Guidance for Employers Offering Work Related Learning Creating successful links between business and education 2014 - 2015 Benefits of Work Related Learning for Employers The benefits of work related learning to learners are well documented by the official bodies. We see the evidence first hand through the evaluations we carry out with the thousands of learners we support each year. So what benefits do employers get out of offering work placements? Short term flexibility – Learners can provide employers with a resource and skills that allow one off tasks to be undertaken for which a business does not have the time or resources in the first instance. A source of suitable recruits – As learners are carefully matched to specific placements, employers have an opportunity to try out potential new recruits in an effective way and it eliminates the need to screen large numbers of people. ‘Employers can make a direct contribution to the education of local young people.’ (Department of Education) Greater diversity in recruitment – Work placements may encourage some young people to consider careers that they might not have other wise considered. This provides the employer with a more diverse pool of recruits. Furthermore, the opportunity to work with learners of various abilities and different backgrounds broadens employees’ experience. Improved ‘work readiness’ – Experience of work helps so many young people to prepare for employment and Apprenticeships. In the long run, employers gain employees with the skills they need to complete tasks and activities at work efficiently. Employee development – The involvement of existing staff in the mentoring and supervision of learners in the workplace can be beneficial as it may improve staff morale, motivation and encourage their own understanding and development of management and coaching skills. Business development – Offering placements can demonstrate that the business is socially responsible and raises the profile of the business in the wider community. In building links with educational organisations, a business develops a positive image and enhances its reputation. “The learner has picked up our system and processes really well and very quickly. During quiet times he found jobs to do. He never complained about monotonous tasks and always tried to keep busy. He learnt procedures that no other work experience student has and has been a pleasure to work with.” A quote from University of Leicester, Sports Centre “The learner has been fantastic over the past two weeks, worked very hard and would consider employing her when she turns 16.” A quote from A Levy & Son T/a Blue Inc. 2 Benefits of Work Related Learning for Learners Through work related learning, employers can make a direct contribution to the education of local learners, helping to directly impact on tomorrow’s workforce. So what benefits do learners gain when employers provide work placements? Preparation for the workplace – Work related learning presents learners with first hand experience of employment. This in turn provides them with an understanding of the routines and disciplines of professional practice and a chance to develop key employability skills. Vocational evaluation – Through work placements learners become aware of how their curriculum subjects, skills, interests and attitudes relate to the world of work. This allows learners to evaluate this combination and in turn help them to make informed decisions regarding their future career. Professional/personal development – Learners have the opportunity to gain valuable employer references as evidence of their own professional development or to complete specific academic/vocational assignments. Future employment – Work related learning enhances the possibility of learners being identified by an employer as a candidate for future employment and Apprenticeships – there have been numerous cases of young people accepting job offers from employers they met whilst taking part in work related learning. “I have really enjoyed my work experience. The place I worked at was really friendly and they were very welcoming I felt like I already knew them and felt like they were a family to me. I have enjoyed every moment of my work experience, meeting new people has really improved my communication skills. When it was my last day they told me I can come any time to visit them and the doors are open anytime and if I need to contact or ask questions I am always welcome. This work experience placement has made me understand how work in the real world is. I would like to thank you for giving yr10s the chance to do work experience.” A quote from a learner 3 The Placement Process Before The Placement Employers are required to assess the risks to learners/employees in the workplace. LEBC will assist the employer, at the initial pre-placement visit, with this process by gathering information including tasks to be undertaken and agreeing a generic risk assessment with associated control measures. This information will form the basis of a formal agreement between the employer, learner and parent/legally responsible person where appropriate. Learners are expected to request an interview before the placement starts. This is a good time to clarify the expectations of both employer and learner as well as complete the formal agreement. At this stage the employer has the opportunity to add additional hazards/control measures to the agreement based on the learner’s ability/experience or may wish to complete a