Ancient Greece History: Minoans to Peloponnesian War

The Ancient Greeks
Chapter Introduction
Section 1 The Early Greeks
Section 2 Sparta and Athens
Section 3 Persia Attacks the Greeks
Section 4 The Age of Pericles
Reading Review
Chapter Assessment
Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding slides.
The Ancient Greeks
Chapter Objectives
• Describe how geography and the
Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations
influenced Greek culture.
• Compare the city-states of Sparta and
• Identify the causes and effects of
Greek wars with Persia.
• Describe Athens under the leadership
of Pericles and reasons Athens
The Ancient Greeks
The Early Greeks
Get Ready to Read
Section Overview
This section describes the impact of
geography on ancient Greece and the
rise of the Minoan and Mycenaean
The Early Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• The geography of Greece influenced
where people settled and what they did.
• The Minoans earned their living by
building ships and trading.
• Mycenaeans built the first Greek
kingdoms and spread their power
across the Mediterranean region.
The Early Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Focusing on the Main Ideas (cont.)
• Colonies and trade spread Greek culture
and spurred industry.
• The idea of citizenship developed in
Greek city-states.
The Early Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Locating Places
• Crete (KREET)
• Mycenae (my·SEE·nee)
• Peloponnesus (PEH·luh·puh·NEE·suhs)
Meeting People
• Agamemnon (A·guh·MEHM·nahn)
The Early Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Building Your Vocabulary
• peninsula (puh·NIHN·suh·luh)
• colony (KAH·luh·nee)
• polis (PAH·luhs)
• agora (A·guh·ruh)
Reading Strategy
Finding Details Draw a diagram like the
one on page 116 of your textbook. In each
oval write one detail about a polis.
The Early Greeks
The Geography of Greece
• Mainland Greece is a mountainous
peninsula—a body of land with water
on three sides.
• The Ionian Sea is to the west of Greece,
the Aegean Sea is to the east, and the
Mediterranean Sea is to the south.
• Ancient Greeks were fishers, sailors,
traders, and farmers.
(page 117)
The Early Greeks
The Geography of Greece
• Although Greece’s rocky soil made it
difficult to farm, people could grow
wheat, barley, olives, and grapes in the
favorable climate.
(page 117)
The Early Greeks
How might a peninsula be affected
by its surrounding water?
Land might be limited, the climate
might be positively or adversely
affected, and occupations of the
people might be ocean-related,
such as sailing and fishing.
The Early Greeks
The Minoans
• The ruins of the Minoan civilization, the
first civilization to arise in Greece, are
on the island of Crete.
• Artifacts at the palace at Knossos reveal
the riches of the Minoan people, such
as wine, oil, jewelry, and statues.
• The Minoan people were traders,
traveling by ship to trade with other
(page 118)
The Early Greeks
The Minoans (cont.)
• The Minoan civilizations collapsed
around 1450 B.C., although historians
disagree on the cause of the Minoan
(page 118)
The Early Greeks
How do historians know the
Minoans were a wealthy people?
Artifacts at the palace of Knossos
included items only wealthy people
would have, such as bathrooms.
The Early Greeks
The First Greek Kingdoms
• The first Greek kings were Mycenaean
leaders, whose people invaded the
Greek mainland around 1900 B.C.
• The center of the Mycenaean kingdom
was a palace surrounded by large
• The Mycenaeans began trading with the
Minoans and learned much about
Minoan culture.
(pages 119–120)
The Early Greeks
The First Greek Kingdoms (cont.)
• Before collapsing around 1100 B.C., the
Mycenaean civilization was the most
powerful on the Mediterranean.
• The Dark Age occurred between 1100
B.C. and 150 B.C. and was a time of less
trade and poverty among people.
• The Dorians invaded Greece, bringing
new weapons and farming technology to
the Greek people.
(pages 119–120)
The Early Greeks
The First Greek Kingdoms (cont.)
• The Greeks learned about an alphabet
from the Phoenicians, one of their
trading partners.
• The Greek alphabet had 24 letters that
stood for different sounds.
(pages 119–120)
The Early Greeks
What was one positive result of the
Dark Age?
