What You'll Get The Set Up ($997 Value)

“How to Partner with Amazon.com to Create An
Instant Stream of Leads, Commissions and
Monthly, Recurring Revenue
Without You Ever Having to Personally
Do Any of The Work… Ever!”
Plus How to Get Paid by Amazon.com to
Generate Highly Qualified Buyer Leads That
Want to Buy Your Product or Service!
Ty Cohen
• 6 Figures With
•Amazon KDP Beta Tester
•Now KING of Amazon Kindle Publishing
• Spent Years Running Test to Discover
What Works and What Doesn’t:
- Price points, Lead Generation
- Topics
- Covers
- How to Start & Profit Fast
• Made Millions with Amazon
• Thousands of students around the world
• Have Spoken at Dozens of Conferences and Seminars Globally On the Topic
• Taught Dozens of 7/8 Figure Business Owners How to Do This
• Now I’m Going to Show You Exactly How to Do It.
First, What is a Kindle?
Before we begin, let’s talk about what exactly is a “Kindle” and
why is it so important to anyone who is looking for an easy,
secure long lasting, residual way to make money ???
The Kindle is a portable eBook reader
developed by Amazon.com that allows its’
users to be able to shop for, download,
browse, and read eBooks, newspapers,
magazines, blogs, reports and other
digital media.
My Goal…
To Show You How Publishing
Short 20 Page eBooks on Amazon.com Can
Be A Highly Profitable, Easy and Extremely
Lucrative Way to Generate Income, Leads
and Massive Commissions for Years and
Years to Come, Without Your Competition
Ever Knowing How You Did It!
If You Stay Until The End…
The Shift…
Right now there is a digital shift that’s taking place, where
people are buying and consuming written material in the
form of eBooks more than ever before and the trend will
Amazon.com is now selling more eBooks
for Kindle than hardcover books in fact,
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says that
“For every 100 hardcover books
Amazon.com has sold, the Company
has sold 180 Kindle books” – Jeff Bezos
7 BILLION Prospects
The Kindle App allows PC, Macintosh, iPod, iPad, iPhone,
Blackberry, Android users and others to now buy your ebooks
The Shift…
This digital shift and publishing platform that
Amazon has provided is making some
people extremely wealthy and at the least
financially free with Very Little Effort.
Here are 3 examples…
The Shift…
#1- Amanda Hocking, an unknown, 20+ year old
girl from Minnesota, USA made over $2 Million
Dollars publishing stories to Kindle.
Why It Works So Well
The Shift…
#2- Stephen Leather,
2,000 eBooks a day on Kindle.
2000 X 0.99
= $2000.00 a Day
$60,000.00 a Month
$365,000.00 a Year!
The Shift…
#3- John Locke became the first person to sell
1 Million Kindle eBooks and he did it in less
than 1 year with just 9 titles
(This is according to Amazon).
In addition to these folks, there are hundreds, if not
thousands of people that are making thousands
and tens of thousands of dollars selling content on
Kindle. Now it’s YOUR Turn!
You Are At Ground Level of What is Being
Called A “New Age Diamond Mine”
Let’s take a look at some of the money that I have been able to
make just “playing” around with publishing eBooks “Before”
I created a streamlined system for doing it…
Disclaimer – Results Are Not Typical
At this point I’ll be walking you through specific processes and
systems that earn huge amounts of money and drive lots of
leads. My results are certainly not typical and the average
person who attends any training gets zero results, however I’m
happy to show you exactly what is working for me – FREE. This
is not for people interested in a get rich quick scheme or
anything like that.
The system is easy but there is still a good chance that you
may make nothing, less or even more than what you see
here… Some people are making hundreds to multiple
thousands monthly but even those Results are Not Typical, with
that said.. Let’s continue.
The Proof…
One of my first checks from Amazon was $2,297.30
And Even More Proof…
Next month, I received a check for $2,873.13
And Even More Proof…
The next check was $4,462.53
More Proof…
Followed by this check of $8,403.84
In Just 1 Month Alone
$29,387.08 in deposits
When Would You Like to Have Your Own Diamond Mine?
