The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the following elements of geography: (1) the world in spatial terms, (2) places and regions, (3) physical systems, (4) human systems, (5) environment and society, and (6) the uses of geography.
AP Human Geography 2014-2015
Alecia Durner,
Briar Woods High School: 703-957-4400
(2013) by Paul L. Knox and Sallie A. Marston
SUGGESTED SUPPLEMENTAL BOOKS: (Make sure it is the at least 2012 Edition)
AP Human Geography Crash Course *
AP Human Geography Exam 2014-Barron’s, AP Human Geography Exam 2014- Kaplan’s
The Cultural Landscape by James Rubenstein
THEMES- AP Human Geography highlights the following the themes that will receive equal attention throughout the course:
Theme 1- Geography: Everything happens in a Place: The Earth as our “Stage”
Theme 2- Population/Migration: Where are we? Where are we going?
Theme 3- Cultural Patterns and Processes
Theme 4- Political Geography
Theme 5- Agriculture: The Earth and How it Feeds Us
Theme 6- Industry and Economic Development
Theme 7-Cities and Urban Land Use
AP Exam
The tentative date for the AP World History Exam is May 13, 2013 (PM). The exam will include:
60 Minute Multiple Choice questions session where students are awarded points the questions that are answered correctly. No points are deducted for incorrect answers and no points will be awarded for unanswered questions.
The exam also includes a 75 minute free-response session which is compromised of three free response questions. The constructed free response questions may require students to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate geographical concepts. The free response questions also could require students to provide real life examples of geographical concepts. Questions may also be based on material such as maps, graphs, and diagrams.
The multiple choice questions comprise 50% of your score, and the three constructed free response questions are weighted equally for the other 50%. There will be review sessions held during class, and offered before school in the weeks leading up to the exam.
Students will be expected to adhere to the school’s honor code, which is representative of those used in many of
Virginia’s colleges and universities. Students will sign the pledge on all graded work. Plagiarism will not be accepted and will result in a zero on the assignment.
There will be no “warnings” given for cheating. Students will receive a zero for the assignment and will receive a written referral to the administration.
Students are not to have cell phones out during class. If a cell phone is out during class the phone will be:
1 st offense: confiscated by the teacher and returned at the end of class
2 nd offense: confiscated by the teacher and returned when a parent picks up the phone
3 rd offense: confiscated by the teacher and given to the administration. A referral will be written.
Notebook - Recording class notes and studying of those notes each night is critical for your success in this course.
The notebook should be kept up to date and brought to class every day. The notebook should be a 3-ring binder with dividers. Below is a suggestion for labeling of dividers:
Free Response Writing
Key Terms
Tests 30%
Writing/Free Responses
Quarter Projects
General Policies and Procedures:
1. Ask questions, voice opinions, and be ready to back up opinions with evidence. Participation is encouraged.
2. Movies and video clips will be shown only if they are of good quality and relevant to the curriculum.
3. Questions on current events are welcome, especially if you can relate them to topics being discussed in class.
4. Be on time. Trips to the restroom or your locker should be during class changes. Your class attendance and
promptness are part of your class participation grade.
5. Be prepared. Always have notebook, paper, pens, and pencils with you. ***
6. Understand that this is a college level class that you have chosen to take. Misbehavior or lack of focus is
unacceptable at this level. Both students and the instructor take this class very seriously and put tremendous
effort into it; behave in a manner that shows you respect this.
7. All quizzes and tests can be made up before and after school. Students may schedule an appointment with Mrs.
Durner either before a planned absence or upon returning to class. Students who miss one day will have one day to make up the quiz or test. If the student misses more than one day, please see Mrs. Durner to determine how much time the student has to make up the quiz or test. ****
8. Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the day it is due. Late homework will not be accepted . The
student will receive a zero for the assignment. Projects and papers turned in after the due date will lose ten points
per day .