separate risk assessment which must accompany the agreement when signed and returned to the requesting organisation. Employers should ensure that relevant supervisors/mentors are made aware of the agreed learner tasks and risk assessment. During The Placement Educational organisations should make contact with the learner and employer either by phone or a visit to assess the progress made by the learner. Learners on work placements are classed as employees and should be subject to discipline at work in the same way as employees. Although incidents are very infrequent, employers must report any serious misconduct directly to the educational organisation or LEBC immediately and can terminate the placement if they wish. The learner should return to their educational organisation if the placement is suspended/terminated. After The Placement LEBC and the educational organisation in this process will always support the employer in the provision of this invaluable learning experience and appreciate the time and effort given by all employers. Employers have the opportunity to provide feedback throughout the process and inform of any future involvement they may wish to have. 5,439 learners across Leicestershire County & City completed a work placement in the academic year 2013/2014. Thank you for your valuable support. 4 Frequently Asked Questions Does the interview have to be face to face? The learner interview prior to the work placement is to give you the opportunity to meet them and ensure they are suitable for the placement you are offering. It is also a useful experience for the learner. You also need to check the risk assessment with the learner and to make any changes if they are needed as appropriate. How you choose to interview is up to you, the interview can be as formal or informal as you like. The learner is not suitable for a placement with us, what do I do? If you feel at interview that the learner is not suitable or the placement is not appropriate for the learner, you do not have to offer the placement. You should make the educational organisation aware of the situation and they will work with the learner to find them a more suitable alternative placement. You can explain to the learner why they are not suitable for the placement if you feel comfortable doing this or leave it for the educational organisation to give the feedback. Constructive feedback to the learner is a useful way for them to learn about the world of work and develop/improve for the future. What hours can the learner work? While the expected hours of work are indicated in the details supplied by LEBC, they may require some degree of flexibility to accommodate a learner’s/employer’s individual circumstances. Learners should work a maximum of 37 hours per week/maximum of 8 hours per day. Learners under 16 should not work Sundays, Bank Holidays or between 10pm and 6am. Learners should not be asked to work for more than 5 consecutive days out of 7. Learners may work a Saturday with a day off in lieu during the week. Learners should be expected to work in-line with the Working Time Directive. The learner hasn’t turned up to their placement with us, what do I do now? If a learner is not going to attend a work placement we ask that they contact you and their educational establishment as soon as possible. If you do not receive contact from the learner within 30 minutes of the agreed arrival time we ask that you contact the learner’s educational establishment immediately. Do learners have to complete any documentation whilst on placement? This is subject to the educational organisation the learner is from and the programme the learner is on. Learners may however want to take away evidence of work they have done during their work placement to help with the follow up process when they have finished their placement. Learners should be encouraged to keep a diary of their experience whilst on work placement. The learner wants to leave early, can I let them? Ideally the learner should work the hours agreed with you prior to the placement, however if the learner has a valid reason to be leaving early such as a medical appointment then this is fine to go ahead. If you decide you want to send the learner home early you are also entitled to do this, we do ask however that if you send the learner home earlier than the agreed finish time that you contact their educational organisation/parent/legally responsible person to let them know. Any absences should be noted on the employer report form which you will receive from the requesting organisation. I have been really impressed with the learner and would like to offer them some part time hours, can I do this? Yes, we would love to hear that a learner has done so well that they have achieved paid employment with you. If you decide to take the learner on as an employee once the placement is finished, they should be treated as any other employee following normal rules and regulations. The only thing you are not permitted to do is to use any information about the learner provided by LEBC, such as phone numbers or email addresses. It would be best to either contact the learner’s educational organisation or to talk to the learner directly whilst they are on their placement with you. Generally learners on work experience do not expect to be paid. You can however, contribute towards their travel costs as a mark of appreciation for good work. 5 Learner Induction and Supervision POINTS FOR INDUCTION This checklist identifies common points for