Greeks left the mainland and settled
in other countries. This helped
spread Greek culture.
The Early Greeks
A Move to Colonize
• After the Dark Age, Greek people began
to set up colonies in other countries.
• This colonization spread Greek culture.
• Trade between colonists and the parent
cities grew, and soon merchants were
trading goods for money instead of more
(page 121)
The Early Greeks
What invention allowed merchants
to trade for money?
The Greeks began minting coins,
which allowed merchants to trade
for money.
The Early Greeks
The Polis
• A polis, or city-state, was like an
independent country.
• City-states varied in size and population.
• An acropolis, located at the top of a hill,
was the main gathering place of the citystate.
• An agora, or open area, served as a
market and as a place for people to
meet and debate issues.
(pages 122–123)
The Early Greeks
The Polis (cont.)
• The Greeks were the first people to
develop the idea of citizenship, in which
citizens of a country are treated equally
and have rights and responsibilities.
• In Greek city-states, only free, nativeborn, land-owning men could be
• Citizens could vote, hold office, own
property, and defend themselves in
(pages 122–123)
The Early Greeks
The Polis (cont.)
• The military of the city-states was made
of ordinary citizens, not nobles.
• These citizens were called hoplites and
fought each battle on foot instead of on
(pages 122–123)
The Early Greeks
How does the Greek definition of a
citizen compare to the modern idea
of who is a United States citizen?
Ancient Greeks decided that only free,
native-born, land-owning men could
be citizens. In modern United States,
men and women, native-born and
naturalized people can be citizens,
whether they own property or not.
The Early Greeks
What made the Minoans wealthy?
trading pottery and stone vases
The Early Greeks
How was a Greek city-state different
from a city?
City-states were tiny independent
countries, while cities are part of a
The Early Greeks
Summarize What changes occurred
in Greece during the Dark Age?
Trade slowed, poverty took hold,
people stopped farming, people
stopped teaching writing and
craftwork, and many Greeks moved
The Early Greeks
Citizenship Skills Name three
rights granted to Greek citizens that
American citizens have today.
Answers include voting, holding
office, owning property, defending
themselves in court.
The Early Greeks
Link to Economics Why did the use
of money help trade to grow?
Money is small and easier to trade
than bartered goods.
The Early Greeks
Discuss the following statement:
“The geography of Greece influenced
where people settled and what they did.”
Sparta and Athens
Get Ready to Read
Section Overview
This section traces the development of
Greek governments and compares the
systems adopted by Sparta and Athens.
Sparta and Athens
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• Tyrants were able to seize power from
the nobles with the support of Greek
farmers, merchants, and artisans.
• The Spartans focused on military skills
to control the people they conquered.
• Unlike Spartans, Athenians were more
interested in building a democracy than
building a military force.
Sparta and Athens
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Locating Places
• Sparta (SPAHR·tuh)
• Athens (A·thuhnz)
Meeting People
• Solon (SOH·luhn)
• Peisistratus (py·SIHS·truht·uhs)
• Cleisthenes (KLYS·thuh·NEEZ)
Sparta and Athens
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Building Your Vocabulary
• tyrant (TY·ruhnt)
• oligarchy (AH·luh·GAHR·kee)
• democracy (dih·MAH·kruh·see)
• helot (HEH·luht)
Reading Strategy
Compare and Contrast Draw a Venn
diagram like the one on page 124 of your
textbook. Compare and contrast life in
Sparta and Athens.
Sparta and Athens
Tyranny in the City-States
• Nobles, who owned large farms, seized
power from the Greek kings.
• Farmers had to borrow money from
nobles and often could not pay back the
• The farmers lost their land and had to
work for the nobles or were sold into
(pages 125–126)
Sparta and Athens
Tyranny in the City-States (cont.)
• Unhappy farmers demanded changes in
the power structure of the city-states.
• This unhappiness led to the rise of
tyrants, or people who take power by
force and rule with total authority.
• Tyrants overthrew the nobles during the
600s B.C.
(pages 125–126)
Sparta and Athens
Tyranny in the City-States (cont.)
