1980S TO 2000 Notes THE RESURGENCE OF CONSERVATISM 1980 -2000 ************************The Neo-Con’s and the Moral Majority both are key groups that influence the growing Conservative movement in America in the 1980s**** These two quotes emphasize each groups focus*** The first is the Neo-cons who focus on economic conservatism---the second is the Moral Majority/Religious Right who focus on conservative politics in order to further their religious beliefs Both influence Ronald Reagan greatly as we see in these two (2) quotes*** (Neo-Con) “It will be my intention to curb the size and influence of the federal government and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the federal government and those reserved to the states or to the People. Ronald Reagan’s 1st inaugural Address, 1981 (Moral Majority-Religious Right) “The Declaration of Independence mentions the Supreme Being no less than four times. ‘In God We Trust’ is engraved on our coinage. The Supreme Court opens its proceedings with a religious invocation. And the Members of Congress open their sessions with a prayer. I just happen to believe the schoolchildren of the United States are entitled to the same privileges as Supreme Court Justices and Congressmen.” Ronald Reagan speaking to the National Association of Evangelicals, March 8, 1983 By 2008---“If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.” Victory Speech -- November 4, 2008 Barack H. Obama President 2009 Present Questions: 1. What were the domestic goals of the Reagan administration, and was he successful in achieving those goals in his two terms as president? 2. What were the causes for the rise of the New Right? 3 What was Reagan’s legacy, in domestic policy and in foreign policy? 4 How was the New Right influential in both religion and the Supreme Court? 5 What were the major issues faced by George H.W. Bush in his administration? 6 What were the main issues facing Bill Clinton when he entered office? How did he reconcile the traditional liberal values of the past Democrats and his vision for a different America? 7 What were the main causes of the economic prosperity of the 1990s under Clinton’s administration? 8 What changes have taken place for women? 9 What effect did the election of 2000 have on the American political scene? Themes: -Leading a conservative movement to power in Washington, Ronald Reagan vigorously pursued new right economic and social policies. Under Reagan and his successor George Bush, these policies brought both economic growth and massive budget deficits that put severe constraints on the federal government. -Religion pervaded American politics in the 1980s; especially conspicuous was a coalition of conservative, evangelical Christians known as the religious right—led by Jerry Farwell, an evangelical from Virginia. An organization called the Moral Majority rose to oppose what they viewed as the moral deterioration of American values. -The early 1980s saw a revival of Cold War confrontation, but the decade ended with the collapse of Communism, first in Eastern Europe and then in the Soviet Union itself. With the end of the Cold War and the U.S.-led victory over Iraq in the Persian Gulf War, America remained the world’s only superpower. A series of relatively small military interventions in the Caribbean, and later in Africa and the Balkans, raised questions about the proper use of American force in the underdeveloped world. -Elected as the first baby-boom president, Bill Clinton tried to turn the Democratic Party in a more centrist direction. Ideological conflicts and sharp partisan battles in the 1990s were partly overshadowed by a booming economy, a balanced federal budget, and America’s search to define its role in the increasingly global economy and system of international relations. A series of relatively small military interventions in Africa and the Balkans raised questions about the proper use of American force in the underdeveloped world. -Changes in women’s roles and the family substantially altered the ways Americans live and work. -American culture, literature, and art remained dynamic and influential in the world. -The 2000 election, between Bush and Gore, and the subsequent events that followed it would deeply divide