Thunderstorms and Tornadoes - Cal State LA

Chapter 14
A storm containing lightening and
thunder; convective storms
 Severe thunderstorms: one of large hail,
wind gusts greater than or equal to
50kts, or tornado
 Ordinary Cell Thunderstorms
 Air-mass thunderstorms: limited wind sheer
 Stages: cumulus, mature, dissipating
 Entrainment, downdraft, gust front
Multi-cell Thunderstorms
 Thunderstorms that contain a number of
convection cells, each in a different stage of
development, moderate to strong wind
shear; tilt, over shooting top
 Gust Front: leading edge of the cold air outflowing air; shelf cloud, roll cloud, outflow
 Micro-bursts: localized downdraft that hits
the ground and spreads horizontally in a
radial burst of wind; wind shear, virga
Multi-cell Thunderstorms
 Squall-line thunderstorms; line of multi-cell
thunderstorms, pre-frontal squall-line,
 Meso-scale Convective Complex: a number
of individual multi-cell thunderstorms grow in
size and organize into a large circular
convective weather system; summer,
Supercell thunderstorms
 Large, long-lasting thunderstorm with a single
rotating updraft
Strong vertical wind shear
Outflow never undercuts updraft
Classic, high precipitation and low precipitation
Cap and convective instability
Rain free base, low-level jet
Surface, 850mb, 700mb, 500mb, 300mb
Thunderstorms and the Dryline
 Sharp, horizontal change in moisture
 Thunderstorms form just east of dryline
 cP, mT, cT
Floods and Flash Floods
 Flash floods rise rapidly with little or no
advance warning; many times caused by
stalled or slow thunderstorm
 Large floods can be created by training of
storm systems, Great Flood of 1993
Topic: Big Thompson Canyon
 July 31, 1976, 12 inches of rain in 4 hours
created a flood associated with $35.5million
in damage and 135 deaths
Distribution of Thunderstorms
 Most frequent Florida, Gulf Coast, Central
 Fewest Pacific coast and Interior valleys
 Most frequent hail Central Plains
Lightening and Thunder
 Lightening: discharge of electricity in mature
storms (within cloud, cloud to cloud, cloud to
 Thunder: explosive expansion of air due to
heat from lightening
 Electrification of Clouds: graupel and
hailstones fall through supercooled water,
ice crystals become negatively charged
 Upper cloud positive, bottom cloud negative
Observations: Elves
 Blue jets, red sprite, ELVES
The Lightening Stroke
 Positive charge on ground, cloud to ground
 Stepped leader, ground stroke, forked
lightening, ribbon lightening, bead lightening,
corona discharge
Observation: Apple tree
 DO NOT seek shelter during a thunderstorm
under an isolated tree.
Lightening Detection and Suppression
 Lightening direction finder detects
radiowaves produced by lightening, spherics
 National Lightening Detection Network
 Suppression: seed clouds with aluminum
Rapidly rotating column of air that blows
around a small area of intense low
pressure with a circulation that reaches
the ground.
 Tornado life cycle
 Organizing, mature, shrinking, decay stage
Tornado outbreaks
 Families, super outbreak
Tornado Occurrence
 US experiences most tornadoes
 Tornado Alley (warm, humid surface; cold dry air
 Highest spring, lowest winter
Tornado winds
 Measurement based upon damage after storm
or Doppler radar
 For southwest approaching storms, winds
strongest in the northeast of the storm, 220 kts
 Multi-vortex tornados
Seeking shelter
 Basement or small, interior room on ground
 Indoor vs. outdoor pressure
The Fujita Scale
 Based upon the damage created by a storm
 F0 weakest, F5 strongest
 Enhanced Fujita Scale
Tornadic Formation
Basic requirements are an intense
thunderstorm, conditional instability, and
strong vertical wind shear
 Supercell Tornadoes
 Wind sheer causes spinning vortex tube that
is pulled into thunderstorm by the updraft
 Mesocyclone, BWER, rear flank downdraft,
vertical stretching, funnel cloud, rotating
cloud, wall cloud
Stepped Art
Fig. 14-46, p. 402
Tornadic Formation
Nonsupercell Tornadoes
 Gustnadoes
 Land spout
 Cold-air funnels
Severe Weather and Doppler
Doppler radar measures the speed of
precipitation toward and away radar unit
 Two Doppler radars can provide a 3D
 TVS, Doppler lidar
Rotating column of air that is connected
to a cumuliform cloud over a large body
of water
 Tornadic waterspout