• Tyrants maintained their popularity by
building marketplaces, temples, and
• The Greek people eventually tired of the
tyrants and created oligarchies or
• An oligarchy is a form of government in
which a few people hold power.
(pages 125–126)
Sparta and Athens
Tyranny in the City-States (cont.)
• A democracy is a form of government
in which all citizens share power.
• Sparta was an oligarchy; Athens was a
(pages 125–126)
Sparta and Athens
How are tyrants today different from
those in ancient Greece?
Today the word tyrant means a
harsh, oppressive ruler. Today’s
tyrants are not concerned with the
common good of their country’s
Sparta and Athens
• To obtain more land, Spartans
conquered and enslaved their
neighbors, calling them helots.
• To keep the helots from rebelling, the
Spartans created a strong military of
boys and men.
• Boys entered the military at age seven.
• At age 20, men entered the regular army
and lived in the barracks for 10 years.
(pages 126–127)
Sparta and Athens
Sparta (cont.)
• They returned home at age 30 but
served in the army until age 60.
• Spartan girls were trained in sports to
become healthy mothers and were freer
than other Greek women.
• The Spartan government was an
oligarchy containing two branches, a
council of elders, and an assembly.
(pages 126–127)
Sparta and Athens
Sparta (cont.)
• The Spartan government kept foreign
travelers out and discouraged its own
citizens from traveling in order to
maintain control of the country.
(pages 126–127)
Sparta and Athens
What was one disadvantage of the
Spartans’ focus on the military?
They did not learn as much about
science or practice as much trade
as Greeks in Athens.
Sparta and Athens
• Boys in Athens attended school to learn
reading, writing, and arithmetic.
• Athenian girls learned household duties
from their mothers.
• Some wealthy girls learned reading,
writing, and playing the lyre.
• The government of early Athens was an
(pages 128–130)
Sparta and Athens
Athens (cont.)
• A noble named Solon reformed the
Athenian government in 594 B.C.
• The tyrant Peisistratus seized power 30
years after Solon’s reforms.
• Cleisthenes took power in 508 B.C.
• He created a democracy in Athens.
• Cleisthenes gave the assembly more
(pages 128–130)
Sparta and Athens
Athens (cont.)
• He also created a new council to help
the assembly carry out its duties.
• Members of the council were chosen
by lottery.
(pages 128–130)
Sparta and Athens
Why did the people of Athens
remain unhappy after Solon’s
Solon refused to give away land of
the wealthy nobles, so the farmers
remained unhappy.
Sparta and Athens
Who were the helots?
The helots were captive workers in
Sparta and Athens
Why did tyrants fall out of favor with
the Greeks?
Most Greeks longed for rule by law
with all citizens participating in
Sparta and Athens
Evaluate Why did Athenians choose
officials by lottery?
Would there be drawbacks to this
method? Explain.
They thought elections might favor
the rich.
Possible answer: The most qualified
people might not be picked.
Sparta and Athens
Explain How did Greek nobles gain
They seized power from kings
during the Dark Age.
Sparta and Athens
Analyze Why was Solon popular
among some Athenian farmers and
unpopular among others?
He canceled farmers’ debts and
freed those who had become
enslaved, but he refused to give
away wealthy nobles’ land.
Sparta and Athens
Civics Link How did Athenian
democracy keep one person from
gaining too much power?
A large council chosen by lottery
kept power distributed among the
Sparta and Athens
Descriptive Writing Imagine that
you are a 28-year-old man living in
Sparta in 700 B.C. Write a letter to
your 6-year-old nephew telling him
what to expect when he leaves home
on his next birthday.
Your letter should discuss early
military training and the importance
of serving Sparta.
Sparta and Athens
How would a citizen of Sparta complete
this sentence:
“I’m proud of my city-state because
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Get Ready to Read
Section Overview
This section traces the rise of the Persian
Empire and how the Greeks prevented
the Persians from conquering them.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• The Persian Empire united a wide area
under a single government.