the nation and alienate the United States from traditional allies in the world community. Summary: Reagan led Republicans to sweeping victories in 1980 and 1984 over divided and demoralized Democrats. Riding a conservative national tide, Reagan pushed both his supply-side economic program of lower taxes and the new-right social policies, especially opposition to affirmative action, abortion, and drugs. These policies brought economic recovery and lower inflation, as well as record budget deficits that severely restricted big government. The Supreme Court under Reagan and his successor, George Bush, became increasingly conservative, while the confirmation hearings of Justice Clarence Thomas highlighted issues of sexual harassment. Reagan revived the Cold War confrontation with the Soviet Union and engaged the United States in assertive military support for antileftist forces in Latin America and elsewhere. The ratcheting up of military spending, along with the attempted reforms led by Mikhail Gorbachev, contributed to the unraveling of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in 1989–1991. With America as the only remaining superpower, George Bush led an international coalition to victory in the Persian Gulf War, but the Middle East remained a dangerous tinderbox despite new efforts to resolve the Israel-Arab conflict. The dynamic young baby-boomer Bill Clinton defeated George H.W. Bush in 1992, and promoted an ambitious reform agenda within the context of his centrist new Democrat ideology. Clinton’s stumbles over health care reform and foreign policy opened the door to aggressive conservative Republicans, who gained control of Congress in 1994 for the first time in fifty years advocating a “contract with America.” But the Newt Gingrich–led Republicans’ overreaching enabled Clinton to revive and win a second term in 1996. In his second term, Clinton downplayed reform and successfully claimed the political middle ground on issues such as welfare reform, affirmative action, smoking, and gun control. A booming economy created budget surpluses and encouraged Clinton’s efforts toward ending international trade barriers. Conflicts in the Middle East and the Balkans led to American diplomatic and military involvements, with mixed results. A series of scandals, culminating in the Monica Lewinsky affair, led to Clinton’s impeachment and acquittal in 1999. The decades-long movement into the workforce of women, including mothers of young children, opened ever-wider doors of opportunity, and contributed to changes in family life. Women’s concern for issues of health and child care created a persistent political gender gap between Democrats and Republicans in national elections. AMERICAN CULTURE REMAINED INCREDIBLY DYNAMIC AND INVENTIVE, BOTH IN HIGH CULTURE AND POP CULTURE. THE NEW VOICES OF WOMEN, AFRICAN AMERICANS, ASIANS, AND OTHERS WERE INCREASINGLY INFLUENTIAL AND POPULAR, CONTRIBUTING TO THE PLURALISM AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY OF U.S. SOCIETY. POST-MODERNIST THOUGHT EMPHASIZING SKEPTICISM, RELATIVITY, AND MULTIPLICITY HAS RESULTED IN A MIXING OF STYLES IN ARCHITECTURE, LITERATURE, MUSIC, AND DANCE. Texas Governor George Walker Bush defeated Clinton’s vice president, Al Gore, in a contested cliffhanging election in 2000 that was finally decided by a Supreme Court decision. As the fourth president elected in American history to lose the popular vote, George W. Bush entered the oval office promising to bring to Washington the conciliatory skills he had fine-tuned as Republican governor of Texas, where he had worked well with the Democratic majority in the state’s legislature. But as president, Bush proved to be more of a divider than a unifier, focusing on social issues such as abortion, a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages, embryonic stem cell research, the environment, and add to that an increasing budget deficit—these polarizing policies both reflected and deepened the cultural chasm that divided American society. Quotes: “Either we accept the responsibility for our own destiny, or we abandon the American Revolution and confess that an intellectual belief in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them for