CHAPTER 16 WORLD WAR I & ITS AFTERMATH (1914 - 1918) THINGS TO CONSIDER… • What is the 1 thing you should know about the war? - 4 mins • Casualties • World War 1 Firsts – 2 mins • Interesting Facts – 3 mins • What is the legacy of the war? – 3 mins An average of 6,000 soldiers died per day during the war. The average soldier during the war was in their twenties. How would the deaths of 6,000 soldiers between 16-40 per day affect a country? -- be specific and think of things like education, economics, women, minorities…. 16.1 – ROOTS OF THE WAR 1. Emergence of Germany in the late 1800s a. 1871 – Prussia proclaimed the birth of the German Empire b. Germany defeated France and forced it to give AlsaceLorraine c. Alliances were signed as nations sought to protect themselves ROOTS OF THE WAR cont. – Alliances to know 1. Triple Alliance (1870) – made up of Germany, Italy, Austria Hungary 2. Franco-Russian Alliance (1894) – made up of France and Russia 3. Triple Entente (1907) – made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia ROOTS OF THE WAR cont. 2. Emergence of militarism – aggressive build up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations (domino effect) - Arms race between Germany and GB by the early 1900s, leads GB to join the Triple Entente with Russia and France 3. Emergence of nationalism – intense pride in one’s homeland - leads to strong sense of self-determination (right to have your own gov’t) ROOTS OF THE WAR cont. 4. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand - June, 1914 – heir to Austro-Hungarian Empire killed by a Serbian nationalist (Gavrilo Princip) - a result of Imperialism – many groups in Southeastern Europe wanted independence from empires such as the Ottoman or AustriaHungary - This triggers the alliances to take effect (AustriaHungary asked Germany to back it up if it attacked Serbia, Serbia looked to Russia for help…..) - July 28, 1914 – Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia mobilized its troops to support Serbia August 1 – Germany declared war on Russia August 3 – Germany declared war on France August 4 - Germany invaded neutral Belgium so GB entered the war - Archduke Franz Ferdinand Show clip from WWI: The Complete History – Disc 1 – 6mins, 50 secs to -17 mins, 10 secs M.A.I.N. CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 1 • Militarism – nations built up their militaries to ensure their own security/power • Alliances – agreements between countries meant that one event could pull many countries into a conflict • Imperialism – European nations competed to create empires, increasing tension between them but also creating resentment from those being ruled in those areas (ex. Slavs in Austria-Hungary) • Nationalism – as countries competed they became more and more intense in their pride – National anthems M.A.I.N. POSTER • Title – Causes of World War I • Militarism – define it, give one specific example, an image to represent it • Alliances – define it, describe the triple alliance and triple entente, an image to represent them • Imperialism/Nationalism – define both, describe the situation in the Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia, AH, Ferdinand’s assassination…), an image to represent it THE COMBATANTS CENTRAL POWERS 1. Germany ALLIED POWERS 1. France 2. Austria-Hungary 2. Great Britain 3. Bulgaria 3. Russia 4. Ottoman Empire 4. Italy (joins in 1915) EARLY FIGHTING • August 4, 1914 - Germany attacked France but went through neutral Belgium to do it • Russia invaded Germany from the east, forcing Germany to send some troops east • Battle of the Marne (Sept. 1914) – halts the German advance in France; the Western Front is formed – • Show clip from WWI: The Complete History – Disc 1 – 43 mins, 30 secs t to 46 mins, 50 secs A stalemate ensued as both sides settled into hundreds of miles of trenches – Trench video – Russia had 2 million casualties in 1915 alone (what were they fighting for reading? - Strachan) AMERICA DECLARES WAR • President Wilson kept the U.S. out of the war and argued for neutrality • Different groups emerged on either side of the neutrality debate • Many Americans supported the Allies for cultural and/or economic reasons Woodrow Wilson NEUTRALITY DEBATE PREPAREDNESS PEACE Wanted to stay out of the war but also wanted the U.S. to prepare just in case Wanted to stay out of the war and keep the U.S. from building up its military - Jane Addams PRO-WAR Were very pro-British and thought the U.S. needed to help in order to maintain an int’l balance of power - most of Wilson’s cabinet - Business leaders (a lot of loans to the British) WHAT WOULD YOU DO? • You are 30 years old, married, and have two children. Your family is on a cruise ship, there is a terrible accident, and the ship begins