Part 1: A utopian society vs. dystopian society

Name: _________________________
Due Date: April 29,2014
The Giver
Jonas and his community have no memory of the past or any knowledge
of history. In this webquest, you will study various historical happenings.
You will also have a better understanding of a utopian community and
dystopian literature.
Your Mission
Throughout this webquest you will be working on several activities that
will require you to research various historical events and people that have
impacted the world we know. You will also be required to dig into your
own past and that of your family to see where you have come from. The
past is rich with information, knowledge, and memories! What do you
think the world would be like if you had no knowledge of the past?
Name: _________________________
Due Date: April 29,2014
Part 1: A utopian society vs. dystopian society
Look up the definition of utopia using Webster’s online dictionary.
1. Utopia is ______________________________________________________________
Go to the website below and learn about the Twin Oaks Community, a utopian society.
Go to About and More About to find the answers to these questions
1. What year did it begin? _________________________________
2. What are some of the goals of this community __________________________________
3. What are the values of this community? _______________________________________
4. What businesses are in the community? _______________________________________
5. What amount of time do people spend outside of income generating activities such as
milking cows, gardening, cooking and childcare? ________________________________
Go to the following website to find out more about characteristics of dystopian societies.
1. Dystopia is _____________________________________________________________
2. What are three characteristics of dystopian societies?
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________
3. What are two types of dystopian controls?
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
Name: _________________________
Due Date: April 29,2014
Part II: The Importance of History
Go to the following Website:
Library of Congress, Today in History
Today in History:
Fact 1_____________________________________________________________________________
Fact 2 –
Fact 3 –
Yesterday in History:
Fact 1_____________________________________________________________________________
Fact 2 –
Fact 3 –
Your Birthday in History:
Fact 1_____________________________________________________________________________
Fact 2 –
Fact 3 –
Name: _________________________
Due Date: April 29,2014
Your Family Facts:
Mother’s birthdate and place of birth
Maternal Grandmother and Grandfather’s places of birth and birthdates
Maternal Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather’s places of birth and birthdates
Write about interesting facts about your mother’s family. _______________________________
Father’s birthdate and place of birth
Paternal Grandmother and Grandfather’s birthdates and places of birth
Paternal Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather’s birthdates and places of birth
Write about interesting facts about your father’s family. _______________________________________