delta sigma phi - Kansas City Public Schools

The Man of Achievement Scholarship Program seeks to accomplish the following goals:
1) Encourage incoming freshman students to pursue the highest levels of intellectual ability
and community/campus service in the course of their undergraduate experience.
2) Recognize and reward individuals who have achieved excellence and balance in their
academic and social pursuits.
3) Provide financial assistance to such individuals in their continued pursuit of a balanced
and multi-faceted undergraduate education.
4) Recipients are not required to become a member of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity.
Eligibility& Application
Applications will be accepted from male students graduating from high school who meet the
following criteria:
1) Graduating from high school in Spring 2015.
2) Male student attending the University of Missouri in Fall 2015.
3) Student has earned at least a 3.0 unweighted grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
4) A letter of recommendation submitted by a coach/employer/faculty member.
5) Complete a personal interview (if selected as a finalist).
6) Submit an official high school transcript with an official ACT or SAT score.
7) Complete essay, academic and activity documents.
8) Applications must be typed (preferred) or printed legibly in black ink.
9) If a section does not apply, please indicate this by writing “DOES NOT APPLY.”
Awards and Selection of Recipients
Scholarships will be awarded in amount of $500. Two scholarships will be awarded. The
scholarships will be deposited directly into the recipient’s account at the University of MissouriColumbia. It is the recipient’s responsibility to submit his MU student number to Delta Sigma Phi
by July 31, 2015, with a completed and signed scholarship acceptance letter. A recipient is not
required to join Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. However, the scholarship offer is null and void if he
chooses to join any other University of Missouri fraternity.
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity-Beta Beta Chapter
4907 Cochero Court, Columbia, MO 65203
A scholarship committee comprised of Delta Sigma Phi alumni will review and score each
application. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of grade point average, community service,
campus involvement, work experience and personal interview. The scholarships will attempt to
reward students who have demonstrated commitment to their communities and pursued outside
interests while achieving academic success.
Every application will be anonymous to the scholarship committee members until the final
interview process, so the identity of the applicant is not evident to the reviewers during the
selection process. The applications will be evaluated on academic achievement, quality and
quantity of experiences stated.
In-person interviews will be conducted for all finalists. Phone interviews will be granted only to
out-of-state and out-state candidates. Finalists will be notified via email and sent a finalist
interview packet.
The application deadline is April 30, 2015. Finalists will be notified the week of May 5-10, 2015.
A finalist must be interviewed to be awarded a scholarship. Incomplete applications will not be
considered. Applications completed in pencil or blue pen will not be accepted. All applications
submitted electronically must be in MS Word “.doc” format.
Applications must be submitted by April 30, 2015 via email or U.S. Mail:
Email: Submit in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format to Receipt
will be acknowledged by return email.
US Mail:
Brian S. Brooks
Delta Sigma Phi Alumni Chapter
4907 Cochero Court
Columbia, MO 65203
Additional Information
For additional information or questions concerning the application or application process contact
Brian Brooks, Delta Sigma Phi Alumni, at the following email address:
Thank you for your interest in the Man of Achievement Scholarship.
Brian S. Brooks, Treasurer
Alumni Corporation Board
Delta Sigma Phi, Beta Beta Chapter
University of Missouri
Dominic Faust
Delta Sigma Phi, Beta Beta Chapter
University of Missouri
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity-Beta Beta Chapter
4907 Cochero Court, Columbia, MO 65203
Application for
Man of Achievement Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 30, 2015
Personal Information
Last Name:
Home Address:
City/State/Zip Code:
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Home E-mail Address:
High School Name/Address:
State or Province:
Zip Code:
Principal Email:
Principal Phone/Fax:
Counselor Name:
Counselor Phone/Fax:
Counselor E-mail Address:
Mother Name/Address:
Mother Phone/Email:
Father Name/Address:
Father Phone/Email:
Academic Information
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity-Beta Beta Chapter
4907 Cochero Court, Columbia, MO 65203
Anticipated Graduation Date:
Dorm Assignment:
Cumulative High School GPA/Scale *indicate if weighted:
Academic Achievements (On a Separate Piece of Paper)
On a separate piece of paper, list all high school academic honors and awards (include
date/year). Indicate participation in dual enrollment (list the college/university) and/or
participation in the A+ program.
Activity Summary (On a Separate Piece of Paper):
For the following sections, provide information about you extracurricular and community
involvement. Report length of service as month/year or an appropriate range and list all activities
in chronological order beginning with the most recent. Please include leadership roles and/or
details of your participation where appropriate. Please use the format and categories below:
Club and Organizational Memberships - List organizational memberships, offices held, as
well as service on specific projects or activities in high school.
Community Service - List activities or projects that provided a service to the community
(outside of school) including responsibilities and description of activities.
Athletic - List all athletic intramural and competitive experiences.
Work Experience - List all work experience including summer jobs.
Other: Please use this space to identify any activities that are not included in the above
Organization, Activity, or
Athletic Participation
Length of
Service (mo.
Office Held and/or Description of Activities
Essay Questions
On a separate page, print or type your answer to the following short essay questions.
Answers are limited to 500 words each.
1. How will you continue to be a Man of Achievement at MU?
2. How do you feel that the University of Missouri will prepare you for success both
in your intended major and for life?
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity-Beta Beta Chapter
4907 Cochero Court, Columbia, MO 65203
Personal Certification
I hereby declare to the best of my
knowledge and belief, the information
in this application is true and accurate.
Signature: _____________________________
Date: ________________________________________
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity-Beta Beta Chapter
4907 Cochero Court, Columbia, MO 65203
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does the Delta Sigma Phi offer scholarships?
Strong academic credentials and effective leadership skills have become standard requirements
for undergraduates who will be entering the competitive job market or enrolling in graduate school.
Students today must not only be prepared to lead people and organizations but also demonstrate
strong academic standing in their chosen field of study. Delta Sigma Phi promotes leadership and
scholarship among young men.
Do I have to join Delta Sigma Phi to receive the scholarship?
No. The Man of Achievement Scholarship is available to any man who is a graduating
senior and plans to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia. However, to receive the
scholarship a student must not have joined ANOTHER fraternity. He will receive it as a
non-fraternity member or as a member of Delta Sigma Phi.
Is this Scholarship renewable?
No. The scholarship is for the freshman year only.
How is the money distributed to the students?
The scholarship is payable to the winner after verification of attendance at the University of
Missouri-Columbia for the Fall Semester and will be paid after the beginning of the semester.
Each winner must certify in writing that he has not joined any other MU IFC fraternal organization.
A check will be paid directly to the University of Missouri and will be deposited to the recipient’s
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity-Beta Beta Chapter
4907 Cochero Court, Columbia, MO 65203