induction, but may need modifying to suit individual learners and types of work. An induction is best given during the learner’s first tour of the areas in which they will be working. General Line Manager - explain who will supervise them in the workplace and ensure Line Managers are aware of their responsibilities under Health & Safety legislation. Safety Policy - explain the policy and point out any aspects that apply to the learner, in particular emphasise the learner’s personal responsibilities. Safety Literature - distribute/explain any relevant safety literature, taking into account the learner’s age, length of placement and likely exposure to hazards. Key Safety People - introduce them to the learner or ensure that they are aware of their name(s), location(s) and responsibilities. Prohibited Areas/Machinery - point out any areas/machinery that are prohibited to the learner and tell them why this is the case. ‘I found the induction really useful as it made me feel welcomed into the business and I knew where things where’ A quote from a learner Workplace Hazards Machinery - explain to learners that they must never operate any machinery without the prior permission of a supervisor and unless trained to do so. Stress that they must not attempt to repair any machine and all faults must be reported to the supervisor. Dangerous Substances - explain the importance of complying with the rules on handling chemicals. Stress that the learner must ask the supervisor if they are unsure of any precautions to be taken. Lifting and Carrying - such work should have been assessed under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations. Where appropriate, arrange for the learner to be shown the correct way to lift objects and explain why it is important. Housekeeping - explain importance of good housekeeping, e.g. keeping drawers and cupboards shut, safe positioning of cables, safe storage of materials, keeping work areas clean and tidy. Safe Systems of Work - describe hazards associated with work the learner will do or observe and explain importance of safe working practices. Make sure learners receive any necessary briefing before they move on to new tasks. Protective Clothing - where applicable, describe what is available, when and why it must be used and how to make any necessary adjustments. Safety Equipment - explain when and why it must be used, where it is kept and how to use it. Hygiene - inform learners where the toilets and washing facilities are, and where applicable, explain the use of barrier creams etc. and inform the learner where these can be found. Emergency Procedures First Aid - explain the first aid facilities. Accident Procedure - explain that all accidents must be reported and that all injuries, no matter how small, should be entered into the accident record. Explain to the learner where the accident forms are kept and to whom they should report in the event of an accident. Fire Alarm - explain what learners should do if they discover a fire. Describe how they will know if the alarm has been raised. Emergency Evacuation - explain the procedures for emergency evacuation, including the route to be taken, use of emergency exits, assembly points and reporting procedures. Employers should stress that there should be no running during an emergency evacuation. Final Advice - Check that the learner understands the importance of following Health & Safety rules and the possible consequences of disobeying them. 6 Induction Checklist We strongly recommend that for your own records completed learner induction checklists should be kept for a minimum of 3 years. Learner Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………... Before work experience – please consider: Planning Has the learner attended their interview? Has a learner specific risk assessment been undertaken e.g. consideration given for Tick medical/health conditions, disabilities and learning difficulties? Work Experience Agreement signed and returned to the educational organisation? All relevant staff made aware the learner is coming? Have all relevant staff been briefed on safeguarding and agreed activities? Is adequate and appropriate supervision arranged? Who will be responsible in the absence of the planned supervisor? Has a schedule of activities been identified for the learner? Are all planned activities suitable for the learner? Is Personal Protective Equipment available? Will it be available in suitable sizes? Who will meet/talk to the tutor who undertakes the monitoring visit? Is there an emergency contact number available for the educational organisation? Is there an emergency contact number available for the parent/legally responsible person? At the start of work experience - have you covered? General Information Organisation background and the role of the learner whilst on placement Introduction to key staff (supervisor/safety/first aid) Tour of premises including fire escape route and assembly point(s) Shown staff/refreshment facilities Notice boards and appropriate signage (location and purpose) Tick Health & Safety Information Introduction to organisation’s Health & Safety Policy and procedures Explanation of risk assessments – organisation’s and learner specific Safety literature Prohibited areas/equipment Safe working systems Introduction to and training on machinery/equipment that may be used Housekeeping/tidiness/smoking policy Manual handling/lifting Dangerous substances Protective clothing and safety equipment – correct and appropriate usage Hygiene First Aid facilities & accident procedures Emergency procedures Confidentiality Safeguarding Tick Supervisor:………………………… Learner:……………………………. Supervisor: Su Date:……………. 