Remember: Amazon Makes it Easy for You to Make Money
It’s Also the Perfect Lead Generator
3352 New Leads In the Last 30 Days
What Makes This
#1- It’s a Real Business
#2- You’re Joining Forces with a Real,
Multi-Billion Dollar, Globally Recognized Brand
And Tapping Into A 7 Billon Person Market
#3 – It’s a System That’s Easy To Make Money
and Drive Leads With,
Month After Month After Month…
I’ve Done A Lot of Things Right
Done A Lot of Things
After Doing This For Nearly 5 Years…
I Discovered that no matter what the topic or industry; Insurance, Real estate,
Finance and all others there are a few key things that you “Must Do”
in order to be successful with this…
• I Discovered How to Position My eBooks so They Sell and Bring
in Leads Like Crazy.
• What Price Points Generate the Most Profit and Leads.
• A Secret Element to Add to Your Titles That Can
Double, Triple and Even Quadruple Your Sales and Lead Flow.
•How to Use This to Build a Huge Database of Leads that You
Can Continue to Sell to and Make Money From Over and Over
Again for Years on End.
Let Me Show You How to
Get Similar Results Fast…
I Discovered This Stuff
The Hard Way!
(You Get To Cheat And Get The Easy Way…)
The Hard Way…
• Wrote Content Myself (HATED It!)
• Spent Weeks Trying to Get Started
•Hired Cover Designers, Writers and Outsourcers
From Sites That Ripped Me Off
• Ended Up Losing A Lot of Money and Time
• Amazon Nearly Banned My Account, Just As I Got to
The Point of Making $2,000.00 a Month in eBook Sales
and 1000 leads monthly.
Simply Because I Didn’t Have Access to
the Road Map That You Now Have Access To.
Do You Want The Easy Way That
Guarantees That You Won’t Ever
Make Any of These Mistakes…?
Plus Learn How to Get Paid by
Amazon.com to Generate Highly
Qualified Buyer Leads That Want to Buy
Your Product or Service!
The 3 Secrets…
• Secret #1 – I Can Generate More Leads and Make More
Money In One Month Selling eBooks on Amazon, Than I Can In
A YEAR doing it the “Traditional Way”… Amazon’s eBook Customer
Base is HUGE!
•Secret #2 – I Personally Don’t Have to Write the eBooks, Make
Cold Calls or Sell Anything! (Big Plus Because I Hate Having to Write and
Call on Prospects Cold)
•Secret #3 – 2-Step Process, Versus Traditional Lead
Generation, I Only Need A Small Amount of Money to Make
This Work! (About $100 Start)
All You Need Is…
All You Need to Be Successful At This Is
• A Little Bit of Research
(Luckily there are millions of possibilities, both fact and fiction)
•$100.00 (To hire someone to write the ebook for you,
using the 2-step process and hiring templates that I give you)
• A Desire to Repeat the Process – Each eBook Becomes Another
Passive Income Stream that Will Continue Selling for Years to
Come Without You Ever Having to Do Anything
The 3 Step Process…
Step #1: Use Google Key Word
Planner to Find Highly Searched For,
In Demand Topics and Come Up with
A Killer Title (Easy Stuff!)
- Google Keyword Planner
It’s Easy to Find Hot Markets
It’s Easy to Find Hot Markets
It’s Easy to Find Hot Markets
It’s Easy to Find Hot Markets
10k to 100k
Why Use GKP to Find Titles?
“If You Craft Your Titles Correctly…
You Increase the Chances of Them Ranking High
Within Both Amazon AND Google’s Search
Ranking on Both Amazon and Google
Will Dramatically BOOST Your Sales
Lets Take a Look At Two Examples…
Google LOVES Amazon = More $ 4 U
Easy To Make Money This Way.
