelings about the topic
Analyse the occasion
Analyse the situation
Maintain ethical standard
Avoid stereotype, exaggeration perception
that people have in their mind
• Use rhetorical questions
Know the room/ analyse the occasion
• Know the room
It means be familiar with the place in which you
will speak. Arrive early, walk around the speaking
area and practice using the microphone and any
audio aids available.
• Know the audience
It means greet some of the audience as they
arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends
than to a group of strangers. Match your content
to their needs. Know their background, academic
level, their knowledge.
• Use the preacher’s maxim
Once the American’s preacher say, “first you tell them what you’re gonna
tell them, then tell them & then tell them what you told them”.
Begin with the -synopsis of speech/talk.
-body discuss the points mentioned briefly in introduction
in the same order.
-conclusion-you should review the main idea covered in
body of the speech & specify actions you want to
occur as a result of the presentation.
• Know your material
It means if you’re not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable
with it, your nervousness will increase. Put them in logical sequence,
ensure your speech will be captivating to your audience as well as worth
their time and attention, know your strong and weak points are.
Emphasize your strong points during your presentation
Body language
• Body language
Standing, walking or moving about with appropriate hand
gesture or facial expression is preferred to sitting down or
standing still with head down and reading from a prepared
• Speak with conviction; As if you real believe on what you
are saying. Persuade the your audience effectively. The
material you present orally should have the same
ingredients as that which required for a written research
paper, i.e a logical progression from (introduction) thesis
statement to Body (strong supporting arguments, accurate
and up to date information) to Conclusion (re-state thesis,
summary & logical conclusion).
• Do not read from notes; for any extended length of time
although it is quite acceptable to glance at your notes
infrequently. Speak loudly and clearly. Sound confident. Do
mot mumble. If you made an error, correct it and continue
no need to make an excuse or apologise profusely.
Body language
Be confident
What is the relationship between speaking and
• Maintain sincere eye contact with your audience. Use 3-second method,
example look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for 3seconds at a time. Have direct eye contact with number of people in the
audience and every now and then glance at the whole audience while
speaking. Use eye contact to make everyone in your audience feel
• Speak to your audience, listen to their questions, respond to their
reactions, adjust, and adapt. If what you have prepared is obviously not
getting across to your audience, change your strategy mid-dream if
you’re well prepared to do so. Remember the communication is the key
to successful presentation. If you are short of time, know what to be
safely left out. If you have extra time, know what could be effectively
added. Always be prepared for the unexpected.
Allow questions where they didn’t understand and
respond to them./ allow them to participate in your
The audience rise up their hands to ask questions or to respond to the
• Add humor; whenever appropriate & possible, keep
your audience interested throughout your entire
presentation. Remember that an interesting speech
makes time fly, but a boring speech is always too long
to endure even if the presentation time is the same.
• Pause; allow yourself and your audience a little time to
reflect and think. Don’t race through your presentation
and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling out
of breath.
• Realize that people want you to succeed; it means
audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating,
informative & entertaining. They don’t want you to fail.
• Turn nervousness into positive energy; it means
harness your nervous energy and transform it into
vitality and enthusiasm.
• Add humor; whenever appropriate & possible. Keep
your audience interested throughout your entire
presentation. Remember that an interesting speech
makes time fly, but a boring speech is always too long
to endure even if the presentation time is the same.
• Relax; it means ease tension by practice your speech &
revive it if necessary. Rehearse your speech at home or
where you can be at ease and comfortable, in front of
the mirror, your family, friends or colleagues. Use taperecorder & listen to yourself, video tape your
presentation & analyze it.
• Know when to stop talking; use timer to time your
presentation when preparing it at home. To end your
presentation summarize your points in the same way
as you normally do in the conclusion of a written
• What is speaking skill?
• What are the tips of good presentation?
• Identify the following picture and say what is
happening in relation to speaking skills;
• (the picture are on the next slide)
Identify the following pictures relation
to speaking skill
• There three parts
-main body
Introduction (the beginning of
• Bad introduction will ruin your presentation & make
your speech bored to the listener. Right at the
beginning you should get the listener interest, state the
exact purpose of the speech, list the main point you
will cover , use no more than a minutes.
Example, “ladies & gentlemen, I feel very honored to
have this opportunity to speak with you about our
company, last year Jones Engineering had 56% more
field accident than the year before. This morning I’ll
examine a proposed safety plan that aim to solve this
problems. I will focus in three main benefit of the new
plan, lower insurance premiums, less lost time from
accidents & better morale among employees”.
Why the audience sleeping when someone is
Main body (middle of presentation)
• Here you discuss the main points mentioned
briefly in introduction, in the same order that
they were mentioned. Provide the kind of
obvious transitions that help you listener stay
on track.
Example, “the final benefit of the new safety
plan will be improved morale among the fieldworkers at all our job sites
Conclusion (end of presentation)
• In the conclusion, you should review the main ideas
covered in the body of speech & specify actions you want
to occur as a result of your presentation. Use of words like
“to sum up……, to conclude……, generally…..,therefore…….”
Example, “Jones engineering can benefit from the new
safety plan in three main way…………If Jones implement the
new plan next month, I believe you will see a dramatic
reduction in on site accidents during the last half of the
Therefore in simple way you must use preacher’s maxim.
The well known preacher’s maxim goes like this;
“First you tell them what you’re gonna tell them and then
you tell them what you told them. This plan gives the
speech a simple three parts structure that most listeners
can grasp easily”.
Expository speech (informative)
An informative speech is like teaching. Its purpose is to try to teach something to the
audience. The success of your speech depends on whether the audience learns what you
wanted to teach them. You need to tell them why the information is useful and valuable.
You need to make sure that the audience understands and remember the essential
- A teacher telling the students about earthquakes
- A student telling people about her research
- A computer programmer telling people about new software
-Someone telling the audience about his home town
Descriptive speech (a layout speech)
Is like giving someone directions or explaining the location of a place. It is formal speech
but it is something you often have to when explaining to people about a town or large
building. It tells the audience things are. It may also describe their size and shape. Gestures
are very important, the success of your speech depends on whether the audience can find
their way round the place you have described. Will they get lost?
-A receptionist helping a visitor find the conference room.
-A police officer giving directions to lost tourists
-A real estate agent describing the features of a new house
Persuasive speech
Contains information to help people make a decision. Its purpose is to persuade
people to change in some way. For example, it could be to change the way they
think about something or it could be to change the way they do things. Your
speech will be successful if at the end of your speech the audience is willing to
make the change you suggested.
A lawyer trying to convince the a jury
A politician asking people to vote for her
A nurse persuading a patient to stop smoking
Demonstration speech (process speech)
Is like an informative speech because you have to teach the audience about
something. However in demonstration you will not just tell the audience about
something, you will also tell them how to do something. Your speech will be
successfully if at the end of your speech the audience can do what you showed
them to do.
How to operate an ATM machine
Ski instructor demonstrating how to perform a turn
A teacher showing a student how to do experiment