• Both Sparta and Athens played roles in
defeating the Persians.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Locating Places
• Persia (PUHR·zhuh)
• Marathon (MAR·uh·THAHN)
• Thermopylae (thuhr·MAH·puh·lee)
• Salamis (SA·luh·muhs)
• Plataea (pluh·TEE·uh)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Meeting People
• Cyrus the Great (SY·ruhs)
• Darius (duh·RY·uhs)
• Xerxes (ZUHRK·SEEZ)
• Themistocles (thuh·MIHS·tuh·KLEEZ)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Building Your Vocabulary
• Satrapies (SAY·truh·pees)
• Satrap (SAY·TRAP)
• Zoroastrianism
Reading Strategy
Organizing Information Create a Chart
like the one on page 131 of your textbook.
List the accomplishments of Cyrus,
Darius, and Xerxes.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Empire
• Persians were warriors and nomads
who lived in Persia, the southwestern
area of what is today Iran.
• Cyrus the Great united the Persians.
• The Persians built a large empire,
conquering Mesopotamia, Asia Minor,
Syria, Canaan, and Phoenician cities.
(pages 132–133)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Empire (cont.)
• Darius came to power in 521
B.C. and reorganized the
• The empire under Darius
was divided into
satrapies, each with a
ruler known as a satrap.
• The satraps
answered to the
(pages 132–133)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Empire (cont.)
• The military of Persia consisted of fulltime, paid soldiers known as Immortals.
• Zoroastrianism, the religion of Persia,
was founded by Zoroaster, who believed
in one god, the freedom of humans, and
the triumph of good.
(pages 132–133)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
How did Cyrus’s compassion for his
people help the Persian Empire
People are more likely to follow
rulers who care about them. People
often attempt to overthrow cruel or
unfair rulers.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Wars
• After a failed rebellion by the Greeks,
King Darius decided to stop the Greeks
from interfering in his empire.
• The Battle of Marathon occurred in 490
B.C. on the plain of Marathon, a short
distance from Athens.
• The Persians waited there for the
(pages 134–137)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Wars (cont.)
• When they did not come, the Persian
commander ordered the troops back on
the boat.
• When the horsemen were on the boat,
the Greeks charged the Persian foot
soldiers and defeated them.
• After Darius’s death, his son Xerxes
became king.
• He vowed a new invasion of Greece.
(pages 134–137)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Wars (cont.)
• Athens and Sparta joined forces to
defend against Xerxes’s attack.
• The Greeks fought the Persians at
Thermopylae for two days.
• The Greeks lost the battle, but 200
ships were assembled in Athens.
(pages 134–137)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Wars (cont.)
• At the Battle of Salamis, the Greeks
used their faster, smaller ships to defeat
the Persian fleet.
(pages 134–137)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Wars (cont.)
• The Persians entered Athens and burned
the city.
• The Greek army won at Plataea.
• This was the turning point of the wars
with Persia.
• The Persian Empire fell for several
(pages 134–137)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Persian Wars (cont.)
• The Persians were weakened by war,
and their rulers taxed the people and
spent the money lavishly.
• The sons of kings had little power, so
they killed rulers to get power.
(pages 134–137)
Persia Attacks the Greeks
How did modern marathon races
get their name?
Legend tells that the Athenians sent
a messenger to Athens after their
victory at the Battle of Marathon.
The messenger ran nearly 25 miles
to Athens. There he collapsed. His
final word was “victory.” Today’s
marathons are about 26 miles long.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Why was Cyrus considered a fair
He treated new subjects well.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
What was the Royal Road?
The Royal Road was a vast road
that connected Persian cities.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Persuasive Writing Imagine you
are an adviser to Xerxes and are
alarmed about his plan for revenge
on Greece. Compose a letter to him
outlining reasons why he should
cancel his invasion of Greece.
Answers will vary.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
Why do historians consider the
Greek defeat of the Persians a
turning point in history?
It led to the rise of Athenian power
and to a period of great philosophy.
The Age of Pericles
Get Ready to Read
Section Overview
This section explores how Athens
blossomed under Pericles and the
reasons Athens and Sparta went to war.
The Age of Pericles
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• Under Pericles, Athens became very
powerful and more democratic.
