Persuasive Speaking - Helping me, help you!


Chapter 14

Persuasive Speech

Severen Suzuki




Persuasive Speaking



Speaking to induce your audience to believe as you do.


Speaking to influence your audience in order to cause some sort of directed action to take place.


As a persuasive speaker you need a 3 part plan.

1. Awaken a belief on the part of your listeners that what you are proposing is a good idea.

2. Show them that you have a well thought-out plan of action available.

3. Finally, be able to convince your audience that your plan of action is realistic and the right thing to do.

II. Types of Audiences

A. Supportive - The friendliest audience.

1. The easiest audience to address, because they already support you.

2. They are the speaker’s dream.

B. Uncommitted The neutral audience.

1. This audience needs information to make up their minds.

2. This audience isn’t for or against you.

C. Indifferent - An apathetic audience.

1. They are not opposed, but can be openly bored.

2. Part of the problem is that they are a captive audience, an audience forced into attendance.

3. They need to be jolted into paying attention.

D. Opposed - Members are hostile to you and what you are promoting.

1. This audience feels no warmth or sympathy towards you.

2. Your objective should be to simply get a fair hearing. (Show you are willing to compromise.)

Notes Continued…

3. Three ways to get a fair hearing from an opposed audience: a. Convince them that you know how they feel & that your position has worth.

b. Avoid needless confrontation.

c. Create a situation where there are no winners or losers.

III. Qualities a Persuasive Speaker

A. The 4 necessary traits:

1. Sincerity – Being real or genuine.

2. Integrity - Soundness of moral character.

3. Credibility - Believability.

4. Competency – Experienced or the quality of being skilled.

B. Ways to obtain the four qualities

1. Maintain composure (calmness & selfpossession).

2. Have credentials or qualifications.

3. Display competency or skill/experience.

4. Never give a “canned” speech, a speech that is the same for different audiences.

5. Use some or all of the appeals; a “united” approach.

IV. Aristotle’s 3 Appeals

A. Logos (Logic) - You must use proof in order to sway your audience.


B. Ethos (Ethic) - Your credentials and reputation will help audiences believe in the moral principles that you are displaying. c&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1


C. Pathos (Emotion) - You can “telegraph” or lead your audience to believe you by playing their heart strings.

*The one we make the most decisions using.*

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V. A persuasive speaker must effectively:

A. Induce the audience to believe as you do.

B. Induce the audience to cause some sort of action.

C. *Gain as many supporters as possible.*

VI. Ten Characteristics of Persuaders

1. You have a burning desire to prove something to someone.

6. You put in to writing what you plan to do daily.

2. You are an interested introvert, rather than an interesting extrovert.

7. You live in the present moment and keep your enthusiasm through crisis.

3. You radiate confidence and strength in your walk, talk, and overall presence.

8. You keep yourself in a positive shell and avoid jealousy, gossip, anger, and negative thinking.

4. You balance ego and the drive for success with warm, sincere sympathy.

9. You love people and use money, instead of using people and loving money.

5. You are highly motivated.

10. You invest monthly in the greatest investment on earth - your mind.