7 Equality of Opportunity in Work-Related Learning The Law Most employers understand that direct and indirect discrimination in employment is unlawful on the following grounds - age, disability, race, religion and belief, ethnicity, national origin, gender and sexual orientation. This list is not exhaustive and legislation also protects those with spent convictions who would otherwise be prevented from moving on into training and employment. Whilst there are some legal exceptions, employers are increasingly aware that to discriminate unlawfully not only leaves them vulnerable to claims at Employment Tribunal but reduces a business’s opportunity to access talented individuals who can make a real contribution to its success. Access to employment, training, goods, facilities and services should be available to all. The Equality Act (2010) is the law which bans unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the workplace and in the wider society. Employers are required to comply with the Equality Act 2010. What are your legal responsibilities? Legally, employers cannot condone discrimination or prejudice on the above unlawful grounds. Protection is provided against the following types of employment discrimination: In the arrangements made for recruitment and selection. In the terms on which employment is offered. By way of refusing or omitting to offer employment. During employment in terms of benefits, facilities, services offered to the employee, and in terms of opportunities for promotion, transfer and training. By way of dismissal. In the form of ‘any other detriment’ (this can be applied to a variety of situations e.g. demotion, reduction of wages, disciplinary or harassment). ‘Encourage social inclusion within the workplace.’ What do I need to do? The principles of fairness and equality should be applied not only to your staff, customers and sub-contractors but also to those learners on, or potentially on, placement. Work related learning is particularly valuable to learners who have a special need or disability and employers should: Promote a healthy attitude to all aspects of equal opportunities within the workplace. Consider all learners fairly on the basis of their ability to do the job; give learners effective induction and training to secure integration into the workplace. Ensure all staff are aware of their collective and individual responsibilities with reference to equal opportunities. Consider the quality and benefits of a work activity when dealing with a learner who has special needs or a disability. Consider offering a taster work experience, lasting only one or two days to learners with severe special needs or disabilities. Look at alternative placement opportunities than those originally offered within the company. Identify any reasonable adjustments that can be made to accommodate a learner with special needs or disabilities in order to offer them a quality and much valued placement. Encourage social inclusion within the workplace - most barriers can be overcome with a little thought, preparation and understanding. Work related learning is a vital part of the wider curriculum and helps all young people, particularly those with special needs, to prepare for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. LEBC, in conjunction with educational organisations is happy to discuss the needs of individual learners and to offer any support which employers and their employees may need. 8 Data Protection Act Leicestershire Education Business Company will ensure that: Data is processed fairly and lawfully and only for the educational purpose. Data is adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose. Data is held securely in place with appropriate technical and organisational security measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing of data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, data. Any personal data about individuals (i.e. staff contact details) is held on a secure database and only transmitted to relevant educational organisations or work related learning organisers (where and when appropriate). No sensitive personal data about individuals is held. All staff, with access to data, follow secure systems. Employers will: Be given personal information about learners that should remain confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Ensure that they have discussed, where appropriate, with the learner any issues regarding their business of a confidential nature. Agree for LEBC to hold and share their data with other educational organisations. Social Media/Mobile Phone Awareness It is becoming increasingly easy to access many people online, i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc. whether known to an individual or not. If individuals have not fully opted out in their settings, private details may still be accessed. Employers and their employees should be aware that handing out personal identification for social websites to individuals on a placement, or requesting a personal identification from the learner, could be both inappropriate and dangerous, particularly as both parties will be relatively unknown to each other. Learners, through their work experience preparation, will be made aware of inappropriate use of social networking sites. Employers are also advised that they ensure their employees are equally aware not to use such sites to personally contact learners. It is advised that this should be deemed as inappropriate behaviour. For security reasons, employers should make their employees aware that no employee should be passing their phone number or personal contact details to a learner on work experience. Employers should discuss with learners that their phone may need to be turned off when on placement, unless it is required when travelling for emergency purposes. Employers are guided to ensure that they have discussed with the learner what may or may not be posted (comment, photos etc.) on any social media sites by the learner – before, during and after the placement. 