The IRA, IRB, and Black and Tans

The IRB, IRA, and Black and Tans
By: Nicole Sherretts
12 January 2010
Irish Republican Brotherhood
Its Start and Connections
Originally called the Irish
Revolutionary Brotherhood.
Founded in Dublin on St.
Patrick’s Day in 1858.
Founded by James Stephens
Was formed to makes ensure
the formation of an
independent Irish Republic.
Primary purpose: to arrange
an uprising in Ireland.
It was democratic in outlook
and in membership. Its rank
and file was from among
ordinary working people.
Was connected with the
Fenian Brotherhood in the
U.S. as they were created at
the same time and both
Brotherhoods were known as
the Fenian Movement.
Members were part of the
Irish Volunteers and the
Sinn Fein organizations,
along with other various
History of the IRB
Its Order of Events
The IRB was involved in the
rescue of Fenian prisoners from
Western Australia in 1876.
The IRB played a key role in the
Land War and the rise of
Many republicans blamed the
secretiveness of the IRB for the
confusion surrounding the
Rising and for its failure.
They had bombing campaigns
in England in the 1880s.
However, following it’s collapse
after 1916, it was reorganized by
Michael Collins as he believed
they played a crucial role in
gathering intelligence.
The IRB initially founded the
GAA (The Gaelic Athletic
By 1918 there were 350 IRB
circles with a total membership
of 3,000.
The Easter Rising of 1916 was
organized by the Supreme
Council of the IRB.
The Ending of the IRB
During the War of Independence, however, the
organization decreased in authority as the IRA gained
more prominence.
The IRB divided over the Treaty in December 1921.
Having split and having members making a new
splinter group made it impossible for the IRB to
survive the effects of the Civil War and it disbanded in
Irish Republican Army
Founded in 1919
Organized by Michael Collins
It was devoted to removing the British forces and
British rule from Northern Ireland thus unifying
Formed by the militant members of the Irish
It became the military wing of the Sinn Féin party.
Traditional IRA Activities
The Proof of the Violence of the IRA
Punishment beatings
Border Raids
A History of the IRA
IRA waged a guerrilla
campaign against British rule
in Ireland in the 1919-21 Irish
War of Independence.
In 1956 violence erupted in
Northern Ireland and the IRA
performed a series of border
Was held responsible for the
bomb explosions in England,
which occurred in 1939.
Following violence against
civil rights demonstrators and
nationalists by the IRA it split
into Provisional and Official
wings in 1969, thus ending
the original IRA.
As a result hundreds of its
members were imprisoned.
During World War II many
more IRA members were
imprisoned without trial in
However, a descendant of the
original IRA still remains
Black and Tans
The Birth of the Black and Tans
Were originally just reinforcements for the Royal Irish
Constabulary because in 1919 the RIC had had enough of
being a source of attack for the IRB and IRA.
They became known as the Black and Tans for their
Around 9,500 men who were British ex‐soldiers and sailors
were recruited and joined the RIC and the RIC didn’t have
enough uniforms so the new men were issued with khaki
military trousers and dark green police tunics.
 Also, even though RIC uniforms were later substituted, the
name remained.
The Reality of the Black and Tans
Unfortunately, the Black and Tans did not act as an
adjunct to the RIC as originally planned because they
lacked self-discipline. Because of this lack of discipline
the the Black and Tans became known for their
Therefore, they terrorized local communities and
decided it was their job to make Ireland ‘hell for the
rebels to live in’.
 An example of this brutality is the infamous attack on
the public in November 1920. A mass group of people
were in Croke Park, Dublin, to watch a football match
when the Black and Tans opened fire on the crowd,
killing twelve people in retaliation for the murder of
fourteen undercover detectives.
Source of quote: History Learning Site
The End of the Black and Tans
In the end the Black and Tans proved to be
counterproductive as they caused civilians to give more
support to the IRA.
Therefore, the Black and Tans were pulled out of
Ireland as part of the Anglo-Irish Treaty in December
Irish Republican Brotherhood
“Irish Republican Brotherhood.” 9
Jan. 2010 <>.
College Dublin. 9 Jan. 2010
Mac Donncha, Michael. “The Founding of the Fenians.”
An Phoblacht. 13 Mar. 2008. 9 Jan. 2010
“The Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB).” BBC. 9 Jan.
les/. po17.shtml>.
Irish Republican Army
“Irish Republican Army”. Infoplease. 9 Jan. 2010
“Irish Republican Army”. 9 Jan. 2010
“Irish Republican Army”. The New York Times. 9 Jan. 2010
“Irish Republican Army”. 9 Jan. 2010
Pike, John. ”Irish Republican Army (IRA)”. 21 July 2005. 9 Jan.
2010 <>.
Black and Tans Sources
“Black and Tans”. 9 Jan. 2010
“Black and Tans”. The Free Dictionary. 9 Jan. 2010
“The Black and Tans”. History Learning Site. 9 Jan. 2010