Individual Music Research Project & Essay Your mission is to

Individual Music Research Project & Essay
Your mission is to research an artist or band, create a short presentation, and write an essay from the
information you have found. Your research must come from at least 5 different sources (different pages from the
same website do not count as different sources).
When conducting your research be sure to find the following information:
The names of all the members in the group (if it is a band, what instruments they play)
What genre of music they play
Who has influenced their music/style
Who they look up to in music
How many albums they’ve made
Where do they get their inspiration for their songs
Do they write their own lyrics
How they gained popularity
Who their record label is and how they got a record deal
If they had to overcome anything while they were trying to get famous
Their family/home life/where they grew up
What do they say about their music
What do others say about their music/lyrics/style
If they’ve ever gotten into arguments with other artists & why?
Aside from your research you will need to make a soundtrack complete with your 12 favorite songs by that
artist/band and you will need to make a CD cover for that soundtrack (PowerPoint works well for this).
Your essay should be 2 pages double spaced and should answer the majority of these questions. Your essay
should give me good insight into who this band/artist is, what kind of music they make, and how other people
feel about their music.
Your presentation should be a shortened version of your essay and include your favorite song by that
artist/band. Your presentation must include technology in some way, whether it is a PowerPoint presentation or
something else. Your presentation should last no longer than 6 minutes (including your song).
You will need to submit an MLA Work Cited page, so be sure to keep any and all resources used during the
research process. You will also be asked to turn in your research.
This project and essay will take place of a final exam, your paper and presentation will be due on the day of
your exam.