to sink. You are on a stairwell and on the deck below you your 5-year-old son is in the ship’s arcade/playroom while on the deck above you your 2-year-old daughter is taking a nap in your room. What do you do and why? MOVING TOWARDS WAR • To combat the British blockade the Germans began unrestricted submarine warfare – U-boats • May 17, 1915 – Germans sank the Lusitania, a British passenger ship with Americans – Lusitania leaving New York – Show clip from WWI: The Complete History – Disc 1 – They Sank the Lusitania – 10 mins, 40 secs – 21 mins, 10 secs) • To keep the U.S. out of the war Germany developed the Sussex Pledge – Germany promised, with certain conditions, not to sink merchant ships without warning INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE LUSITANIA • Fastest ship of its kind at the time, too fast for submarines – But it was not allowed to burn enough coal to go full speed (why not?) • The British gov’t knew about the movements of the U-boat that sank the Lusitania but did not tell the captain (why not?) • The U-boat captain was bout to give up the chase but, to his amazement, the Lusitania turned directly towards him, allowing him to catch up (why?) • People saw the torpedo coming towards the ship but it was too late to do anything, some thought it went under the boat and missed them at first • There were 1,969 passengers and crew on board – – – – – – 764 survived 3 of the dead were Germans spies who were captured at the beginning of the trip 33 infants were on board, only 6 survived many dead were never supposed to be on board but had to switch ships at the last minute before leaving New York It was sunk only a few miles off the coast of Ireland, bodies washed up on shore Over 100 of the dead were American • No British military ships were allowed to go try to pick up survivors (why not?) • The captain survived the sinking and was put on trial but was found innocent of wrongdoing, he was captain of another ship years later that was also torpedoed • The ship was carrying contraband • It was not the first ship sunk by the Germans that had Americans on board • The U.S. DID NOT declare war on Germany right after this MOVING TOWARDS WAR • Zimmerman Telegram – In 1917 the Germans sent a memo to Mexico – If Mexico became Germany’s ally, Germany would help Mexico regain lands lost to the U.S. (NM, AZ, TX) – The British intercepted it and gave it to American newspapers – A British codebreaker, after reading the telegram, said to his supervisor….”d’you want to bring American into the war?” – Americans were furious with Germany U.S. DECLARES WAR • Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917 (why did they do this? – Kennedy p.5) • April 2, 1917 – Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany (Senator punches protestor – Kennedy p.15) - Congress votes to declare war on April 6 – This was a complete reversal of Wilson’s campaign to win the election of 1916 (do you have a problem with that? Why or why not?) – Show clip from 20th Century – Turning Points in U.S. History (America Prepares for WWI – 5 mins) “The world must be made safe for democracy” - W.W. on April 2, 1917 16.2 – THE HOMEFRONT • When the U.S. entered the war in April of 1917 Progressives were running the gov’t • Progressives applied ideas of planning and scientific management to organize the war effort WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? • It is April of 1917 and you, Woodrow Wilson, have just asked Congress to declare war on Germany. Congress has agreed, but now you need to plan for the war. What do you and your advisers think are the major issues that need to be addressed/planned for so that the United States can effectively fight the war. – Ex. How are you going to get all of the troops to the front? – Ex. With so many men going off to battle, how are you going to fill on the jobs they leave? WARTIME AGENCIES • War Industries Board (WIB) – Coordinated the production of wartime materials – Determined what was to be made, gave out resources, ordered building of new factories… Bernard Baruch WARTIME AGENCIES • FOOD ADMINISTRATION – Responsible for increasing food production and decreasing civilian consumption – Encouraged people to grow “victory gardens”, Wheatless Mondays, Meatless Tuesdays… Herbert Hoover WARTIME AGENCIES • FUEL ADMINISTRATION – Managed use of coal and oil – Shortened work week for some factories, introduced daylight savings time, Heatless Mondays Harry Garfield WARTIME AGENCIES • NATIONAL WAR LABOR BOARD (NWLB) – Sought to prevent strikes by mediating labor disputes – Encouraged businesses to increase wages, improve working conditions, adopt 8 hour work day, allow unions to organize…. – In return labor leaders agreed to avoid disrupting production (union membership