9 Safeguarding (including Child Protection) Guidelines Information for employers providing work related learning Safeguarding (including Child Protection) means protecting against abuse and non-accidental injury and applies to all young people under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults. Educational organisations have responsibility “in loco parentis” (in place of parents) for the safety and welfare of their learners. Employers are asked, when offering work related learning, to take responsibility for the social and physical welfare of each learner. Employers should ensure that their relationship and their employees’ relationship with learners on placement is appropriate to learner age and gender and does not give rise to comment or speculation. In addition, attitude, behaviour and language all require care and consideration. Educational organisations are encouraged to brief learners before they attend a work related learning placement, on the issues of child protection and to encourage them to report appropriately any concerns encountered in the workplace. Employer Guidance For adults working with young people/vulnerable adults it is important to be aware of potentially difficult situations. By following the simple guidance outlined below it should be possible to ensure that the placement is a secure and productive environment for both the provider and the learner. ‘For adults working with young people it is important to be aware of potentially difficult situations.’ Touch - There may be occasions when you need to touch a young person/vulnerable adult (e.g. when you are guiding them in carrying out a technical operation) but try to keep to a minimum. Behaviour - While it is important to reassure a young person/vulnerable adult who may be nervous in a new placement and reliant on your guidance, you should avoid being over familiar. Never permit ‘horseplay’ which may cause embarrassment or fear. Environment - Where possible, avoid being on your own in an isolated or closed environment with a young person/vulnerable adult. Travel - Ensure that there is a known destination and check-in times with a third party in situations where a young person/vulnerable adult will be travelling alone with an adult during the placement. It is a good idea to make available a mobile phone (or equivalent) in such situations. Mentor - Those placed immediately in charge of young people/vulnerable adults should be competent in their work-role, mature in their attitudes, and be at ease with this group. Disclosure - Occasionally young people/vulnerable adults may disclose confidential information to a work colleague that gives rise for concern for their physical or emotional safety. In such situations you should speak directly to the Head teacher/Principal/Work Experience Co-ordinator at the educational organisation or where this is not possible directly to LEBC on 0116 240 7000. Disqualification - You are reminded that you are required by law to protect young people/vulnerable adults from harm and employees are required, under the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act, to declare that they are disqualified from working with young people/vulnerable adults. In addition, under Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, an employer must not knowingly engage a “banned person” in regulated activity. 10 Safeguarding (Including Child Protection) Policy This policy sets out the organisation’s commitment to work related learning for young people under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults. This organisation will do all that is reasonably practical to safeguard learners from inappropriate physical, social, emotional, sexual or racial treatment. ‘Copies of the advice on Child Protection included within this pack will be agreed and given to all employees responsible for supervising the learner.’ This organisation will take reasonable steps to comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations. This organisation agrees to report any issues related to the welfare of the learners on placement, including suspected case, or unsubstantiated allegations. In such situations speak directly to the Head teacher/Principal/Work Experience Co-ordinator at the educational organisation or where this is not possible directly to LEBC on 0116 240 7000. Within the terms of the current Data Protection Act, due consideration will be given to the secure storage of information about the learner. Where working with a lone adult, travelling with a lone adult or isolated working has been identified as taking place for the majority of the placement, this organisation agrees to take into consideration individual learner needs and appoint appropriate supervision. It is also agreed that where appropriate a DBS (formerly CRB) check may need to be undertaken by the educational organisation on key staff. This organisation agrees to disseminate the safeguarding (including child protection) information provided by LEBC to all relevant staff. Signed: …………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………. 