Pluralism v. Elitism Pluralist vs Elitist Theory Doc and

Pluralism v. Elitism
Provide definitions from your text:
Hyper-pluralism (use the internet for this)
Interest Groups - A social group that drives toward the same goals and have some
This picture shows how the path of influence flows in an Elitist and Pluralist society.
Although there is less influence in Elitism, there can be more control. Although there
is more free will and freedom of influence in Pluralism, there is much more room for
fallacies and misjudgment.
Key Differences of Pluralism and Elitism:
Stress on immaterial power (interests, ideas, etc….)
If an individual cannot keep up with politics, their interests
will be protected by interest groups
Compromise and bargaining define Pluralist theory
Government has a checks and balances system the evens out
Gov’t can easily be frozen in decisions by different interest
People in decision-making positions are constantly moving in
and out of power
Stress on material representation of power
Only successful individuals who have proven power
may enter political system
Superiority of the property owning, upper class
define Elitist Theory
Government is comprised of a single mind type that
creates policies
Need to elevate some non-elites to power circles to
appease masses
Power is decided at the top and masses are
Review/discussion: Pages 15-17
1. Under the definition of Elitism, how is power determined and what does it tell about the owner?
2. What are two key weaknesses of Pluralism as listed in your book?
3. Use the internet to define the term hyperpluralism and give an example.
Current News Assignment Relating to Elitism and Pluralism
1. Find two current news articles (from the past 30 days). One should be an example of Pluralism,
one an example of Elitism. You may use articles that discuss international issues.
2. Write a two-page paper that:
a. Summarizes each article
b. Describes and clearly demonstrates an understanding of how each article reflects
Pluralism or Elitism
3. Your paper should be typed, double space, 12 pt. Times New Roman Font.