20% Abstract + 60% Essay + 20% Final Work

Research Paper (GELO Primary Outcome): font: Times 12points
20% Abstract + 60% Essay + 20% Final Work
TOTAL 15%
ABSTRACT (20%): Student will choose a topic, read about it in scholarly sources and
produce an essay.
Research will need to be directly associated with topics learned in class:
ON the second week of September, student will give me his/her topic. If student has
chosen a topic before the due date, can email me or talk to me about it after class. We can
discuss the topic before the student starts working on it.
BY the end of September, student will give me his/her finished ABSTRACT (2-page
 SCHOLARLY SOURCES (bibliography): Together with the topic, student
will show me his/her scholarly sources’ names (books). Student will need to present
typed 1-page bibliography naming his/her sources: at least 2 printed sources (books or
scholarly articles). Online sources can be used as well but they cannot be used
exclusively. (Points will be taken if Abstract and Bibliography are not typed)
ESSAY: Student will present a 6-page essay November 20th. Essay will follow the MLA
format (6 pages/double space.)
Essay needs to be well structured and properly written (Go to the Writing Lab [G-06],
Reading Lab [G-36] or use Smart thinking [CANVAS] for help).
Research will need to be directly associated with topics learned in class:
Relate the content and ideas discussed in class and the critical skills acquired during the
course to the study of a topic of your choice.
Produce an academic piece of writing that shows good quality both in content and style.
Student will need to consult at least two printed sources (books or scholarly articles).
Online sources can be used as well but they cannot be used exclusively.
Bibliography will need to be attached to the essay. Include online resources if any.
Plagiarism will be punished. Read syllabus.