Motlow State Community College Program Student Learning Outcomes Use of Assessment Results Spring Semester 2011 Program Title: General Education, University Parallel Major Course: ENGL 1020—Composition II Expected Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will demonstrate clarity of purpose by writing an effective thesis statement, developing the essay by using appropriate rhetorical patterns, and establishing a relationship between ideas. 2. Students will show an awareness of the writing process through the use of outlining and rough drafts. 3. Students will adequately support the thesis by utilizing information gathered from a variety of sources, demonstrating an awareness of the differences between opinion, fact, and inferences; in addition, students will clearly document sources. 4. Students will write an essay that is free of major grammatical errors (as indicated in the “Guidelines for Written Assignments”). 5. Students will write an essay that is free of punctuation and mechanical errors. 6. Students will write an essay employing correct diction, syntax, and a variety of sentence structures. Performance Measure(s): Embedded assessment of a major research paper Effectiveness Standard: At least 72% of the papers should meet or exceed the expected outcome of 3 in any given learning outcome. Assessment Results: Near the end of the semester, a 33% random sampling of the students enrolled in all ENGL 1020 classes was taken, and the papers for those students were assessed for the six learning outcomes. Instructors used a common rubric featuring scores from 1 (does not meet requirements) to 5 (substantially exceeds requirements). The total number to be assessed was 133. Both full-time and adjunct faculty participated in assessing papers. The results are presented in the following table. English 1020 Common Rubric Assessment Summary for Spring 2011 Criteria LEVEL 1 INADEQUATE Clarity of purpose Outline and rough draft Support Thesis Essay free of major errors Essay Free of mechanical errors Essay employing correct diction LEVEL 2 MINIMAL 2% 2% 2% 6% 5% 2% LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 COMMENDABLE SUPERIOR EXCEPTIONAL 7% 27% 29% 35% 7% 25% 33% 33% 8% 26% 28% 38% 20% 25% 24% 26% 17% 21% 29% 27% 10% 26% 31% 30% 133 students were assessed. Use of Assessment Results: The total average of the assessed papers is 83.83%; therefore, the department exceeded the minimum desired outcome. Although the assessment shows no deficiencies, the English faculty will continue to support student success in the following ways: 1. We will address clarity of purpose by focusing on critical thinking skills strategies, such as the reading and analysis of of texts, peer editing, and the writing of proposals or statements of purpose. 2. We will require an outline and multiple drafts to be submitted with research papers. 3. We will put greater emphasis on the evaluation and documentation of sources. 4. We will address the final three outcomes by emphasizing student use of SmartThinking, mywritinglab, or mycomplab.