• Athenian men and women had very
different roles.
• Sparta and Athens went to war for
control of Greece.
The Age of Pericles
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Locating Places
• Delos (DEE·LAHS)
Meeting People
• Pericles (PEHR·uh·KLEEZ)
• Aspasia (as·PAY·zhuh)
Building Your Vocabulary
• direct democracy (dih·MAH·kruh·see)
The Age of Pericles
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
Building Your Vocabulary (cont.)
• representative democracy
• philosopher (fuh·LAH·suh·fuhr)
Reading Strategy
Organizing Information Create a circle
graph like the one on page 138 of your
textbook. Show how many citizens,
foreigners, and enslaved people lived in
Athens in the 400s B.C.
The Age of Pericles
The Athenian Empire
• Athens joined forces with other citystates to form the Delian League.
• The Delian League promised to defend
its members against the Persians.
• Athens eventually gained control of the
Delian League.
• The Athenians moved the Delian
League from Delos to Athens.
(pages 139–140)
The Age of Pericles
The Athenian Empire (cont.)
• Athens had a direct democracy.
• In a direct democracy, people vote
firsthand on laws and policies.
• Direct democracy worked because of
the small number of Athenian citizens.
• In a representative democracy, people
select smaller groups to vote on behalf
of the people.
(pages 139–140)
The Age of Pericles
The Athenian Empire (cont.)
• A general named Pericles led Athens for
more than 30 years.
• He promoted democracy by including
more people in the government.
• The age of Pericles was a time of
creativity and learning.
• Pericles built temples and statues in the
city after the destruction of the Persian
(pages 139–140)
The Age of Pericles
The Athenian Empire (cont.)
• He also
artists, writers,
architects, and
• Philosophers
are people
who ponder
about life.
(pages 139–140)
The Age of Pericles
Why wouldn’t a direct democracy
work in the United States?
More than 206 million adults would
need to meet to cast a vote. This
large number of people would make
the meetings impossible.
The Age of Pericles
Daily Life in Athens
• In the 400s B.C., the population of
Athens was about 285,000.
• This made Athens the largest of all
Greek city-states.
• Most Athenian homes had at least one
slave, and wealthy families had many
(pages 142–144)
The Age of Pericles
Daily Life in Athens (cont.)
(pages 142–144)
The Age of Pericles
Daily Life in Athens (cont.)
• Athenian farmers grew grain,
vegetables, fruit, olives, and grapes.
• Because there was little farmland,
Athens had to import grain from other
• Herders raised sheep and goats for
wool, milk, and cheese.
• Athens became the trading center of the
Greek world.
(pages 142–144)
The Age of Pericles
Daily Life in Athens (cont.)
• Merchants traded pottery, jewelry,
leather goods, and other products.
• Athenian men worked in the morning
and exercised or attended assembly
meetings in the evening.
• Athenian women were responsible for
caring for their children and their
• Poor women might work in the fields or
sell goods.
(pages 142–144)
The Age of Pericles
Daily Life in Athens (cont.)
• Athenian women had no political rights
and could not own property.
• Aspasia was a well-educated woman
who influenced Plato and Pericles.
• Although she could not vote or hold
office, she was influential in politics.
(pages 142–144)
The Age of Pericles
Why were slaves important to
Slaves provided important labor to
merchants and artisans. Without
slaves, Athens would not have been
able to support its economy.
The Age of Pericles
The Peloponnesian War
• Other city-states along with Sparta
became suspicious of Athens.
• These city-states joined together against
• The war that broke out is known as the
Peloponnesian War.
• Pericles’s funeral oration reminded
Athenians about democracy and gave
them courage to continue fighting.
(pages 144–146)
The Age of Pericles
The Peloponnesian War (cont.)
• Athenians outside the city walls moved
inside the city to protect themselves.
• In the second year of the war, a disease
killed more than one-third of the people
inside Athens’ walls, including Pericles.
• Sparta made a deal with the Athenians
and built a navy.
(pages 144–146)
The Age of Pericles
The Peloponnesian War (cont.)