ourselves. You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We can preserve for our children this last best hope of man on earth or we can sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.” (1964) Ronald Reagan, President 1981-1989 “Our decisions…establish that the party seeking to uphold a statute that classifies individuals on the basis of their gender must carry the burden of showing an ‘exceedingly persuasive justification’ for the classification… That this statute discriminates against males rather than females does not exempt it from scrutiny or reduce the standard of review.” (Opinion in Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan, 1982) Sandra Day O’Connor, 1st Woman on Supreme Court “Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to become themselves… The time is at hand when the voices of the feminine mystique can no longer drown out the inner voice that is driving women to become more complete.” (The Feminine Mystique, 1963) Betty Friedan “We are not the sum of our possessions. They are not the measure of our lives. In our hearts we know what matters. We must give [our children] a sense of what it means to be a loyal friend, a loving parent, a citizen who leaves his home, neighborhood, and town better than he found it.” (Inaugural address, 1989) George H.W. Bush Pres. 1989-1993 “We are on the verge of a new way of doing things, grounded in our most enduring values, a philosophy that says America owes all of us an opportunity if we will assume responsibility for ourselves, our community, and our country. No more something for nothing. We’re all in this together.” (Speech, July 1993) William Jefferson Clinton Pres. 1993-2001 “The nation, the entire nation, has spent a hundred years avoiding the question of the place of the black man in it.… Any honest examination of the national life proves how far we are from the standard of human freedom with which we began. The recovery of this standard demands of everyone who loves this country a hard look at himself.” (Nobody Knows My Name, 1961) James Baldwin “When I am in my painting I’m not aware of what I’m doing.… I have no fears of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.” Jackson Pollock “Our country has been through a long and trying period, with the outcome of the presidential election not finalized for longer than any of us could imagine… I believe things happen for a reason, and I hope the wait of the last five weeks will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and partisanship of the recent past.” (Victory speech, December 13, 2000). George W. Bush Pres. 2001 – 2009 “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.” Victory speech -- November 4, 2008 Barack H. Obama Intro The 1980s were a new day for the conservative right. Census figures confirmed that the average American was older (the “graying of America”) and much more likely to live in the South or West (Sunbelt continues to Boom) and Conservative. Two new groups became the “NEW RIGHT” –THE NEO-CONSERVATIVES (NEO CONS) AND THE MORAL MAJORITY************ These neo-cons focused on ending “entitlement” programs left over from the New Deal 30s and Great Society 60s—cutting taxes and balancing the federal budget *** ECONOMIC IN FOCUS*** AND DRAMATICALLY ANTI-SOVIET UNION*** The “moral majority” or “religious right” – on the other hand was a “movement” –and “politics became personal”---copying the successful “movement” tactics of the 60s and 70s—they are very motivated and emotionally attached to their issues---and ALL VOTE*** Their list of issues were: against abortion, pornography, homosexuality, Feminism, and especially affirmative action---they supported prayer in schools and tougher penalties for criminals---and supported the government making laws to regulate society on these issues---even though they wanted a smaller gov’t with less regulation of businesses*** somewhat hypocritical*** These two groups mission was to change the very character of American Society******** And they were very powerful***** The Election of Ronald Reagan in 1980*** RR denounced “activist” government and the failed “social engineering” of the 1960s. Reagan championed the White*** blue-collar “common man,” Reagan blamed “BIG GOV’T” – for the problems