increased greatly from 1917-1919) – Show clip from 20th Century – A Moving Visual History (The Great Migration – 2 mins) Taft PAYING FOR THE WAR • U.S. spent about $32 billion by war’s end – $1 in 1918 has the same buying power as $15.80 today!!! • To fund: – Raised income tax rates – Imposed new taxes – Borrowed money through the sale of Liberty and Victory Bonds SHAPING PUBLIC OPINION • What does the term “public opinion” mean? • Progressives did not think organizing for war was enough, they felt they need to shape public opinion and “sell” the war to the American public SHAPING PUBLIC OPINION cont. • The government did this by…. a. Committee on Public Information – used journalists, artists, ad agencies to sell the war b. Passed laws to limit opposition to the war - ex. Espionage Act of 1917 - ex. Sedition Act of 1918 are you OK with laws like this? SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION PROJECT (you choose which one) BOND POSTER 1. A clear title/caption that conveys a message COMMERCIAL 1. At least 2 people 2. At least 60 seconds long 2. A powerful image(s) that relates to that message 3. A subtle historical reference that you really need to pay attention to “get” 4. Colored 3. Has a clear story/message about what people can do to help 4. Each person must speak at least 3 times 5. G-rated! BUILDING THE MILITARY • Selective Service Act of 1917 – All men 21-30 registered for the draft – Lotteries determined order in which they were called – About 2.8 million were drafted WHAT WOULD YOU DO? • It’s 1918 and you have not been drafted for the war. Would you volunteer? Why or why not? BUILDING THE MILITARY • Volunteers – About 2 million volunteered – Why? a. Despised Germany b. Duty to their nation (calling) c. Fight for democracy d. Great adventure BUILDING THE MILITARY • African Americans – 42,000 served as troops overseas – Faced discrimination – Segregated units – Fought with distinction – Hypocritical treatment? BUILDING THE MILITARY We must not eat with them, must “I cannot commend too not shake hands with them, seek highly the spirit shown to talk to them or to meet with among the colored combat them outside the requirements of troops, who exhibit fine military service. We must not capacity for quick training commend too highly these troops, and eagerness for the most especially in front of white dangerous work.” —General Americans” - John J. Pershing —General John J. Pershing, in a secret communiqué concerning African-American troops sent to the French military stationed BUILDING THE MILITARY • Women – First war in which woman formally served in the armed forces – Noncombatant positions – Met clerical needs – Army Nursing Corps – 20,000 – Electricians, pharmacists, chemists, photographers… Show Clip from WWI: Complete Collection (Over Here – 24-30mins; 32mins, 40 secs – 34mins, 30secs; ) 16.3 – A BLOODY CONFLICT • New technology and strategies led to massive casualties – A machine gun or plane can kill a lot more people than a sword • First “modern” war Show Clip from WWI: Complete Collection (Daredevils – 2430mins; 48mins, 30 secs – 54mins, 30secs; ) TRENCH WARFARE • Dug trenches to protect themselves from artillery • Machine gun was used to ward off attacking soldiers • No-Man’s Land – space between; obstacles to prevent crossing • Results of TW were horrific, massive casualties on both sides • • • Video Video 2 Trench art NEW TECHNOLOGY • Soldiers needed new technology/weapons to break through the lines • New weapons led to brutal warfare and more casualties • New weapons/technologies included: – Gas, gas masks, armored tank, airplanes (life expectancy of 2 weeks!), machine guns CASUALTIES AMERICA ARRIVES • American troops were nicknamed “doughboys” • Entry of American troops boosted the morale of the Allied forces and demoralized the Germans John Pershing HOW WOULD YOU DO IT? • The U.S. used ship to get its troops to the front, but a major problem was how to get them there safely as the German submarines were getting better and better at sinking ships. • How would you safely get American ships across the Atlantic? AMERICA ENTERS THE WAR • America used convoys to get ships across the Atlantic – Greatly reduced the loss of ships and lives – Convoys were also extremely important to get food to the British AMERICANS ENTER COMBAT • American Expeditionary Force (AEF) arrived in Paris on July 4, 1917 • Refused to be integrated and fight under British and/or French command • 93rd Infantry – first to enter combat (African Americans); transferred to French control (why???) RUSSIA LEAVES THE WAR • March of 1917 – Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne – Beginning of the Russian Revolution • Bolshevik party eventually gained control, established a communist gov’t – Led by