Step 1 Was…
Use The Google Keyword Planner to
Find What People Are Searching For
and to Create Titles…
Title Enhancers That
Double & Triple Sales
“After Months of Testing We’ve Found That Simply
Adding The Following Elements to My Titles Can
Dramatically Increase Sales”
Title Enhancers That
Double & Triple Sales
Title Enhancers Answer the Questions That Your
eBook Buyers Are Asking Themselves In Their Head
How to
=> Buy Insurance Like a Professional
Learn to Buy Insurance for Your…
Quickest way to
=> 21 quickest ways to Invest for High Returns
The guide to Investing
Fastest way to
=> The Fastest Way to Build a Retirement Nest Egg
Investment Quad's Retirement Guide
Easy ways to
=> Quick & Easy Ways to Invest In Long Term Stocks
Tips to
=> The World's Best Kept Tips to Real-estate Investing
“How To” Title Enhancer
The 3 Step Process…
Step #1: Research
Use GKP to Find A Hot,
In Demand Topic and Come
Up with A Killer Title and
Add In A T.E. (Easy Stuff!)
Step #2: Create Your eBook
How to Invest In Gold for Profit
10k to 100k Monthly Searches
Google Friendly
Step 2
After Research, Create the Content
In my preferred order there are 3 very simple ways to get content to sell, I’ve used all 3 of
these… And all are VERY Easy to Do.. Even if you are a newbie to all of this!
#1- Get someone else to write it for you… I use this option a lot and have paid as little as
$50 - $100- to have people write content for me. You own 100% of the rights to it and
can resell as long and often as you want, you can even put your name on it or use a pen
name. This course gives you the only 3 sites you should use when looking to have
someone write your content, plus I give you the EXACT wording to use when looking for
Super Easy Stuff
#2- Speak it… Then have it transcribed… Speech recognition software like Dragon
or the free one that you’ll find on most pc’s
#3- Write it yourself… Not my favorite, but if you’re a writer this would be the
perfect option for you 
Lets Compare Amazon VS. “Traditional”
Selling eBooks for Profit & Lead Generation On Amazon.com
• Each eBook Averages $500 in Sales, Month After Month
After 1 Year 1 eBook Can Bring in $6000.00 and 167 Potential Leads
• Invest Once, You See a Return Multiple Times Over in Profit, Leads
and Commissions
• Do It Once – Get Paid Month After Month
• You Don’t Have to Worry About Cold Calling, Buying Leads,
Headaches, etc.
Low Cost and Easy to Do!
How Many eBooks Do You Need?
- Using the System That I’ve Created
(Research + Titles + Descriptions + Price Points =
Average $500.00 a Month in Sales
Per eBook + 167 Potential Leads
*Imagine having 5, 10 or 20 eBooks all bringing in monthly income
And leads or if your ebooks sold 200, 500, 1000 copies instead of
Step 3, The Last Step!
Literally Takes About 5-10
Minutes to Both Create Your
Kindle Publisher’s Account,
as Well as Add eBooks to It…
Amazon Has Made it Easy!
Turn A $100- into $100s Monthly
$100.00 to Get
Started with
Your 1st eBook
Do The Work Once, Your eBooks
Sell and Bring In Leads
for Months & Years to Come…
What Makes This
Different Is That
It Grows
The Proof…
One of my first checks from Amazon was $2,297.30
And Even More Proof…
Next month, I received a check for $2,873.13
And Even More Proof…
The next check was $4,462.53
More Proof…
Followed by this check of $8,403.84
Nearly $30,000.00
In Sales In 1 Month
How Much Money Do You Need to
Make A Difference in Your Life?
An Extra $2500.00
a Month
How Could This Change Your Life?
What Would You Do With The Extra Income?
- Put it Towards Your Kid’s Future
- Use it to Pay Off Your Mortgage
- Buy a House
- Buy Your Dream Car
- Pay Off Bills, Get Out of Debt
- Travel the Globe
- Donate to Charities
The Possibilities are Endless!
