Chapter 1 - Tipp City Exempted Village Schools

Name _______________________________________________ Class ____________
Hatchet Journal
Before you read each chapter, check to see if you need to be looking for
vocabulary words in that chapter. Write down the page number the word is on,
the exact sentence the word is used in, and match up the meaning of the word.
Use a dictionary!
Chapter Questions:
After you read each chapter answer the questions about that chapter. Remember
to restate the question in your answer, write in complete sentences, and answer
ALL parts of the question.
You are responsible for keeping up with the journal. If you are absent, be sure to
do your reading and complete the journal. You will have a quiz after every two
_____ (25) Vocabulary
_____ (75) Chapter Questions
_____ (100) Total ~ this grade will be doubled
Hatchet Journal Packet
How do you get motivated to do something that seems impossible?
Think of a time when you needed to finish a challenging task, like
solving a tricky math problem or puzzle. Quickwrite for five minutes
about the situation. Then reflect on what you have written. How did
you resolve the problem? What motivated you to finish it?
Hatchet Journal Packet
Personal Attribute Web
What are your greatest assets? How might these assets help you succeed in life?
List your personal attributes of which you are proud. Explain how each
attribute might be an asset to you in the future.
Hatchet Journal Packet
Hatchet Journal Packet
Hatchet Journal Packet
Hatchet Vocabulary
Please fill in the chart as you read the book. Write the page
number you find the vocabulary word on, the sentence the word it is in, and what
the meaning of the word is.
eating away
at first
save “for”
Hatchet Journal Packet
burned smokily
Sentence in book
Instead his eyes burned and tears came, the seeping tears that
burned, but he didn’t cry.
Hatchet Journal Packet
Chapter Questions
Chapter 1
1. Where does the story take place? When?
The story takes place during the summertime, on an airplane.
2. Where is Brian going? Why?
Brian is on his way to stay with his Father for the summer, because his parents just got a
3. How does Brian feel about the hatchet his mom gave him?
Brian feels ______ about the hatchet his mom gave him.
4. What is the plane carrying?
The plane is carrying ____
5. What do you think “the secret” could be?
I think the “secret” could be ___
6. What happens when Brian is on the plane?
When Brian is on the plane ____
Chapter 2
1. What did Brian do immediately after the pilot died?
2. How did he know the pilot was dead? Why?
3. What made Brian realize he needed help?
4. What did he do?
5. What happened when Brian used the radio?
6. Brian had to make a decision. What was the decision and what did he do?
7. What does Brian need to do to land the plane? Why?
Chapter 4
1. What was the Secret?
2. Where was Brian when he awoke?
3. What happened to him in the crash? What was hurt?
4. What happened at dawn?
5. What did he call the insects?
6. What did Brian think about the sounds of the forest?
Chapter 5
1. What did Brian realize when he woke up?
2. Why did he vomit?
3. What did Brian do once he could think clearly
 state what happened
 figure out how many days had passed
 figure out what he had to help him - think about what Perpich (stay
4. What did he have?
5. What else did he realize about himself?
6. What did Brian realize about the search party?
7. What did he decide to do?
Hatchet Journal Packet
Chapter 6
1. Where did Brian find shelter?
2. What was good about it?
3. What did Brian eat? How did he find them?
4. What did Brian do to avoid getting lost?
5. How did he judge time?
6. What did he do to close in the shelter?
7. How did he protect himself from mosquitoes?
8. What do you think will happen next?
Chapter 7
1. What happened to Brian that night? Why?
2. How did Brian look?
3. What did he feel after he saw himself?
4. How did he eat the cherries?
5. What did he call the shelter now?
6. What food did he discover?
7. What happened as he ate raspberries?
8. What did he do after the bear left?
9. What made him stop running?
Chapter 8
1. What was in the shelter?
2. What did Brian do when he was scared?
3. What did Brian realize about the walls of the shelter?
Chapter 9
1. What 3 things do you need to start a fire?
2. What did he use to start the fire that did not work?
3. What did work?
4. How will the fire help him?
5. What does he call the fire?
Chapter 10
1. Why didn’t he leave the shelter often at first?
2. What did he need to have?
3. What was an added advantage of the fire Brian discovered?
4. What did he decide to build?
5. What did Brian find the next morning?
6. Describe the turtle eggs.
7. How did Brian eat the eggs?
8. What was his plan for the left over eggs?
9. What words are used to describe his hunger?
10. What did he decide he would have to do at the end of the chapter?
Hatchet Journal Packet
Chapter 11
1. Why did he want to keep busy?
2. How had Brian changed?
3. Why wouldn’t he keep the signal fire lit?
4. What idea did he have after watching the kingfisher?
5. How will he catch the fish?
Chapter 12
1. What did the spear look like?
2. Did it work? Why or why not?
3. What happened to his stomach?
4. What did he have to make?
5. What new animal did he discover?
6. What happened when he was looking for wood?
7. How did he feel?
Chapter 13
1. How many days has he been in the woods?
2. What did he do after the search plane left?
3. How is Brian new?
4. What 2 things did he realize?
5. Describe his attempts at making a bow and arrow.
6. How did he finally hit a fish?
7. How is he feeling at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 14
1. What are the driving influences in nature?
2. What invaded his shelter? What was it doing?
3. What happened to Brian?
4. What were the lessons from this?
5. How did he improve his shelter?
6. Where did he store his food?
7. How could he get to his food?
8. How did he trap the fish?
Chapter 15
1. How does Brian keep track of time?
2. How was he finally able to see the foolbirds?
3. Why didn’t the arrows work?
4. How did he kill the foolbird?
5. How did he cook it?
6. What did he call that day?
Hatchet Journal Packet
Chapter 16
1. What other first days did Brian have?
2. How was he able to shoot a foolbird without them seeing him?
3. What happened at the lake?
4. How was he injured?
5. What else happened?
6. What was the weather like after the tornado? What does that tell you?
7. What did the tornado do for Brian?
Chapter 17
1. What was the first thing Brian did to rebuild his life?
2. Why is rebuilding difficult for him to do?
3. What else did he do the first day?
4. What did he think of doing as he fell asleep that night?
5. What did he make? How did he get it to work? Why did he need it?
6. What did he name it?
7. Why did he need something to tie the raft with? What did he use?
8. Why was it so hard to push the raft?
9. What is the problem at the end of this chapter?
Chapter 18
1. How did Brian get into the plane?
2. What happened as he was making a hole in the plane?
3. How did he retrieve it?
4. What did he do with the pieces he cut off the plane?
5. How did he find the survival pack?
6. What did he see in the plane? What was his reaction?
7. How did he feel on his way back to shore?
Chapter 19
1. What was in the pack?
2. How did the rifle make him different?
3. What did he save for last?
4. How was Brian rescued?
5. What changes were permanent?
Hatchet Journal Packet
Final Reactions
What did you learn about Brian? Are there any questions you
would want to ask him about his experience in the wilderness?
What did you learn about yourself from reading this book?
Hatchet Journal Packet