Vladimir Lenin – Lenin pulled Russia out of the war in 1917 – Effect for Germany? GERMANY’S LAST OFFENSIVE • March 21, 1918 – Germans launched a major offensive on the Western Front • American troops played a key role in eventually stopping the German advance in France in the summer of 1918 GERMANY’S LAST OFFENSIVE cont. • Battle of the Argonne Forest (Sept. 1918) – Allies launch a massive counterattack – By early November the Germans were retreating along the Western Front END OF THE WAR • By November of 1918 the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires surrendered • Nov. 11, 1918 – Germany signed an armistice (truce) and fighting ended END OF THE WAR • Jan. 1919 – countries meet in France to discuss a treaty that would officially end the war; meeting lasts months • 14 Points – Wilson’s plan for peace (he brings this to the meeting in Versailles) – Focused on eliminating causes for future war and supported self-determination – Called for the creation of the League of Nations (see page 571) – Wilson was popular with many in Europe, but Allied leaders were not in full agreement with his plan; they wanted to punish Germany TREATY OF VERSAILLES (p.571) • Signed on June 28, 1919 (Big 4 – U.S., France, GB, Italy; why no Russia?) – Germany military was reduced – No German troops west of the Rhine River – Blamed Germany for the cause of the war – Germany paid reparations – Some German land returned to other nations (ex. France, Belgium) END OF THE WAR WHAT WILSON GOT • Self-determination in Europe • Creation of the League of Nations WHAT HE DIDN’T GET • Did not address freedom of the seas or free trade • No independence for colonies in Africa and Asia • Freedom of the seas (which European country was REALLY opposed to this and why?) DID THE HARSH APSECTS OF THE TREATY SET THE STAGE FOR A FUTURE WAR? WHY DID THE U.S. CONGRESS REFUSE TO RATIFY/APPROVE THE TREATY? END OF THE WAR END OF EMPIRES • Russian • German • Ottoman • Austro-Hungarian • • • • • • • • • NEW COUNTRIES Austria Czechoslovakia Estonia Finland Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Yugoslavia ALVIN YORK HOW DO YOU THINK THE WAR IMPACTED AMERICA…. During the War? After the War? 16.4– THE WAR’S IMPACT • Soldiers returned home to parades and celebrations, but they needed jobs • People raced to buy rationed goods, led to increases in the cost of living • Economy slowed as wartime production of goods decreased • Wages were increased during the war, companies resisted that after the war • Unions had increased in power during the war, this scared business leaders CREATE A POSTER FOR BOSTON POLICE STRIKE, SEATTLE GENEARL STRIKE, STEEL STRIKE, OR RACIAL UNREST 1. Title 2. At least 2 images with captions 3. Information to fill in the graphic organizer ----- use pages 576-578 STRIKES • Seattle General Strike (1919) – What is a “general strike”??? – Involved more than 60,000 workers for 5 days – Demanded higher wages, shorter hours – Union didn’t get them, but it scared business leaders around the country STRIKES • Boston Police Strike(1919) – 75% of police walked off the job – Calvin Coolidge (gov.) had to call in the National Guard to deal with riots – Police Commissioner fired the strikers and hired a new police force – Coolidge supported the Commissioner (why?); helped him become Rep. presidential candidate in 1920 RACIAL UNREST • Some blamed African Americans for their own inability to find work • 25 race riots in the summer of 1919 • Chicago- Nat’l guard brought in, riots killed 38, over 500 injured • NAACP gained many new members; created momentum for equality, federal laws against things like lynching…. RED SCARE • By 1919 there was a growing concern about the spread of communism: – Communist takeover of Russia – Increased immigration – Increase in strikes; are the “reds” responsible?; trying to start a revolution in the U.S.? PALMER RAIDS • Several bomb explosions in 1919 within minutes of each other, one at A. Mitchell Palmer’s house – U.S. Attorney General • Mitchell created an agency, led by J. Edgar Hoover, to pursue communists responsible for the explosions • Raids were carried out against suspected communists – Deportations, arrests, new laws passed – Violations of civil rights? (searches without warrants, indefinite jailings…) A. Mitchell Palmer ELECTION OF 1920 DEMOCRATS • P – James M. Cox • VP – Franklin Roosevelt • Ignored Wilson’s advice to focus on the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations REPUBLICANS • P – Warren Harding • VP – Calvin Coolidge • “Return to normalcy”- simpler days prior to the Progressive Movement • Harding won in a landslide • People wanted an end to labor unrest, violence, economic problems, racial tension…..thought Harding could provide these things Warren G. Harding