The Southern African Association for Energy Efficiency (SAEE)

The Southern African Association
for Energy Efficiency (SAEE)
By Prof LJ Grobler
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, North West University
President, Southern African Association for Energy Efficiency(SAEE)
•Defining energy efficiency
•Energy efficiency within the energy mix
•An overview of the SAEE
•SAEE members
•SAEE Board
•South Africa leaders in the industry
•The need for an integrated approach to energy efficiency
•History of energy efficiency and the challenges
•Proposed focus areas
•Knowledge and skills
•Changing human behavior
•Research and development
•Funding (incentive) Mechanisms
1. Defining energy efficiency
• Not only about saving energy but
using energy effectively
using more efficient energy sources
reducing waste
• Energy efficiency is applicable to any energy source:
electricity, water, gas, fuel, alternative energies, renewables, etc.
• Energy efficiency balances energy input, with the desired output within a
specific boundary
Energy Efficiency (All Energies)
Energy Substitution
Def: Lessening the
Consumption of Energy
without impacting on
Production and/or
Def: Adding "Green"
generation capacity on
the demand side of
utility supply
/ OwnGeneration
Other, e.g. Fuel
Def: Switching energy
consumption to more
freely available and/or
efficient energy source
Def: Generating energy
from waste/renewables,
which is fed into the
demand side of the
utility supply to lessen
the use of the utility
2. Energy efficiency within the energy mix
• Energy efficiency represents the biggest opportunity for saving energy
and harmful emissions
• However, other components can contribute to the energy mix but not to
the extent that energy efficiency could.
• The following graph indicates the opportunities as supplied by the
International Energy Agency.
IEA – Meeting the 450 scenario (2°C)
Mission of the SAEE
“The SAEE aims to take the credibility developed during the past 10 years
through effective networking, awareness creation and skills development to
the next level by enhancing its objectives with the aim to improve South
Africa’s competitiveness in the global energy efficiency industry by
maintaining its services of Networking, by implementing credible structures
for Accreditation and Certification, by focusing on the development of
Knowledge within the industry to ensure results-driven professionalism
thereby positioning itself as the body of authority for the industry, the
country, and the global environment as a whole.“
3. An overview of the SAEE
10th year of existence
One of 72 chapters of the US-based Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)
AEE is recognized in 89 countries
Over 1 800 professionals in South Africa have attended training in energy
management, energy auditing, basics of energy management and the
technical fundamentals, Measurement & Verification (M&V) of energy
savings, carbon reduction management, etc.
Present an annual convention and awareness creation platforms
throughout all regions and have reached thousands of stakeholders
4. Our members
• The SAEE represents stakeholders in the energy efficiency and energy
management industry ranging from small one-man companies to energy
intensive users:
Individuals: students and professionals
Educational institutions and private energy training providers
Energy end-users (industrial, commercial)
Energy service providers and professionals
Equipment suppliers
Researchers and developers in energy efficiency
• We aim to attract all areas of stakeholders with a specific focus toward
making its membership cost-vs-benefit ratio attractive to developing
organizations and individuals due to the industry still being in its infancy
5. Our Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors constitutes volunteers from a variety of sectors that
meet regularly to fulfill an executive role and function to develop the energy
efficiency industry in the country:
•President: Prof LJ Grobler, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering NWU
•Dr Tsakani Mthombeni, General Manager, Technology Innovation Agency
•Ms Lisa Reynolds, Technical and Specifications Director at Saint-Gobain
Construction Products SA
•Mr Karel Steyn, M&V Manager, Eskom Assurance and Forensic Department
•Mr Hope Mashele, Engineering and Energy Manager, ABSA Corporate Real
Estate Services
•Mr Sydney Zeederberg, Chief Process Engineer, Sasol Synfuels
6. South Africa ARE leaders in the energy
efficiency industry
The SAEE membership and Board continuously play an active role in placing
South Africa on the map through representation at various influential
organizations nationally and internationally
SA is seen as leaders in the industry through the following achievements:
SANS 50 010: Measurement and Verification (M&V) of Energy Savings –
first country to release such a standard
ISO 50 001: Energy Management Systems – our country is leading the ISO
committee developing an ISO standard for M&V to be incorporated into ISO
50 001
The SAEE has won the AEE’s Best Chapter of the Year Award in the last two
consecutive years
We see Government requesting submissions on energy efficiency as a
breakthrough for our country as it will culminate the relentless efforts
invested into the industry thus far by the stakeholders
7. The need for an integrated approach to
energy efficiency
Closer relationships between the various stakeholders and
representatives that can enhance the energy efficiency industry:
Department of Education, Department of Trade and Industry,
Department of Energy, Environmental Affairs, Public Works, Eskom
IDM, Tax Incentives, SARS, SABS, Climate Change, SANEDI, University
Research and skills development, DBSA, IDC and Donor
funding/expectations, etc.