• The Spartan navy defeated the Athenian
navy, which brought supplies to the
• Athens then
(pages 144–146)
The Age of Pericles
What was the effect of the
Peloponnesian War on the citystates?
Many people died, and others lost
jobs. Farmers also had their land
destroyed. The Greeks could not
reunite again.
The Age of Pericles
What caused the Peloponnesian
expansion of Athenian power and
Spartan jealousy
The Age of Pericles
According to Pericles, what duties
did Athenian citizens have?
Citizens must obey rules, pay taxes,
and defend the city.
The Age of Pericles
Analyze What caused the lack of
trust between Sparta and Athens.
lack of understanding of their
differing societies, and perceived
Athenian aggression
The Age of Pericles
Interpreting Visuals Examine the
drawing of the Athenian home on
page 142 of your textbook.
What does it show about the role of
women in Athens?
Women performed most domestic
chores and did not eat with men.
The Age of Pericles
Civics Link How did the direct
democracy of Athens differ from the
democracy we have in the United
Answers should reflect information
from the text.
The Age of Pericles
Expository Writing Describe the
role of the Delian League in the
creation of the Athenian empire.
Athens gradually took over the
Delian League and replaced it with
its empire.
The Age of Pericles
Summarize relations between Sparta
and Athens.
The Ancient Greeks
Section 1: The Early Greeks
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• The geography of Greece influenced
where people settled and what they did.
• The Minoans earned their living
by building ships and trading.
• Mycenaeans built the first Greek
kingdoms and spread their power
across the Mediterranean region.
The Ancient Greeks
Section 1: The Early Greeks
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• Colonies and trade spread Greek
culture and spurred industry.
• The idea of citizenship developed
in Greek city-states.
The Ancient Greeks
Section 2: Sparta and Athens
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• Tyrants were able to seize power from the
nobles with the support of Greek farmers,
merchants, and artisans.
• The Spartans focused on military skills
to control the people they conquered.
• Unlike Spartans, Athenians were more
interested in building a democracy than
building a military force.
The Ancient Greeks
Section 3: Persia Attacks the
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• The Persian Empire united a wide area
under a single government.
• Both Sparta and Athens played roles in
defeating the Persians.
The Ancient Greeks
Section 4: The Age of Pericles
Focusing on the Main Ideas
• Under Pericles, Athens became very
powerful and more democratic.
• Athenian men and women had very
different roles.
• Sparta and Athens went to war for
control of Greece.
The Ancient Greeks
Review Vocabulary
Define Match the vocabulary word that completes each
E 1. In a(n) ___, a few
wealthy people hold
F 2. The Greek mainland is
a(n) ___, a body of
land with water on
three sides.
D 3. In a(n) ___, people at
mass meetings make
decisions for the
direct democracy
The Ancient Greeks
Review Vocabulary
Define Match the vocabulary word that completes each
A 4.
A(n) ___, acted as tax
collector, judge, chief
of police, and army
C 5. In a(n) ___, all citizens
share in running the
B 6. Below the acropolis
was an open area
called an(n) ___.
direct democracy
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 1 The Early Greeks
How did the geography of Greece
influence where people settled and
how they made a living?
The rocky mountains caused people
to settle by the seacoast and
become fishers, sailors, and traders.
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 1 The Early Greeks
How did the Greek colonies help
industry to grow?
They promoted trade, industry, and
specialized goods.
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 2 Sparta and Athens
Why were tyrants able to seize
control from Greek nobles?
They had the support of the
common people, many of whom
were hoplites.
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 2 Sparta and Athens
Describe the differences between
Athens and Sparta.
Sparta emphasized the military and
strict living, while Athens focused on
democracy and culture.
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 3 Persia Attacks the Greeks
What system did Darius use to
unite his large empire under one
He used divisions called satrapies
with rulers responsible to him.
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 3 Persia Attacks the Greeks
Why did Sparta and Athens unite
during the Persian Wars?
They feared Persian conquest of
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 4 The Age of Pericles
How was democracy expanded
during the Age of Pericles?
Pericles involved more people in
government and paid officeholders
so poorer citizens could serve.
