Accounting 30S January 2015 Exam Format Exam based on

Accounting 30S January 2015 Exam Format
Exam based on Chapters 1 to 8
Part A—Multiple Choice—23 marks
 Review: your definitions document
o definitions in the textbook
o Matching “game” (key on my wiki)
Part B—Accounting Cycle—2 marks
Part C—Journal Entries—20.5 marks
 Review: same as above
Part D—Classified Balance Sheet—10 marks
 Review: handout (key on my wiki)
o Simply Accounting Balance Sheet printouts
Part E—Closing Entries—6.5 marks
 Chapter 8 Exercises
Part F—Adjusting Entries—11 marks
 Prepaid Expenses, Unearned Revenue, Late-arriving Invoices
Part G—T-Accounts and Income Statement—10 marks
 Requires figuring out revenue and expense amounts and setting up an income statement
Total Marks=80
Review Options/Strategies
1. Matching Terms and Definitions—work alone or with a partner to match terms and definitions
from Chapters 1-8 (check your answers which are available on the wiki and then return papers
to envelope and hand back in)
2. Accounting 30S Online Exam Review
Lesson 1—Accounting Terms/Definitions
Matching Terms Quizzes 1-5
Lesson 2—Accounting Equation
Transactions and the Expanded Accounting Equation Skills Test
Transactions and the Fully Expanded Accounting Equation Skills Test
Lesson 3—Debit and Credit Explanation
Debit/Credit Skills Test 1 and 2
Debit/Credit Skills Quiz
Lesson 4—Types of Accounts and Transaction Analysis
Basic Accounting Review Quiz
Debit/Credit Skills Test III
Lesson 5—General Ledger and Journals
Basic Bookkeeping—General Ledger and Journals
Lesson 6—Financial Statements
Financial Statements
Lesson 7—Summary/Review
Basic Bookkeeping and Accounting Concepts I – III
Debit/Credit Transaction Skills Final Test
3. Accounting Cycle Tutorial available on Drive R—practice whichever steps you think you need to
work on
4. More practice available for preparing income statement, classified balance sheet, closing
entries, general journal entries, and adjusting entries on handout sheet.