11 Work Experience Policy for Work Placement Providers This policy has been drawn up for the purpose of work-related learning participation and the content applies to all young people under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults. This organisation values the role of work related learning in the learning and development of young people/vulnerable adults and will do all it reasonably can to support this process. This organisation supports the view that the main purpose of work related learning placements should be as a means of achieving learning outcomes and developing skills. This organisation accepts its responsibility for a duty of care, both legally and morally, for young people/vulnerable adults on work related learning. Work related learning should be made equally available to all, irrespective of academic ability, race, gender, age, disability, religion and belief, ethnicity, national origin or sexual orientation. Learners will have a specific risk assessment undertaken for them taking into consideration their age, inexperience, immaturity, lack of awareness and any medical/health conditions, disabilities and learning difficulties they may have. Learners will be given an induction on their first day which will include Health, Safety & Welfare. Learners will be supervised at all times by an appropriate, competent, responsible and experienced person. Learners will be given meaningful work (where appropriate, curriculum specific) suitable for their age, ability, physical limitations and maturity. Signed: …………………………………………………… Date: ………………………….. 12 Useful Websites Leicestershire Education Business Company Leicestershire Education Business Company Health & Safety Awareness Health & Safety Executive Health & Safety Law Leaflet Template For Health & Safety Policy Risk Assessment Examples First Aid at Work Regulation Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. Manual Handling Leaflet Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations Fire Safety Responsibilities Young People at Work Information for Employers & Learners Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Institution of Occupational Safety & Health Suzy Lamplugh Trust Safeguarding Disclosure & Barring Service Apprenticeships Information on Apprenticeships LEBC are recruiting apprenticeship positions for 16-24 year olds & some companies may be eligible for a £1500 grant. Please call us to find out more. Business Information & Networking Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Association of British Insurers (ABI) 13 Letter of Understanding To ensure that the principal conditions and arrangements for work experience/work-related learning/apprenticeship are fully understood; the following essential points are set out below: 1. Insurance It is a requirement to have in place adequate insurance for the participant(s) e.g. to cover against accident/injury caused to the participant(s) by negligence of the organisation or an employee - Employers’ Liability Insurance (general accepted minimum is £5 million) and where appropriate, business Motor Vehicle Insurance. It is a requirement to accept liability and insure yourself through Public Liability Insurance (general accepted minimum is £2 million), against liability for loss, damage or injury caused by the participant(s), whilst on placement to your property, other employees or a third party. It is advisable that your insurer is notified that you are taking a participant(s) on work experience or a work related learning programme/apprenticeship. 2. Health, Safety & Welfare Employers will ensure that the participant(s) does not operate any hazardous machinery or work in any hazardous environments, unless suitable control measures are in place recognising appropriate training and supervision as indicated in the employer’s risk assessment. The participant(s) will not carry out work of an unsuitable or objectionable nature. Employers are required to supply any protective clothing or equipment needed by the participant(s) whilst on placement/employment and give instructions in its use. For work experience the participant(s) may be asked to provide their own safety footwear. Employers are required to comply with all relevant legislation, relating to the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all associated regulations including the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, in particular Regulation 19 - the Protection of Young Persons (where applicable). Employers have provided LEBC with information about the assessment of risks to the health, safety and welfare of any participant(s) on placement/employment and also agreed the control measures including prohibitions or restrictions put in place to ensure their safety. After the visit by an LEBC Assessor, where appropriate, you will be sent a copy of the Placement/Employment Description and your Generic Risk Assessment. Employers must notify LEBC immediately if the information is not accurate or a true reflection of the placement/employment offered. 