Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species

Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced
Species of Pennsylvania
By: Aidan Luffy
Endangered Species
• The definition of endangered species is
that the species is in danger of dying out
and may become extinct.
5 of the Most Common Reasons for
Destruction of habitats
Introduction of new species
Diseases and parasites killing species
Pollution affecting the air and water killing
off many bird species and aquatic species
• Limited distribution confining some
species to small areas
What Can Be Done to Prevent
• Increasing the funds for endangered
• Making new habitats or restoring old ones
• Stopping the spread of invasive animals in
the area
Endangered Animals
» Indiana bat- It is endangered because it has been
disrupted during hibernation, causing them to burn
up fat keeping them warm during the winter.
Black-crowned night heron- It is endangered because of
human-caused destruction and natural destruction both.
Humans have been shooting at them which caused their
population to decrease.
Peregrine Falcon – The wide spread of DTT is the main
reason for peregrine falcons being endangered.
Endangered Plants
Small whorled pogonia – It is endangered because of
the past and continuing losses of population due to
urban expansion. Some forestry practices eliminate
Northeastern bulrush- It is endangered
because its habitat may be destroyed. Also, it
is greatly exploited by humans.
Native, Introduced and Invasive
• Native species- species that are common
to a certain area
• Introduced species- species that are not
common to the area and came from a
different area
• Invasive species – species that may cause
harm when introduced into a certain area
5 of the Most Common Ways
Invasive Species Get Into the U.S.
• In shipping boxes
• Smuggled goods may bring some invasive
species of insects
• People from other countries may bring
some invasive species into the U.S.
5 of the Most Common Ways
Invasive Species Get Into the U.S.
• Some invasive species have been
released by humans into the U.S.
• Some invasive species may have come to
the U.S. by accident
4 of the Most Common Ways That Invasive
Species Negatively Affect Our Environment
• They threaten to completely kill off certain
• They can affect the water we drink by
sickening it
• They can infect the food we eat
• They can causes diseases in many
Invasive Animals
Emerald ash borer – scientific name: agrilus
planipennis, natural environment- eastern
Russia, northern China, and Japan. Emerald
ash borers feed and infest on trees, which is a
major problem.
Zebra Mussel – scientific name: dreissena polymorpha
natural environment- the Great Lakes. Problems they
cause: they cause the water to be unclean by filtering
it through them.
Invasive Animals (cont.)
Round Goby – scientific name: neogobius
melanostomus natural environment- Caspian sea.
Problems it causes- it consumes other invasive species
and competes with native species for food and shelter.
Invasive Plants
Multiflora rose- scientific name rosa multiflora
natural environment- Asia. Problems it
causes: it prevents other native plants from
growing, and it invades places that have
been disturbed.
Japanese stilt grass- scientific name
microstegium vimineum. natural
environment- eastern Asia. It invades
areas prone to soil changing, and it
makes large patches so that no native
plants can grow.
Reintroduced/Extirpated Species
• Reintroduced species- a species that is
put back where it formally lived.
• Extirpated species- a species that has
been wiped out; extinct.
Reintroduced specie
American Elk
Why- It was reintroduced because it was no longer in danger of
becoming extinct.
When- in 1999
How- they plan to relocate them across different areas of the U.S.
Sources (cont.)