Let Me Ask You
A Question…
The Past Hour…
Would You Agree Its Been Time Well Spent?
Can’t Cover Everything You Need
In An Hour Webinar (Even if we had all day)
Special Offer So You Can Get
Everything You Need to Know
And If You Act Fast, I’m Going to
Give You A Very Special Deal
Is It Ok If I Help You
and Share?
Old Habits Die Hard…
You’ll Be Thrilled…
What You’ll Get
Plus 10% Up to $100,000.00
What You’ll Get
The Set Up ($997 Value)
Setting Up Your Account, How to Get Started Quickly, What Not to Do So You Don’t Get Banned
Kindling for Profits ($1,497 Value)
Finding the Right Niche and Readers. Niches that Sell and pull in leads!
The Buyer Magnet ($2,997 Value)
The Critical, Must Have Elements That Will Make Your eBooks Sell and Generate Leads:
Cover, Pricing, Descriptions, Reviews
KDP Cash Extraction ($3,500 Value)
Secret Ways to Use the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform to
Make More Money Than Most People Ever Will
Total Value $8,991
I Had Two Choices…
First Option – Go Cheap As Possible And Try to
Sell As Many As Possible… (It wouldn’t incentivize
me to REALLY stack the value on for you…)
Second Option – Requires A Little Higher
Investment…(But in exchange I’m able to devout
more resources to guarantee your success)
Perth, Australia
“Ty, Over the Last Year I’ve
Continued to Follow The Kindle
Cash Flow System and I'm Now
Doing $20k Per Month in Sales!”
- Darren Devery, Perth Australia
What You’ll Get
The Set Up ($997 Value)
Setting Up Your Account, How to Get Started Quickly, What Not to Do So You Don’t Get Banned
Kindling for Profits ($1,497 Value)
Finding the Right Niche and Readers. Niches that Sell and Pull in Leads!
The Buyer Magnet ($2,997 Value)
The Critical, Must Have Elements That Will Make Your eBooks Sell and Bring in Leads:
Cover, Pricing, Descriptions, Reviews
KDP Cash Extraction ($3,500 Value)
Secret Ways to Use the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform to
Make More Money Than Most People Ever Will
Total Value $8,991
Bonus #1
The Google
Kindle Crunch
Getting Your eBook Listed in
Google Will Increase Your Sales / Leads Big Time
($1,997 Value)
NOTE: This Bonus Is For The First 30 People Only
Bonus #2
Money Multiplicity
How to Publish the Same Content to
the Barnes & Noble’s Nook Press
Platform & Apple’s iBooks
(Triple Your eBooks Exposure for more sales and leads)
($997 Value)
NOTE: This Bonus Is For The First 20 People Only
What You’ll Get
The Set Up ($997 Value)
Setting Up Your Account, How to Get Started Quickly, What Not to Do So You Don’t Get Banned
Kindling for Profits ($1,497 Value)
Finding the Right Niche and Readers. Niches that Sell and Pull in Leads!
The Buyer Magnet ($2,997 Value)
The Critical, Must Have Elements That Will Make Your eBooks Sell: Cover, Pricing, Descriptions, Reviews
KDP Cash Extraction ($3,500 Value)
Secret Ways to Use the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform to Make More Money Than Most People Ever Will
BONUS #1: The Google Kindle Crunch - Increased Sales ($1, 997 Value)
BONUS #2: Money Multiplicity – Triples Your eBooks Exposure ($997 Value)
Total Value $11,985
If All This Did Was…
Finally Allow You to Generate a Consistent, Hands Free
Passive Stream of Leads and Income
Every Month…Would It Be Worth It…?
Give You the Kick In The Butt to Finally Get You Moving
and Making More Money… Would It Be Worth It?
Give You 2-3 eBooks that Each Brought in $500- and
100+ Leads Per Month to Pay A Bill or Save…
Would It Be Worth It?
What’s ONE eBook Worth to You?
