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Learning Log Assignments (30%)
There are 2 sections for the learning log assignments:
1. Chapter Questions: This section has questions based on
chapter readings that you will need to reflect on to answer. Your
answers must be in your own words and not copied from the
textbook so that “your” understanding of the material is clear.
2. Event & Questions: Each week you will choose 1 “Event” from
the textbook from 1 of the textbook chapters that we covered
that week. You will complete the Event with a partner and
answer the Event Questions independently.
These assignments must be typed and include a title page. You may
use resources other than the text to answer the questions.
Learning Log Due Dates
ESCI 215
Questions for Chapters: 1, 2, 18, 19 and
Science & Tech. Curriculum document
1 Event & Questions from 1 of these chapters
Questions for Chapters: 4, 6, 8, 9, 11
1 Event & Questions from 1 of these chapters
Questions for Chapters: 5, 7, 10
1 Event & Questions from 1 of these chapters
Event Questions:
You will complete 1 Event for each Learning Log Assignment.
Complete the following questions for the Events you do: (10 marks)
1. What challenges did you encounter while doing this event? What challenges
could you encounter in the classroom while students conduct this event or while
preparing for this event? (2 marks)
2. Explain 2 potential safety concerns for your students/classroom for this event? (2
3. How long did it take for you to complete this event? How much time do you think
would be required for students to complete this event? (1 mark)
4. What grade level, strand and curriculum objective(s) does this event relate to in
the Science and Technology curriculum? (3 marks)
5. What is 1 change you would make to this event or 1 thing you would add to it to
make it more representative of Nunavut and Inuit culture and language? (2
ESCI 215
26 marks
Science and Technology Curriculum Document (3 marks)
1. What is involved in scientific investigation? (1 mark)
2. Why are hands-on activities necessary for learning about science and
technology? (2 marks)
Attitudes about Science (2 marks)
1. How were you taught science when you were in elementary or high school? (1
2. Describe how you think a good science teacher would teach or how do you want
to teach science? (1 mark)
Chapter 1: The Methods 1 (6 marks)
1. What is a common misconception students have about any activity in science?
Explain how experiments are different from an activity? (2 marks)
2. At what grade level can children begin designing their own experiments? What
should the role of the teacher be? (1 mark)
3. Explain the steps for using a “discrepant event” in a lesson and describe a
specific discrepant event by breaking it into these steps. (3 marks)
Chapter 2: Teaching Science to All Children (6 marks)
1. What does a constructivist approach to learning mean? Give an example that
clearly shows how students learn through a constructivist approach. (2 marks)
2. Describe “at risk students.” Your description should include their characteristics,
their perception about education, and where this perception of education comes
from. Discuss how you, as a teacher, help them. (2 marks)
3. The book states that for inquiry lessons in science, “mixed gender groups do not
work as well as single-sex groups for girls” (Friedl & Koontz, 2005, p. 25). Explain
why this is. Your answer should include a discussion of the relevant
misconceptions related to science learning and the advantages of this type of
grouping for girls. (2 marks)
Chapter 18: Teaching Children about the Plant and Fungi Kingdoms (5
1. Explain the relationship between seed size and planting depth and explain why
this is. (1 mark)
2. Can some vegetables from your refrigerator reproduce? List 2 vegetables it
would work with. Explain what you would need to do and why it works. (2 marks)
3. Explain a summative assessment that you could use for a unit on plants. Include
what the students would do and how you would assess them. (2 marks)
ESCI 215
Chapter 19: Teaching Children about the Animal Kingdom (4 marks)
1. Compare and contrast warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals in terms of their
energy use and body temperature. Provide an example of each. (2 marks)
2. Many animals in Nunavut have large bodies. Explain this in terms of surface
area. (1 mark)
3. What is a way to incorporate Art and Literature into science assessment? (1
ESCI 215
26 marks
Chapter 4: Teaching Children about the Characteristics of Matter (5 marks)
1. When 30mL of water is added to 30mL of rubbing alcohol, the total amount of
liquid is less than 60mL. Explain this phenomenon. (2 marks)
2. Describe a classification activity you could use as a formative or summative
assessment for a topic related to matter. Explain what you would assess. (3
Chapter 6: Teaching Children about Magnetism (4 marks)
1. Explain magnetism. What are thought to be the causes of it? (2 marks)
2. How can you make a compass? Are compasses affected by the North Pole?
Explain. (2 marks)
Chapter 8: Teaching Children about Sound (6 marks)
1. Explain what sound is and why sound cannot travel through a vacuum (ie. empty
space). (2 marks)
2. Explain how sound travels from one place to another and state the name of this
wave. Describe 1 Event that demonstrates this movement. (3 marks)
3. State 2 factors that affect the speed of sound. (1 mark)
Chapter 9: Teaching Children about Light, Lenses, and Colour (5 marks)
1. What is light and how does it travel? (2 marks)
2. Explain how light is reflected. Your answer should discuss angles, even and
uneven reflection. (2 marks)
3. If an object appears white, which colour(s) of light is it absorbing and which is it
reflecting? If an object appears black, which colour(s) of light is it absorbing and
which is it reflecting? (1 mark)
Chapter 11: Teaching Children about Air, Air Pressure, and Flight (6 marks)
1. Since air is not visible, students often find it hard to understand that it is a
substance that takes up space. Explain one event that you could use in class to
demonstrate that air occupies space. Include an explanation of the principles
behind how this event works. (2 marks)
2. Explain the role that the expansion and contraction of air plays in getting the egg
into the milk bottle in Event 11-O. (2 marks)
3. Explain how Bernoulli’s principle helps to explain how airplanes get lift. (2 marks)
ESCI 215
23 marks
Chapter 5: Teaching Children about Heat Energy (8 marks)
1. Explain what heat is and how the motion of molecules changes. (2 marks)
2. Which of the following contains more heat: 1 gram of ice at 0C or 1 gram of water
at 0C? Explain why. Your discussion should include the heat of fusion. (3 marks)
3. Explain the three ways that heat travels. (3 marks)
Chapter 7: Teaching Children about Static and Current Electricity (8 marks)
1. State the laws of static electricity. (3 marks)
2. Explain how static electricity is different from current electricity. (2 marks)
3. Explain what a circuit is. Your response should explain open circuit and closed
circuit and give an example of how this is used in everyday life. (3 marks)
Chapter 10: Teaching Children about Simple Machines (7 marks)
1. Explain what a lever is and how it works. Explain the 3 types of levers and
provide an example for each type. For each example state where the force,
fulcrum and load are. You may use pictures to help. (2 marks)
2. Explain the difference between a fixed pulley, a moveable pulley and a
combined pulley. Include an explanation of the forces, effort, direction and the
mechanical advantage. (3 marks)
3. Explain how a wheel and axle makes work easier. (2 marks)
ESCI 215
Marking Scheme:
Learning Log 1:
/ 26 =
/ 10
Learning Log 2:
/ 26 =
/ 10
Learning Log 3:
/ 23 =
/ 10
Total Mark:
ESCI 215
/ 30