Model Answers on “How to Melt the Arctic” (expository essay): 1. Identify TWO ways in which the writer achieves coherence in this selection. Support each technique with a specific reference from the text. (6 marks) The author of the essay “How to Melt the Arctic” uses certain techniques throughout his writing to achieve coherence. First of all, pronoun reference present throughout the piece gives the piece a natural flow. The phrase “The Arctic” is mentioned many times in the essay but is regularly replaced by pronouns such as “it” and other synonyms such as “the region.” This avoids the unnecessary repetition of “Arctic” which would if present make the writing both monotonous and dull. Secondly, another way the author creates coherence in the essay is through the use of transitions. Various transition such as “Another”, “The next”, and “finally” help ideas to flow smoothly into each other in a way that is logical and makes sense. This is what coherence is all about. 2. Identify TWO different methods of essay development in this piece and explain how each helps the writer to achieve his purpose. (6 marks) The expository essay “How to Melt the Arctic” uses different methods of essay development to achieve purpose. One method of development used is process analysis. The writer lays out, step by step, how to melt the arctic. For example, in the second paragraph he says “For starter, is it essential to identify the process- the engine- for melting the Arctic. Then it will be possible to outline the steps that lead to actually doing it.” This helps to achieve his purpose of entertaining his audience as he is providing both humour and satire exploit ring the serious subject of climate change and global warming. Another method of essay development the writer uses is example/illustration. For example, in the second last paragraph the writer gives many examples of what we can do to melt the Arctic. He says “Make fun of science at every opportunity. Ignore the fact that there are people living in the Arctic” just name a few. This helps to promote change in the reader because there is such a strong overtone of sarcasm that the reader easily realizes that these examples are happening every day and that the writer really doesn’t promote these things, rather he denounces them. Model Answer on “A Story of War and Change” (narrative/personal essay): 3. Identify TWO different aspects of the writer’s style in essay “A Story of War and Change” and explain how each is effective in helping the reader convey the subject matter of the writing. (6 marks) War paramedics have a very fast-paced job and the writer of this personal essay uses elements of his writing style to effectively convey this panic-stricken work environment and the stress that accompanies this job. Firstly, a lack of paragraphing is one element of style that the writer uses. The essay is written in one single paragraph. By not having separate paragraphs there are no breaks in the writing. This helps to convey to the reader how a war paramedic has no breaks in his or her job. Once they are out in the field they are forced to keep up with fast paced action because there very well could be people’s lives on the line. Another aspect of style that the writer employs is the use of short sentences. “I don’t stop. I clean my mouth, his mouth and start all over again” is an example of the short sentence structure used throughout the essay. By using short, choppy sentences like this the writer coveys the feeling of stress and panic of a war paramedic while trying to make quick decisions on the job. In this job the paramedic is not able to take their time while evaluating each decision so the use of short, choppy sentences are effective in communicating this. Model Answer on “On the Road to Berlin” (descriptive essay): 4. Identify TWO different empathic devices used by the author in this essay and explain how each is used effectively. Support your response with specific references from the text. (6 marks) Pyle effectively uses both parallel structure and short sentences to add emphasis to words and phrases important to his overall purpose and tone in the essay. His use of parallel structure throughout the essay is evident especially in lines such as: “There were tanks….There were jeeps…There were toothbrushes…” This use of parallel structure effectively emphasizes the vast array of refuse, litter and debris deposited across the beach in the wake of the D-Day invasion. This helps the writer to fulfill his purpose of informing the reader of the wastefulness of war. The writer also uses the emphatic device of short sentences effectively in this piece to help convey his tone. For example, he uses sentence structures like “The good luck emblem. Sure, hell yes. And we could afford it” when talking of a jellyfish that he saw when coming upon the beach scene shortly after the D-Day invasion. Short sentences like this help to pause the reader and more easily decipher the writer’s critical and condescending attitude towards regarding the wasteful and unfortunate reality of war. The writer’s use of emphatic devices are indeed effective in both establishing purpose and reinforcing tone.