One eBook…?
$500.00 A Month? $800.00 A Month?
$1500.00 A Month? More?
How Much Would You Pay To Get:
1 Great Selling eBook(100+ Leads)
Per Month…?
You Can See Why People Are Paying
Us Up to $20k Plus 10% of Profits
(Up to $100k Dollars) To Set This
Up For Them…
If You Got to The Point Where,
Like My Student Darren Devrey,
You’re Making $20k a Month…
Would it Make Sense to Pay Me Just $10k
One Time to Set This Up With You?
(Then Every Sale After That Month
You Can See Why it’s
a Good Deal At $5,000
$1,997 (For the General Public)
Because You Are Special…
Get Started NOW For Just
$997 Today
(and I’m going to wave royalties)
Click The Button Below or Sign Up Here:
Bonus #3
Your Own Virtual Assistant
• Researching Topics
• Coming up with Title Ideas
• Writing Out Descriptions
• Communicating with Your Writer
• Or Anything Else You Can Think of Including
Working In Some of Your Other Businesses
(40 Hours - $600 Value)
NOTE: This Bonus Is For The First 10 People Only
Because Its Costing Me $6,000.00
What You’ll Get
The Set Up ($997 Value)
Setting Up Your Account, How to Get Started Quickly, What Not to Do So You Don’t Get Banned
Kindling for Profits ($1,497 Value)
Finding the Right Niche and Readers. Niches that Sell and Pull In Leads!
The Buyer Magnet ($2,997 Value)
The Critical, Must Have Elements That Will Make Your eBooks Sell: Cover, Pricing, Descriptions, Reviews
KDP Cash Extraction ($3,500 Value)
Secret Ways to Use the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform to Make More Money Than Most People Ever Will
BONUS #1: The Google Kindle Crunch - Increased Sales ($1, 997 Value)
BONUS #2: Money Multiplicity – Triples eBooks Exposure ($997 Value)
BONUS #3: Your Own Virtual Assistant - 40 Hours ($600 Value)
Total Value $12,585.00
Get Started NOW For Just
$997 Today
(and I’m going to wave royalties)
Click The Button Below or Sign Up Here:
Disposable Income
Poor People Spend Money on Liabilities
Rich People Spend Money on Assets
Money or Excuses
Money Is A Tool
You Have Two Choices…
First Option – Do Nothing and NOT Take This
Leap of Faith (Which is 100% Risk Free)
Second Option – Pony Up This Small, Tiny
Investment Today (Compared to all of the value
you’ll receive in return, and just give it a shot!)
If It Works Great… If Not, Just Ask For Your Money
Back and You’ll Get It.
My CRAZY Guarantee…
3 Parts to This Guarantee…
- Research (If You Can’t Find a Hot Topic to Create Your
1st eBook Around, I Will Personally Help You to Get Started)
- Outsourcing (If You Can’t Find Someone to Write Your eBooks
For You, I Will Give You Access to One of My Best Writers Who
Will Write Your First eBook for Under $100-)
- Sales (If After 60 Days, You Are Not Making at Least $500 Per
eBook, I Will Have One of My Top Coaches Jump On A Call with
You to Help Kick Start Your Sales)
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
30 Day Guarantee…
Sign Up Today, If You Don’t Like It For
ANY REASON(I Don’t Care If Its
29 Days, 23 Hours and 59 Minutes
Form Now) Just Let Me Know And
We’ll Give You Your Money Back
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
The Perfect Tax Write Off…
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
The Real Question Is…
Is It Worth Gambling A Few Minutes of Your
Time To Check This Out, (Which If It Does
Even Half of What I’ve Claimed Today On
This Webinar) It Will Pay For Itself 5X Over
Once You Publish Your First Few eBooks!