8. History of energy efficiency and the
Dated Energy Efficiency Strategy with little to no focus areas being
Eskom IDM funding - main driving force of energy efficiency in SA problem: only focusses on removing electricity usage from the
national grid, not on managing or replacing other energy sources
SAEE a major driver of energy efficiency but relies on sponsorships
from the private sector mostly to get the message out
Other measures, mostly voluntary, driven by Eskom
dti 12i tax incentives - few very large projects
DoE 12L tax incentives - not much happening
Concept of energy efficiency is misunderstood
Quantifying energy efficiency savings is like measuring a ‘void’ and
needs specific skills
Exploitation of misinformed end-users places the industry’s
development and credibility at risk
9. Proposed focus areas
Focus on key areas identified from research
Defining facilities or companies using more than a specified energy to
appoint an energy manager e.g. one manager for every 1000GJ of energy
Regulations on organizations that consume high levels of energy to:
have an Energy Policy in place that is managed
develop in-house and supplier skills and knowledge on energy efficiency
implement information systems for mandatory energy monitoring and reporting, etc.
market and communicate the energy use, energy efficiency measures taken and the
value thereof to in-house and external parties
formally consider investments towards energy efficiency projects
Disallowing inefficient technology use by enforcing regulation/legislation
Subsidising, through taxation, the import of energy efficient technologies
Develop and enforce energy efficiency standards and regulations
10.1 Knowledge and skills
Knowledge is the basis for changing behavior, making better
choices, saving energy/emissions and sustainable job creation.
•Basic level
•Teach the basics of energy, the value and the use thereof to all school
•Include schools and teachers in energy efficiency projects being
implemented in school buildings and other government buildings
go through the mathematics of the energy efficiency projects being
include carbon savings and how they benefit the environment
Tertiary level
Develop a national curriculum to create a new career path ie. Energy
Engineer, Energy Manager, Strategic Energy Management in Business,
technicians/artisans to specifically support the energy industry, etc.
All study directions/faculties to include some aspects of energy and the
efficient use thereof – for instance:
All CA's and accountants to be educated in at least basic energy economics,
taxation thereof and the benefits of implementing energy efficiency
All engineers (mechanical, chemical, electrical, etc.) and those from the
built environment (architects, facility managers, etc.) to be educated with
at least the basics of energy efficiency
University research papers related to energy and the efficient use thereof
Energy research centers at universities
Post-education level and up-skilling
HR structures within organizations to acknowledge energy management as
a division, just like accounting, purchasing, sales, etc.
Current energy efficiency HR resources drawn from the already dwindling
engineering pool: mechanical, electrical, chemical, industrial, etc.
Post-tertiary energy efficiency education and up-skilling needs to span
across all employment sectors: accounting, architecture, built environment,
civil, mechanical, electrical, industrial, chemical, legal, human resources,
banking, insurance, etc.
Skills development on the application, implementation and management of
projects and technologies – up-skilling current workforce to apply energy
efficiency to all aspects of work and life
Supplier development
Education funding
Provide funding mechanisms through bursaries,
interest fee loans, etc. for:
•Developing current skills further at artisan and
technical level
•Tertiary education with a focus on energy efficiency
•Post-tertiary education of current HR resources
Changing human behavior
A long-term exercise that needs to start now – Germany has been busy for
over 30 years
These desired changes could be brought about by:
 Continuous awareness campaigns and education
 Government support of organizations that create awareness such as the
 Develop and fund education programmes (TV, pamphlets, etc.) to
disseminate information
 Energy efficiency education should become compulsory as employment
introductory training, just like safety
 Regulations and standards should be compulsory and policed
Research and development
Understand what is currently being used
Identify areas and opportunities for energy efficiency and
possible savings
The technologies to be focused on that ensures energy
The skills required to effectively implement measures, manage
and report on energy
Research and development
Research should establish:
•What energies and how much is being used in the various market sectors,
facilities or processes
•How do these sectors compare against each other through benchmarking
•Comparative processes and the technologies currently in use
•The efficiency levels of the technologies currently in use
•What technologies exist that are more energy efficient
•Obvious areas for improvement or energy savings
•Identifying the barriers to changing to more energy efficient technologies
Research and development
Research results should be applied to develop:
•A national energy efficiency strategy with clear objectives and action plans
•Establish and provide incentives towards users becoming more energy
•Establishing and enforcing punitive measures to influence energy efficiency
changes required
•Technologies to be further researched, developed or manufactured for use
in SA and to be exported to neighboring countries
•A skills development programme at all levels
Funding (incentive) Mechanisms
Identify funding options
Weigh benefits and disadvantages of each and the influences they have on
each other
Government to implement incentives to ensure the most efficient
processes and technologies be implemented
Making use of financial institutions to manage all funds - banks typically
have systems, processes and risk management in place
Tax incentives can however be managed through appropriate taxation
Energy efficiency should be positioned as a catalyst for economic growth
A target should be adhered to within the South African energy mix that
38% of generation be from energy efficiency
A new national career path through energy efficiency education will create
a new employment sector within organizations funded by the savings
For instance, sustainable jobs through the energy savings gained from
energy efficiency