currently facing America. RR used both the Neo-Cons and the Moral Majority to accomplish his goals—DOMESTICALLY—AND THEY BOTH HATED THE USSR-SOVIET UNION*** Reagan the former president of the Screen-Actors Guild (he was a movie star in the 50s) knew how to manipulate a crowd---and as an actor was good on tv and in commercials---and great in a speech etc---Many wondered if this “actor” was bright enough to be President---he turned out to be brilliant RR gained great political experience as Governor of California during the hectic 60s and early 70s---1966 to 1974. In the election campaign of 1980 it was not hard for RR to crush Carter--- The IRANIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS WAS STILL CONTINUING *** AND THE INTEREST RATES WERE SKY HIGH*** PEOPLE DEMANDED CHANGE*** GEORGE H. W. BUSH WAS HIS VP CHOICE--ELECTION of 1980*** Ronald Reagan Republican 43.9 million 489 winner**** Jimmy Carter Democrat 35.4 million 49 John Anderson Independent 5.7 million 0 In a transformative election it cannot be just the President of the Party that wins---and in this case The Republicans gain control of the Senate for the first time in 25 years The Moral Majority by copying movement tactics ---“the personal is political,” was able to motivate the religious conservatives (right wing) to vote using direct mail and church pastors to motivate their people to vote in huge #s. One of Jimmy Carter’s last acts in office was to set aside 100 million acres of Alaska land for national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges---a great environmental legacy Jimmy Carter kept his promise to the American People---he never lied to them---thus for a short time the “credibility gap” narrows---but just for a short time The Reagan Revolution*** Reagan’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 1981 was a great day for America---not just because the “Teflon Don,” became President---and hope was coming back to America----But on this same day---after 444 miserable days in captivity the US EMBASSY HOSTAGES IN IRAN WERE RELEASED****A HUGE VICTORY IN DAY 1 FOR RR*** 2 MAJOR GOALS OF RR’S 1ST TERM--- “a complete dismantling of the WELFARE STATE AND THE REVERSAL OF THE PREVIOUS 50 YEARS OF PROTECTIONS INITIATED BY FDR********* 1- REDUCE THE SIZE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY REDUCING THE FEDERAL BUDGET 2-SLASH FEDERAL TAXES****25% OVER THREE YEARS THE LARGEST EVER IN HISTORY*** REAGANOMICS---“SUPPLY-SIDE” ECONOMICS****THE OLD “TRICKLE-DOWN”THEORY ON STEROIDS-----“THE LAFFER CURVE” SUPPORTED THE THEORY--- however this economic law was actually “made-up” at a business lunch ---and many people believed it was an “economic law” ---and still do ---ignorance is bliss***The realities of “reaganomics” is the GREATEST BUDGET DEFICITS (IN THE TRILLIONS) EVER OR BEFORE IN AMERICAN HISTORY***Which was his and his economic advisors intentions all along***that way it just made sense to CUT ALL SOCIAL SPENDING PROGRAMS*** AND INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING TO ITS HIGHEST POINT IN OUR HISTORY*** WE HAVE TO DEFEND OURSELVES AGAINST THE USSR DON’T WE**** Follow the $$$ ---who benefits---the rich from huge tax increases and the DEFENSE INDUSTRY*** which now had it home in the SUNBELT*** 85% of all government spending goes to the Sunbelt***---maybe people should have been paying attention to IKE---when in his farewell address he warns of the growth of the Military-Industrial Complex---we know JFK did not---- Massive Government borrowing to pay the yearly 200 Billion in deficits kept interest rates high for borrowers (the rich benefit due to their investments paying high fixed interest rates) and it also was a death blow to manufacturers due to the rising value of the dollar----our goods were way too expensive to buy around the world---therefore factories close ---and regular people lose their jobs*** FOR THE 1ST TIME IN THE 20TH CENTURY—80+YEARS===THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICHEST AND POOREST AMERICANS GETS BIGGER---1ST TIME***WAY TO GO RONNIE***AGAIN WHO CARES*** IT IS THEIR OWN FAULT ANYWAY---WHY DON’T THEY GET SMARTER—WORK HARD—ETC… FOR EVIDENCE JUST LOOK AT THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 986 AT THE