3. Placement/Employment Working Hours Work Experience/Work Related Learning – Participants(s) will normally work between the hours of 07.00 19.00 for a maximum of 8 hours exclusive of breaks and may not work for more than 37 hours in one week. Participants(s) under 16 years of age should not work Sundays, Bank Holidays or more than 5 consecutive days out of 7. Participants(s) will not receive any payment for this work in accordance with the Education Act; however employers may contribute towards the cost of meals or travel. Apprenticeships/Employed Status/Paid Placements – Participants(s) should be expected to work in-line with the Working Time Directive. 4. Placement/Employment Agreement The participant(s) is required to have an interview (either in person or over the phone whichever is most appropriate). At this point the participant(s) may bring with them or the employer may have already received from the educational organisation the formal agreement. This will contain the Placement/Employment Description and Generic Risk Assessment which needs to be completed by the employer taking into consideration any specific requirements of the participant(s), where appropriate, (i.e. age, medical conditions). Participants(s) will undertake meaningful work, as described in the Placement/Employment Description. Employers will ensure that the work will be planned and supervised by a responsible and competent person who is aware of their responsibilities. Employers agree to give the participant(s) an appropriate induction (a copy of which is to be retained for a minimum of 3 years), instruction and supervision during the period of work experience/work related learning/apprenticeship. 5. Illness, Accident/Incident or Changes to Placement Circumstances In case of absence, accident/incident, sickness or unacceptable behaviour on the part of the participant(s), employers agree to immediately notify by telephone and without delay, the relevant educational organisation. Appropriate welfare and first aid facilities will be provided by the employer. 14 6. Safeguarding Young People & Vulnerable Adults Employers will have in place a Safeguarding Policy which will cover the participant(s) in the workplace. Where this is not the case, employers agree to adopt and implement the policy provided by LEBC. Employers agree to disseminate the safeguarding guidelines and policy to employees and ensure that relationships with participants(s) are appropriate in terms of physical, social, emotional, sexual or racial treatment and do not give rise to comment or speculation. Attitude, behaviour and language all require care and thought, especially for those employees supervising the participant(s). Any employee who is disqualified from working with young people/vulnerable adults under the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act is prohibited from working with this group on placement. Where employers are aware that a member of the workforce is disqualified, employers agree to discuss this with LEBC. 7. Equal Opportunities All activities should, as far as possible, be open equally to all participants regardless of age, disability, race, religion and belief, ethnicity, national origin, gender and sexual orientation. Legislation also protects those with spent convictions who would otherwise be prevented from moving on into training and employment. The Equality Act (2010) is the law which bans unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the workplace and in the wider society. Employers are required to comply with the Equality Act 2010. 8. Data Protection Employer’s details will be held by LEBC. Employers will have given permission, by the signing of this Letter of Understanding, for these details to be held by LEBC and processed only for the purposes of work experience/work-related learning programmes/apprenticeships. Information will be held in compliance with the Data Protection Act. Employers will be given personal information about participants that should remain confidential in compliance with the Data Protection Act. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with this valuable programme and would be grateful if you would confirm that this Letter of Understanding is acceptable to your organisation by signing below. Yours sincerely Barbara Chantrill Chief Executive, Leicestershire Education Business Company ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I confirm that I have read this Letter of Understanding and that all points are acceptable to my organisation. I have discussed safeguarding (including health, safety & welfare) matters in respect of work experience/work related learning/apprenticeships, with a representative of your organisation and I have agreed the Placement Description. I also agree to complete the Generic Risk Assessment to be specific to each participant and all relevant information will be disseminated to all appropriate employees within my organisation involved in work experience/work-related learning/apprenticeships. I agree that all relevant information can be held by LEBC for the purpose of work experience/ work-related learning programmes/apprenticeships. Organisation Name:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Telephone Number: …………………………………………………………. Email: ……………………………………………………………………… Signature: ………………………………………………………………………… Name: …………………………………………………………………….. Role in Organisation: ……………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………………………………. 15 Contact us: Ashcroft House Ervington Court Meridian Business Park Leicester LE19 1WL Tel: 0116 240 7000 Email: Website: @LeicesterEBC Find us on Facebook Find us on Linkedin Registered Charity No.1016744 Company No. 02775469 16