The Ancient Greeks
Review Main Ideas
Section 4 The Age of Pericles
What was the result of the
Peloponnesian War?
Athens declined. Greece grew
weaker, opening it to conquest.
The Ancient Greeks
Cause and Effect How did the
geography of Greece help to
encourage trade?
The Greek peninsula gave the
Greeks easy access to sea routes
all over the Mediterranean.
The Ancient Greeks
Conclude Did the people of
ancient Athens have a full
democracy? Explain.
Yes. All citizens voted and could
take part in lawmaking.
No. Women, foreigners, and
enslaved people were excluded.
The Ancient Greeks
Explain Do you think people would
enjoy more freedom in an oligarchy
or a tyranny? Explain.
Possible answers: It would depend
on the rulers. A tyrant might be fair
and well-liked or harsh and disliked.
An oligarchy involves more people
in government, but rivalries might
weaken it. Oligarchs might be more
willing to let people suffer.
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Ancient Greece c. 750 B.C.
Greek Colonies and Trade 750–550 B.C.
Sparta and Athens c. 700 B.C.
The Persian Empire 500 B.C.
Persian Wars 499–479 B.C.
The Peloponnesian War 431–404 B.C.
The Greek Alphabet
Comparing Governments
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view the corresponding
Click the map to view an interactive version.
Click the map to view an interactive version.
The Early Greeks
In early Greece, roads were bumpy dirt trails and of
little use to travelers. Because of this, ships became
very important. To be near ships, most Greek
communities settled within 60 miles of the sea.
Sparta and Athens
Children in ancient Greece played many games we
still play today, including backgammon, checkers,
hockey, and chess.
Persia Attacks the Greeks
After conquering Babylon in 539 B.C., Cyrus the
Great wrote the Charter of Human Rights, which
many historians call the first declaration of human
The Age of Pericles
Athens is named for its patron goddess, Athena.
Reading Social Studies
Learn It!
Use What You Know
Unlock meaning by making a connection between
what you read and what you already know. Your
own experiences can help you understand words
or ideas that are unfamiliar. Read the paragraph
on the next slide. Make a connection between a
Greek agora and a place that is familiar to you.
Reading Social Studies
Do you
know what
an agora
looks like?
Below the acropolis was an open
area called an agora
(A·guh·ruh). This space had two
functions: it was both a market
and a place where people could
meet and debate issues.
—from page 122
You know what a market looks like.
Can you also visualize a place
where people could meet? If so,
then you have a good idea of what
an agora might look like.
Reading Social Studies
Practice It!
Making the Connection
Read the paragraph from Chapter 4 on page 115 of
your textbook and then answer the questions
• Do you have any family members or friends who
are 20 years old? What would they say if they
were required to serve in the army for 40 years?
• Have you ever seen or tasted food that looks
like “black broth”?
The Ancient
The Early Greeks
Sparta and Athens
Persia Attacks the Greeks
The Age of Pericles
Athenian Soldier’s Oath
Herodotus’s History
Pericles’ Funeral Oration
Focus on Everyday Life
Women’s Duties
In ancient Athens, a woman’s
place was in the home. Her two
main responsibilities were caring
for the household and raising
children. The Greek writer
Xenophon (ZEH·nuh·fuhn)
recorded a man’s explanation of
women’s duties.
Focus on Everyday Life
Focus on Everyday Life
Women’s Duties
The second floor of each home was the women’s
quarters. An Athenian woman lived there with her
children. She was expected to keep her children
well and happy. She encouraged them to learn
sports and play with toys, and taught them how to
interact with friends and family members. Although
boys left home at age seven to attend school, girls
stayed with their mothers, learning how to care for
a house and children.
Connecting to the Past
1. Why do you think women and children lived
on the second floor of the home?
Possible answer: to keep them separate from
2. Over what areas of life did an Athenian
woman have authority?
caring for the household and raising children
c.495–429 B.C.
Chapter 4
Daily Focus Skills
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Chapter 4
Daily Focus Skills
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Chapter 4
Daily Focus Skills
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Chapter 4
Daily Focus Skills
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