GRAPH (THE BACK OF THE BOOK HAS A BUNCH MORE)*** NO WORRIES***IT IS PROBABLY JUST A LIBERAL TRICK***RR IS OUR HERO—HE WOULD NEVER PROMISE TO BALANCE THE BUDGET AND THEN CREATE THE LARGEST BUDGET DEFICIT IN AMERICAN HISTORY ---GREATER BY % OF GNP THAN ANYONE BEFORE OR SINCE EVEN W-BUSH & OBAMA***BY FAR*** RR COULD NEVER DO THAT ---IT MUST ALL BE A LIBERAL TRICK*** STATISTICS AND DARN STATISTICS ---I JUST DON’T TRUST EM’---“IGNORANCE IS BLISS.” AMERICA FOR THE 1ST TIME EVER----EVER—BECOMES THE WORLD’S LARGEST BORROWERS---MORE DEBT THAN ALL OTHER COUNTRIES COMBINEDWAY TO GO RONNIE--BUT AGAIN WHO CARES THE “RICH ARE GETTING RICHER” SO IT MUST BE GOOD RIGHT? Amazingly—even today—some people do not believe the statistics---created by the “Republican Budget Office---in the 80s--- they say it just those darn liberals lying---it must be---Reagan was a genius---yup all the way to the bank--- Not one economist or statistic to back up their claims--- but again who cares---“the rich got richer” because they were closer to GOD--- and more “fit”---Smarter---and if you did not—it was your own fault anyway*** of course--- brilliant--- “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.” RR***** By the early 1980s this anti-BIG Government message found a receptive audience: Some of the most conservative people had problems with the New Deal-Great Society ideas that had grown the Federal Government tremendously since the 30’s*** They wanted a return to the OLD DAYS--small government –more personal responsibility---anyway if you were in poverty or disabled or struggling it was a result of---your poor morals—choices---it was YOUR FAULT--- and it was NOT THE GOVERNMENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO BAIL YOU OUT*** SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST RETURNS**** THE “MODERN” GILDED AGE----WHY SHOULD THOSE WHO “WORK HARD” HAVE TO PAY FOR “THOSE WHO DON’T”**** Why should blacks—women—minorities---the people in poverty “take” our money---it was not fair*** to them----why should we pay for services like education, police, fire, etc---more than others make it “equal” not by % of income---which is equal---but total equality ===everybody pays the same---even if it is 80% of one person’s income v. 1% of someone else’s “we have a right to be rich” “why tax the successful”---etc…. RR in 1981 –presented a budget that cut 35% off the top---- and INCREASED DEFENSE SPENDING??? THUS CUTTING SOCIAL SPENDING BY OVER 50%***GREATEST EVER*** FOOD STAMPS, AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN, MEDICAIRE-MEDICAID---THE SHOCKING RESULT IS THE FEMINIZATION OF POVERTY---SINGLE MOTHERS REPRESENTED OVER 80% OF THOSE IN POVERTY***GOOD JOB RONNIE THE CONSERVATIVES JUST SAID MAYBE THEY SHOULD GO BACK TO THEIR HUSBANDS AND STAY HOME AND TAKE CARE OF THEIR KIDS**** MAKE AMERICA BETTER***THEN THEY WOULD NOT NEED THOSE PROGRAMS***REGARDLESS OF THE 1000% RISE IN “DEADBEAT DADS” AND INCREASED # OF SPOUSAL ABUSE CASES REPORTED*** IT IS THEIR FAULT ANYWAY---THEY PROBABLY WERE NOT CHRISTIANS OR MADE POOR MORAL CHOICES OR ---WERE JUST PLAIN STUPID. Amazingly—they had it all figured out—wow---how intelligent of them---if we just knew this sooner ? Reagan Heats UP the Cold War--- and crushes the USSR*** the end is near--WE WIN *** “The USSR is prepared to commit any crime, to lie, to cheat—in pursuit of their goals of world conquest.” RR,1981 “The USSR is the focus of EVIL in the modern world.” RR, 1981 Remember that the USSR had invaded Afghanistan---the USA supports at this time the “Taliban” and “Osama Bin Laden” and many Islamic Fundamentalists who opposed the Soviet Union in Afghanistan**** all true ! The USA at this time also supports Saddam Hussein in Iraq in order to fight Iran--- but then again we sell weapons to Iran to take the $$$ and give it to the “Contras” in Nicaragua--who kill thousands in their death raids on poor villages---but they are fighting communism---the reason we sell weapons to Iran is due to Congress not allowing Reagan to give any more $$$ to the ContraRebels in Nicaragua ---the Death Raids on poor villages were bad for publicity---but Ronnie does it anyway ---and gets caught –IRAN-CONTRAGATE**** BUT THE “TEFLON DON” GETS AWAY WITH IT---IT IS JUST HIS AIDS