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
With Other
“Opportunities” It Can
Take 3-5 Years to Get
Your Initial Investment
Back… With This You
Get 5X Back With The
First Couple of eBooks
You Publish…
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
The Tale of Two People…
Timid Tommy
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
Brave Bob
Let Me Show You What to Do Next
What You’ll Get
The Set Up ($997 Value)
Setting Up Your Account, How to Get Started Quickly, What Not to Do So You Don’t Get Banned
Kindling for Profits ($1,497 Value)
Finding the Right Niche and Readers. Niches that Sell and Readers That Buy!
The Buyer Magnet ($2,997 Value)
The Critical, Must Have Elements That Will Make Your eBooks Sell: Cover, Pricing, Descriptions, Reviews
KDP Cash Extraction ($3,500 Value)
Secret Ways to Use the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform to Make More Money Than Most People Ever Will
BONUS #1: The Google Kindle Crunch - Increased Sales ($1, 997 Value)
BONUS #2: Money Multiplicity – Triples eBooks Exposure ($997 Value)
BONUS #3: Your Own Virtual Assistant - 40 Hours ($600 Value)
Total Value $12,585.00
Access Private Facebook Group
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Share Ideas
Brain Storm
Get Help
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
Private Facebook Group Access
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
FaceBook Group Testimonial
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
If You Didn’t Sign Up Immediately…
Reason #1 – You Don’t Think You Can Come Up
With eBook Ideas That’ll Sell.
Reason #2 – You’re Nervous About Putting It All In
Reason #3 – You Think Its To Expensive.
Get Started Now: www.KindleCashFlow.com/go
Nearly $30k in
Sales in 1 Month
Nothing Special
About Me…
• I Personally Can’t Write An eBook to Save
My Life… Failed English 101 Twice In School
• I’ve Spent Nearly 5 Years of Trial and Error
and Thousands Discovering The Secrets that
I’m Going to GIVE You Today for A Small
One Time Only, Intelligent Investment
• You Can Spend Countless Hours Doing it The
Hard Way
Thank You For Attending…
Get Started Now:
The Set Up ($997 Value)
Setting Up Your Account, How to Get Started Quickly, What Not to Do So You Don’t Get Banned
Kindling for Profits ($1,497 Value)
Finding the Right Niche and Readers. Niches that Sell and Readers That Buy!
The Buyer Magnet ($2,997 Value)
The Critical, Must Have Elements That Will Make Your eBooks Sell: Cover, Pricing, Descriptions, Reviews
KDP Cash Extraction ($3,500 Value)
Secret Ways to Use the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform to Make More Money Than Most People Ever Will
BONUS #1: The Google Kindle Crunch - Increased Sales ($1, 997 Value)
BONUS #2: Money Multiplicity – Triples eBooks Exposure ($997 Value)
BONUS #3: Your Own Virtual Assistant - 40 Hours ($600 Value)
Total Value $12,585.00
The First 10 People…
Your Own Virtual Assistant
• Researching Topics
• Coming up with Title Ideas
• Writing Out Descriptions
• Communicating with Your Writer
• Or Anything Else You Can Think of Including
Working In Some of Your Other Businesses
(40 Hours - $600 Value)
NOTE: This Bonus Is For The First 10 People Only
Because Its Costing Me $6,000.00
Get Started NOW For Just
$997 Today
Click The Button Below or Sign Up Here:
What You’ll Get
The Set Up ($997 Value)
Setting Up Your Account, How to Get Started Quickly, What Not to Do
Kindling for Profits ($1,497 Value)
Finding the Right Niche and Readers
The Buyer Magnet ($2,997 Value)
Cover, Pricing Strategies, Descriptions, Reviews
KDP Cash Extraction ($3,500 Value)
Secret Ways to Use the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform to Pull In Big Money
BONUS #1: The Google Kindle Crunch - Increased Sales ($1, 997 Value)
BONUS #2: Money Multiplicity – Triples Your eBooks Exposure ($997 Value)
BONUS #3: Your Own Virtual Assistant - 40 Hours ($600 Value)
Total Value $12,585.00
Since You Stayed
Until The End…