Development of TCM Internal Medicine



TCM Diagnoses and Treatments

Spontaneous Sweating + Night Sweating

Etiology & Pathology:


1) Spontaneous Sweating:

Interior & Exterior injuries

Def. : disharmonize of Ying & Wei

Yang Def.

Lung Qi def.

Excess: Liver fire

Interior heat

Damp heat

2) Night Sweating:

Yin Def. type of heat

(Qi Def. Yang Def. or Damp-heat)

Treatment for differentiation

Harmonize Ying & Wei

-- Gui Zhi

Clear Heat + expel fire

-- Long Dan Cao, Shi Gao

Clear the damp-heat

-- Ze Xie

Tonify Qi & consolidate superficial resistance

-- Huang Qi, Bai Zhu

Tonify Yin & Clear def. type of fire

-- Gui Ban, Bie Jia

Warm Yang Qi to stop sweating

-- Fu zi, Gui Zhi


1) Disharmony between Ying & Wei

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : sweating now &again, or sweating only at the head, foot or half of the body

– Concurrent sym.: aversion to wind, pain in whole body, slight fever, headache

– Tongue: normal body with thin white coating

– Pulse: floating & slow

• Treatment Protocol:

– Dispelling wind

– Regulating Ying & Wei


Gui Zhi Bai Shao

Gui Zhi Tang

Sheng Jiang Da Zhao Gan Cao



-- Long Gu, Mu li

Qi Def.

-- Huang Qi, Dang Shen

Yang Def.

-- Fu zi half body or local area sweating

-- Gan Mai Da Zao Tang sweating+ heaviness of body

-- Fang Feng, Dou Juan wind-heat attacking

-- Sang Ju Yin + xuan Shen, Yin Hua

Some insomnia patients: sweating after emotional change

-- Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang


2) Lung Qi Def. & fail to protect body

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : sweating & aversion to wind, sweating even more after activity.

– Concurrent sym.: Pale complexion, anorexia, lassitude & tending to have a cold

– Tongue: thin coating

– Pulse: thready & weak

• Treatment Protocol:

– Tonify Qi to consolidate superficial resistance


Huang Qi Bai Zhu

Yu Ping Feng San

Fang Feng

Modifications: sweating

-- Fu Xiao Mai, Ru Dao Geng, Mu Li, Long Gu

Qi Def.

-- Dang Sheng, Huang Jing

Yin Def.

-- Mai Dong, Wu Wei Zi

Sweating on hands & feet: Sp Qi Def.

-- Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang

( Huang Qi, Bai Shao, Gui Zhi, Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da zhao, Yi Tang)


3) Hyperactivity fire due to yin def.

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : Night sweating, sometime spontaneous sweating.

– Concurrent sym.: Insomnia, low fever, dysphoria with feverish sensation in the chest, palms & soles, thirsty.

– Tongue: red body with little coating

– Pulse: thready, rapid

• Treatment Protocol:

– Nourish Yin to reduce fire


Dang Gui Shu Di

Huang Bai Huang Qin

Dang Gui Liu Huang Yin

Sheng Di Huang lian Huang Qi


Abundent sweating:

-- Mu Li, Fu Xiao Mai, Ru Dao Geng

Feverish sensation:

-- Yin Cai Hu, Bai Wei, Gui ban, Bie Jia

Yin Def.

-- Mai Wei Di Huang Wan


4) Interior Excess Fire

Caused by interior dampness, stagnated liver Qi

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : Continuous sweating with greasy or yellow sweating, sometimes sweating only at head, or at hands and feet

– Concurrent sym.: Red face, thirsty like drinking cold water, fever , restlessness, constipation, brown urination

– Tongue: red tongue with thick yellow fur or yellow greasy fur

– Pulse: slippery & rapid or full

Treatment Protocol:

Clearing away st. heat, or eliminating damp-heat


Shi Gao Zhi Mu

Zhi Zhi Sheng Gan Cao


Bai Hu Tang

Lu Geng Tian Hua Feng Xuan Sheng thirsty

-- Tian Hua Feng


-- Xiao Cheng Qi Tang


-- Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Lower limbs sweating

-- Niu Xi

Chest oppression or stuffiness & tightness sensation

-- Huang Lian, Hou Pu

Case History1

1. Male 67 years

Medical history: Patient always has spontaneous sweating in normal days, worse after activity. Even in winter, sweating on the head. Easy to get cold outside.

First visiting:

Main complain: Night sweating for 3 month

3 month ago, daily spontaneous sweating turn to night sweating. After waking up, the cover and clothing are all wet. Aversion to wind & cold. Oppressed feeling in the chest, palpitation, cold limbs, shortness of breath, overweight body type, dry skin, dry mouth…

Tongue: little dark of the body with little yellow coating

Pulse: deep & thready

TCM diagnose:

Yang Qi Def. + Yin Def..