WHO GO TO JAIL*** HE DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT THEY WERE DOING**** RR did not have the White House taped like his bro from California Nixon---he was smarter than that Why should the President know what his aids are doing—you can’t know everything silly---those darn liberals again---“ignorance is bliss.” “Star Wars,” SDI--- the “strategic defense initiative”---in 1983 the USA spends trillions to develop “lasers” firing from satellites in space--- to shoot down potential incoming missiles from the USSR*** Creating a “defensive bubble” over the USA and our allies --at this same time some in Congress were questioning the Defense Contractors for over-charging ---exorbitant costs--don’t we need to protect America?—Who cares about “Gold Toilet Seats” in the company planes and buildings—we worked hard---it must be those darn liberals complaining again an even greater benefit is that due to our extravagant defense spending the USSR while fighting in Afghanistan was trying to keep up*****and this caused Communism to collapse***it ends the Cold War---and gives the company that makes James Bond Movies lots of ideas for their movies---just watch some from this period----so who cares that the scientists say it is impossible what do those atheists know anyway--- Reagan is a hero!!!! “Mr. Gorbachev TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!!!” Reagan told em’ for sure In may Eastern European nations—like Poland with the future POPE JOHN PAUL and LECH Walesa—head of the Solidarity Workers UNION---working together they smell the communists power going down---and the beginning of the end of the Communist Soviet Union is coming***The WALL will fall in 1989*** just as GEORGE H.W. BUSH, RR’S VP, BECOMES PRESIDENT Ronnie has to deal with other TROUBLES ABROAD*** THE MIDDLE EAST--AND THE RISE OF FUNDAMENTALIST ISLAMIC TERRORISM*** “Like Austin Powers said, “We need to get our ‘Mojo’ back.” Mike Myers, comedian We don’t in the Middle East---for sure----*** We need to wait for Grenada, tiny little country in the Caribbean—but we do whup them good, for sure***way to go Ronnie The Middle East becomes an “arch of crisis,” due to political instability---thanks CIA---and precious petroleum resources---OIL---the 7 Sisters are smiling again After Israel invades neighboring Lebanon---to attack Palestinian terrorists ---who used Southern Lebanon as a base from which to attack Israel---it gets crazy---and Lebanon becomes embroiled in a Civil War*** (remember IKE sent troops here in 58’) RR sends US marines to Lebanon in 83’ in an attempt to support the Western Favoring Government there--- BUT****THE FIRST “SUICIDE BOMBER” BLOWS UP A TRUCK FULL OF EXPLOSIVES AT THE MARINE BASE--AND LATER BLOWS UP THE US EMBASSY IN LEBANON****200 US MARINES ARE KILLED***RR WITHDRAWS THE REST SOONAFTER***BUT THE USA’S FIGHT WITH ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORISTS IS JUST BEGINNING***HUGE********** Round Two for Reagan*** Election of 1984****huge***Geraldine Ferraro becomes the 1st Woman on a Major Party ticket---she is Walter Mondale’s VP choice as the Democrat who runs against the Hero****they do not do very well but*** it could be different in 2016 maybe the 1st Woman President in our History---or maybe not---it will be interesting though*** Election of 1984 –domination-Reagan/Bush Republican 52.6 million Mondale/Ferraro Democrat 36.4 million 525 13***Minnesota and DC RR’s second term as President was dominated by foreign policy issues*** The USSR’s new chairman, Mikhail Gorbachev---preached “Glastnost”-(openness) and “Perestroika”—(restructuring)---THOSE TWO WORDS SYMBOLIZE THE END OF THE COLD WAR AFTER 45 YEARS**** THE END OF SOVIET COMMUNISM***WE WIN***CAPITALISM WINS***FOR SURE AS THE USSR CRUMBLES AND SENDS SHOCK WAVES THROUGH THE WORLD---WHO IS OUR ENEMY {THE GREAT EVIL} NO--AH HAH---ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM--- IT TAKES A WHILE BUT ---IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN--IS IT JUST AS INEVITABLE THAT THIS GROUP WILL FAIL AS WELL ? WE WILL SEE—I WOULD NOT BET AGAINST FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY*** AND THE AMERICAN WAY*** Ronald Reagan’s Economic Legacy-----***just skip this part ---it is