Userinvolvement in the Danish public school - Pupils, parents and workforce Anette Jensen Head of the department at ”Education and Learning”, Municipality of Vejle Visit our website at (in danish) HIGH USER INVOLVEMENT IN DENMARK - TWO MAIN REASONS TO THIS 1 The Danish society is a Welfare State, characterized by a high level of involvement, few social conflicts, and a labour market in which the social partners* together determine the pay and working conditions on the Danish Labour Market. This is called the Danish Model. 2 The Danish democracy was cultivated and developed during the century with numerous so called ”Folk High Schools” being built, thereby spreading knowledge and wisdom across the country. The effects of this can easily be identified in the Danish school system, in it’s non-hieracic construction, and its high level of user involvement. *Labour-organisations (FTF, AC), Confederation of Danish Employers (DA) Confederation of Trade-Unions (LO) and Local Government Denmark (KL). Visit our website at (in danish) PUPILS INVOLVEMENT IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS School Council, Pupil-representatives from each class in school – the school council can submit proposals to the school board. School Board – two/three pupils are part of the school board, ensuring their voice in matters concerning teaching and everyday life at school. Visit our website at (in danish) INVOLVING PARENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOL - School Boards are made up of Parents (the parents hold the mayority) Headmaster Deputy headteacher Shop stewards In Denmark there’s a long tradition of involving parents in the school. The new public school-reform, underpins this aspect of the Danish public schools, encouraging parents to take even greater part in their childrens school and learning-processes. Visit our website at (in danish) WORKFORCEINVOLVEMENT IN THE DANISH PUBLIC SCHOOL School Boards – Shop Stewards are a part of this Board, in which the Parents has the mayority. The School Boards points out the guidelines of the school, on a strategic level, bearing in mind, the employers right to direct and allocate work, and not interfering in his/her’s right to do so. Employeecommitees at each school. A comittee, in which the working environment is in the core. Shop Stewards and employeerepresentatives meet with Management to discuss various issues, regarding employer-employee-relations. Visit our website at (in danish) Local excamples from the municipality of Vejle, Denmark Visit our website at (in danish) Example In 2014, the national board of ”Danish pupils” (Danske Skoleelever) awarded the municipality of Vejle the prize for being the most Pupil-freindly Municipality in Denmark. The award was given because of our willingness to include pupils in implementing the schoolreform on many levels. Visit our website at (in danish) Example The Danish ministry of Education supports a project, organised by The national board of ”Danish pupils” (Danske Skoleelever), in which the municipality of Vejle takes parts, together with different municipalities. In this project, pupils are tought intensively in areas such as pupil-involvement, well-being and knowledge of society. Visit our website at (in danish) Example Constructing the school of tomorrow ”The school on the move” – Rethinking the public school in the Municipality of Vejle, Denmark Camps were arranged in 2010 – with a wide range of different participants: Parents, pupils, politicians, citizens, teachers, officers etc. On the basis of inputs and discussions during these camps, six principles were constructed. Principles, which all adress certain areas regarding the way our schools are organized and run, with an emphasis on cultivating learning conditions for our pupils. Based opon these principles, the public shools in our municipality are free to rethink or ”remodel” specific areas in our public schools. Visit our website at (in danish) SIX MAIN PRINCIPLES The mission of the school is to be on the move – in order to ensure that pupils have the best possible conditions for learning The school see to that every child and youngster, meet attentive adults every day in school The school educates people, who master life and learning The school is based upon the pupils courage, and desire to learn and understand The school develop flexible and innovative ways of organizing itself The school is a part of society – and society is a part of the school Visit our website at (in danish)