Treatment protocol:

Tonify Yin & strengthen Yang Qi


Fu Xiao Mai 20, Huang Qi 20, Long Gu 30, Mu Li 30, Shan Yu Rou 15, Ru

Dao Geng 10, Shen Di 15, Shu Di 15, Huang Bai 10g , JIng Yin Zi 15, Qian Shi



Case History2

1. Male 35 years

First visiting:

Main complain: Spontaneous sweating on head for 10 years

Pale complexion, lassitude, thirsty and prefer to have a drink, continuously sweating upper neck, worse on day time, also worse after meal and activity.

Patient has been treated by Yang Qi & Yin def. for years but no working.

Tongue: stasis purple color on both sides of tongue body with yellow greasy coating

Pulse: weak

TCM diagnose:

Yin blood stasis after long illness, Wei Qi Def. fail to protect the body

Treatment protocol:

Move blood stasis, tonify Qi to stop sweating


Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

Tao Ren 6, Hong Hua 6, Dang Gui 10, Sheng Di 12, Chi Shao 10, Niu Xi 10,

Chuan Xiong 5, Zhi Ke 6, Jie Geng 5, Zhi Gan Cao 3, Huang Qi 15, Fu Xiao Mai

30, Ru Dao Geng 30

X 14 Bags


Case History3

Female 27 y

First visiting:

Main complains: spontaneous sweating & night sweating for half of year

Patient just procreated a baby half of year before. Since that time, patient started sweating, short of breath on activity, continuously sweating, bad sleeping, sweating can even wet the clothing when in the sleep. Lower back pain, two hands joints & lower limbs feel numbness & ache in the morning.

Pale complexions.

Tongue: reddish tongue body with white coating.

Pulse: empty & thready

TCM diagnose:

Liver & kidney yin def. Empty fire due to yin def. force fluid out

Treatment protocol:

Nourish Liver & kid, tonify yin to stop sweating


Dang Gui 10, bai shao 10, shu di huang 15, shan yao 10, wu wei zi

6, di gu pi 10, dan pi 10, sha sheng 10, mai dong 10, ze xie 10


Second visiting:

Main complains: Spontaneous sweating lower back pain & night sweating were gone. Hands & joints pain

& numbness reduced.

However, patient started feeling feverish & irritability at 4 – 6 o’clock in every morning, following with sweating on the chest & back. Panting.

Tongue: reddish body with thin slight yellow & dry fur

Treatment protocol:

Tonify Liver blood, stop sweating

Bai Shao 30, He shou wu 30, shan Yao 15, Qian Shi 10, Jing Yin Zi

10, Long Dan Cao 6, Shen Gan Cao 6

Blood syndrome

TCM Diagnoses and Treatments

Blood does not follow normally within its vessels, but bleed from the muscle or skin.

Etiology & Pathology:

Main pathogenesis of bleeding:

1) Hyperactivity

2) Damage of Qi

3) Blood stasis

Main Points for differentiation

1) Location

Nose bleeding: Lu. St. or Liv.

2) Def. & Excess

Yin def. Qi Def. Excess Fire

3) Coexistence of two or more syndromes

Cold & Heat

Exterior & Interior

Qi Stag. & Blood Stasis

Qi Def. & Blood Stasis

Main Points for therapeutic Principles

Stop bleeding

-Bai Ji, San Qi, Ai Ye, Pu Huang, Ou Jie, Xian He Cao,

Eliminating blood stasis

-Chuan Xiong, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Er Zhu, San Ling, Dan Sheng, Ji

Xue Teng, Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Shui Zhi, Di Bie Chong, Yan Hu Suo,

Chuan san Jia, Ze Lan, Wang Bu Liu Xing

Cool blood

-Da Ji, Xiao Ji, Di Yu, Bai Mao Geng, Huai Hua, Ce Bai Ye, Qian

Cao ,

Tonify def. and blood

-Dang Gui, Shu Di, He shou wu, Bai Shao, E Jiao, Long Yan rou


1) Nasal Bleeding (Epistaxis)

A). Evil-heat attacking Lu.

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : Dry nose & nasal bleeding

– Concurrent sym.: fever, dry mouth & throat, cough with little sputum

Tongue: red body with thin yellowish coating

– Pulse: rapid

• Treatment Protocol:

Clearing Lung heat

Cooling blood to stop bleeding


Sang Ye

Gan Cao

Ju hua

Lu Geng


Sang Ju Yin

Bo He Lian Qiao

Xin Ren

Cooling blood to stop bleeding

-- Dan Pi, Bai Mao Geng, Ce Bai Ye

Lu. Heat without exterior sym.:

-- Huang Qin, Zhi Zi (- Jie Geng, Bo He)

Yin Def.