all a trick and bunch of lies told by liberals--- they hate that Reagan is such a hero---(to rich white folks—maybe not to inner-ctiy kids who begin gangsta rap---due to their fight against the “war on drugs” or police brutality—or all that other stuff like starvation ---guns in schools--- shhhhhhh ---it is all a trick by those darned liberals---godless people for sure--- so go ahead and skip this part---its all lies anyway****shhhhhhh According to our “TEXT” –its been wrong before right I wonder why they even bother its just statistics--we know the truth---we rich white people got a lot richer under Ronnie—our hero--- RR had three economic goals-- 1-to Balance the Budget— 2-Reduce Taxes on the Wealthy— and 3- Make the Federal Government Smaller/Reduce those pesky regulations that the darn Progressive Liberal Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt and his darned Square Deal thought of---(you know that TR could have never really been a Republican ---shhh) Well he sure accomplishes the 2nd and 3rd goals---Regulations were erased---what did we need those for anyway--- and we had the largest tax cut in history—well obviously we did not need that $$$ it was going to poor people anyway and not fair--- But –he failed---on #1---never ever ever even came close to balancing the budget*** RR’s 8 years in office ADDED 2 TRILLION IN 1980s DOLLARS TO THE DEFICIT---USE THE INFLATION CALCULATOR?? I WONDER??**** THIS IS MORE THAT ALL OTHER PRESIDENT’S BEFORE HIM COMBINED**** INCLUDING FDR AND WWII (SHHH REMEMBER IT IS ALL A LIBERAL LIE----SUPPLYSIDE/REAGANOMICS WORKED AND STILL WORKS---IF WE CUT TAXES ON THE WEALTY ENOUGH THEY WILL CREATE JOBS*** OF COURSE IT IS JUST COMMON SENSE (DIDN’T THOMAS PAINE THE GREAT TEA PARY MEMBER WRITE THIS 200 YEARS AGO***) TEXT: “The staggering deficits of the Reagan years assuredly constituted a great economic failure,” (not for rich white people and defense industries –yoo hoo—and people that believe in God—of course---because if you are poor you can’t REALLY believe can you) Reagan’s legacy VIRTUALLY GUARANTEED THAT FUTURE GENERATIONS (YOU GUYS) OF AMERICANS WOULD EITHER HAVE TO WORK HARDER OR LOWER YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING JUST TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE DEBT OF THE NEW LARGEST BORROWER IN THE WORLD----AND LARGEST EVER***(YOU GUYS GOT US RIGHT—NO PROBLEM---THANKS ) TEXT: “Perhaps though this catastrophic failure---was a political triumph for the conservatives---Some of RRs goals was to make the Fed. Gov’t smaller—and to BLOCK OR REPEAL ALL OF THAT wasteful Progressive regulation and New Deal and Great Society Liberal crap---right--- WELL due to the immense DEBT--- new social spending is now practically and politically impossible--- due to the immense deficits---So RR is a success in his Domestic Agenda after all---His TOP PRIORITY-HIGHEST POLITICAL OBJECTIVE--was to CRUSH THE “WELFARE STATE,” and he does just that---repeals all that nasty progressive and new deal regulatory stuff that had not allowed a depression to occur on over 50+ years---protected everyone’s savings in banks---led us to the greatest economic growth in world history over the 50s and 60s --- and stabilized the Worlds economy after WWII until this point--- AND HE STOPPED ALL OF THE DARN FAVORITISM TO MINORITIES, WOMEN, AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS--- that was part of the New Deal and Great Society of LBJ---- For the 1st time since before the Civil war median household income actually declined under RR*** imagine that---the Rich getting Richer and the Poor getting more Poor--- THE NEW GILDED AGE HAS DAWNED--- by the way under HW Bush--RRs VP –who becomes Pres--- he calls Reaganomics---“Voodoo Economics”---and said it was a shell game—three-card monty--- in debates while running for President--- The Quote that symbolized the 1980s comes from a movie, “Wall Street,” “Ladies and Gentlemen, greed is good. Greed works, greed is right… Greed for life, money, love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind—and greed, mark my words, will save the malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.”---Gordon Gekko –Wall St. character based on the real life corporate “raider,” Ivan Boesky---