Stinky Cheese Toots Remedies

Normally I scour all of my at-home homeopathic prescribing books for remedy
suggestions for common ailments but it would appear that very few homeopaths take
on the subject of flatus and flatulence unless they cover colic for babies. Talking about
stinky cheese toots is not for everyone, but in my humble opinion, they are a big part
of life during the parenting years! Toots are hardly life-threatening but sometimes, a
well-chosen remedy can give relief…for everyone!
Here are a few ‘gems’ that I have found that might be useful for you to know and
have in your kit. Chances are very good that you have some of these remedies already.
So many uses for just one homeopathic remedy!
For Babies:
From Gabrielle Pinto and Murray Feldman’s book Homeopathy for Children: A Parent’s
Guild to the Treatment of Common Childhood Illnesses, which is also available for
Kindle…very handy! This is one book I would suggest you keep on hand, and with
more books in e-format, you can take them with you everywhere.
Colic (gassy babies) after the breastfeeding mother or child eats rich foods.
Child is mild, timid, weepy; wants affection.
Child is extremely irritable and complaining with the pains.
Nothing satisfies the child or the pains.
Better as long as she is carried.
Often accompanies teething.
May be diarrhea, with green stools. (The stool is often described in texts as
‘chopped eggs and spinach’…now you know!)
Pain is alleviated for bending double or applying hard pressure to the area.
Your child improves when he brings his knees up to his abdomen.
Better for warmth.
Worse eating or drinking.
Here are some common scenarios: you would never mean to do this as a breastfeeding
mom, but sometimes, if you are angry, it can affect your breastfed child with this kind
of colic or gas. You will likely find that as your anger or angry-causing situation gets
better, your child’s colic will get better, as well. It might possibly be that your child
leans toward getting angry when they are in the next stage of development…like trying
to roll over and they get stuck and angry. You might notice something like this and
realize that the colic/gas started after an episode of getting angry at not being able
to do something. You might also notice that your child gets relief from the gas when
you push her knees to her abdomen or when you drape them over your arm, stomach
side down.
Pains are worse when the child bends forward.
Child straightens his body or may even arch backwards for relief.
Where Colocynthis is better bending double or forward, Dioscorea is worse.
Homeopathy can be wonderful in this way; you can individualize a remedy for your
child even when they are pre-verbal. As parents we try everything to help babies get
comfortable, so you will soon figure out what is helping your child’s colic/gas and this
will be a clue as to what remedy will best help.
For Children:
The remedy suggestions for babies from Feldman’s book are appropriate for children
and adults too. When the symptom picture of the person matches the remedy picture,
you can be sure of success.
Offensive after eating is the rubric.
How offensive or what kind of offensive, I’m not clear, but these will be the kids who
generally eat well and the parents are making sure that the food is healthy. But come
birthday party time, we all indulge a little bit with the fatty hotdogs and burgers, the
potato chips, the birthday cake, ice cream, candies, and next thing you know, upset
tummy and/or bad gas. Children needing Pulsatilla will want the car window down for
a couple of reasons: 1. They do better with fresh, cool air when feeling stomach upsets
from fatty foods and 2. You will want some fresh air if there are stinky cheese toots!
For Adults:
Flatulence after fresh beer is the rubric.
Without kidding, if you or some other grown-up in your life suffers from toots after
drinking beer, Pulsatilla might be of help. The difference between ‘fresh’ beer and
other beer is not clear to me, but maybe it has to do with artisan beer?
Flatulence obstructed.
This could be painful. Pulsatilla might be needed if the general symptoms of Pulsatilla
agree: no thirst, becoming heated easily, need for fresh air/cool air, too many fats (like
too many chips or French fries with the fresh beer) and needing some slow gentle
movement like walking in fresh air.
Carbo vegetabilis
Flatulence: all food seems to turn to gas.
Better for passing gas.
Worse for fatty foods (similar to Pulsatilla).
From Miranda Castro’s The Complete Homeopathy Handbook (another at-home
prescribing book that I would strongly recommend):
“The Carbo veg digestion is easily upset, especially by eating fatty, rich foods. The
stomach feels full and becomes bloated after eating, to the extent that the skin is
stretched as tight as a drum. Tight clothes feel extremely uncomfortable then. The
nausea is worse in the mornings. Burping may only relieve the bloatedness for a while,
and it builds up quite quickly again.”
This might be a remedy you want to take with you when travelling to those parts of
the world where lack of clean water and sanitation could possibly affect your health.
Miranda Castro has a great repertory (a section where you find symptoms listed with
remedy suggestions) section in her book The Complete Homeopathy Handbook. She
is one of the few homeopaths I found in my at-home prescribing books who actually
covers the ‘toots’ issue. You can find more remedy suggestions in her repertory section
under ‘Flatulence.’
If you have read all the way to the end of this week’s handout, your reward: a joke.
Q: What is invisible and smells like carrots?
A: Rabbit toots!