-- Xuan Sheng, Mai dong, Shen Di


-- Da Huang, Gua Lou

Sore throat

-- Niu Pang Zi

Jie Geng


1) Nasal Bleeding (Epistaxis)

B) Excess of st. heat

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : Nasal bleeding with scarlet blood

– Concurrent sym.: Gum bleeding, dry mouth, foul breath, restlessness, constipation or swelling & soreness of the gums

Tongue: red body with yellowish coating

– Pulse: rapid

• Treatment Protocol:

Clearing stomach heat

Cooling blood to stop bleeding


Shi Gao Zhi Mu Mai Dong

Yu Nu Jian

Sheng Di


Cooling blood to stop bleeding

-- Da Ji, Xiao Ji, Ou Jie, Ce Bai Ye

Excess St. heat:

-- Huang Qin, Zhi Zi, Dan Pi

Yin Def.

-- Tian Hua Feng, Shi Hu, Yu Zu


-- Da Huang, Gua Lou

Niu Xi


1) Nasal Bleeding (Epistaxis)

C) Liver Fire Up

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : Nasal bleeding , headache, blurred vision & bitter taste

– Concurrent sym.: red eyes, tinnitus, irritability & emotional changing,

– Tongue: red body with thin yellowish coating

– Pulse: taut & rapid

Treatment Protocol:

Clearing away liver fire

– Cooling blood to stop bleeding


Long Dan Cao Huang Qin

Che Qian Zi Cai Hu

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Zhi Zi Ze Xie

Sheng di Dang gui


Mu Tong

Gan Cao

Cooling blood to stop bleeding

-- Bai Mao Geng, Pu Huang, Da Ji, Xiao Ji, Dan

Pi, Ou Jie

Liver fire :

-- Xia Ku Cao, Qin Dai

Yin Def.

-- Xuan Sheng, Mai dong, Wu Wei Zi, Nu

ZhengZi, Han Lian Cao


1) Nasal Bleeding (Epistaxis)

D) Qi & Blood Def.

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : Nasal bleeding with light red color, bleeding from gums & muscles

– Concurrent sym.: pale complexion, mental fatigue, lassitude, dizziness, palpitation

– Tongue: pale body

– Pulse: thready weak or hollow

Treatment Protocol:

Tonify Qi to hold the blood


Dang Shen

Long Yan

Bai Zhu

Gui Pi Tang

Huang Qi Fu Shen Suan Zhao Ren Yuan Zhi

Mu Xiang Gan Cao Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Da Zhao


Stop bleeding

-- Xian He Cao, Er Jiao, Pu Huang


2) Bleeding Gums

A) Stomach-Heat

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : scarlet bleeding, painful & swollen gums

– Concurrent sym.: frontal headache, foul breath, thirst,

– Tongue: red body with yellow fur

– Pulse: rapid, overflowing on the right middle postion

• Treatment Protocol:

– Clear St.-heat

– Cool blood to stop bleeding


Sheng Di

Shen Ma

Dan Pi

Gan Cao


Jia Wei Qin Wei San

Dang Gui Huang Lian Lian qiao Shui Niu Jiao

Harmonize blood (stop bleeding, eliminate stasis, calm & nourish blood)

-- Da Ji, Xiao Ji, San Qi, Bai Shao

Swollen gum

-- Jin Yin Hua, Pu Gong Yin, Zi Hua Di Ding


-- Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Tian Hua Feng

St. heat turn to St. Fire (constipation)

-- Xie Xing Tang ( Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Da Huang)


2) Bleeding Gums

B) Stomach-Yin Def. with empty-heat

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : slight bleeding from gums, swelling of gums

– Concurrent sym.: mental restlessness, gums diseased, loose tooth, hot sensations in the palms & soles.

– Tongue: red body with little fur

– Pulse: rapid, thready

• Treatment Protocol:

– Nourish St. – Yin

– Clear Empty heat

Cool blood to stop bleeding


Sheng Di

Qin Wei San

Mu Dan Pi Dang Gui Huang Lian Shen Ma


Harmonize blood (stop bleeding, eliminate stasis, calm & nourish blood)

-- Di Yu, San Qi, Er Jiao

Nourish Yin

-- Mai Dong, Yu Zhu , Tian hua feng


-- Lian zi


3) Bleeding under the skin

A) Blood heat

Signs & Symptoms:

– Main Sym. : Suddenly onset, purple spots or plague in skin

– Concurrent sym.: blood from other sites such as nose, intestines or bladder, mental restlessness, thirsty, constipation, fever at night.

– Tongue: red body without coating, red points all over

– Pulse: rapid & fine

• Treatment Protocol:

– Expel poison

– Clear away heat

Cool blood to stop bleeding


Hui Niu Jiao Shen Di

Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang

Dan Pi Chi Shao

Zhi Zi Ce Pai Ye Gan Cao


Shi Gao Zhi Mui

Harmonize blood (stop bleeding, eliminate stasis, calm & nourish blood)

-- Qian Cao Geng, Di Yu, Gou Qi Zi


-- Shan Zhu Yu

Abdomen pain + hematochezia

-- Mai Dong, Yu Zhu , Tian hua feng

Blood heat is very pronounced

-- Zi Cao
