Stage 3 Homework Week 7 Date: 5/3/12 Core List strength successful stationary hurrying situation Phonological Words 'ibe' tribe bribe prescribe subscribe describe Synonyms pupil barge fleet utter strut Monday 1. Turn the following three simple sentences into complex sentences Australia is a democratic country. Door bells are powered by simple electrical circuits. PSSA was cancelled last week. 2. Complete the following addition and subtraction sums using mental strategies (compensation strategy, jump strategy, rounding off etc.). Name the strategy you used and show working. 74-23= 47+26= 189-45= 219+132= 79-37= 26+33= 268+112= 128 + 109= 98+120= Tuesday Theme pulleys renewable conductors insulators components source Challenge Words Eavesdrop Effervescent Eisteddfod Encyclopedia excruciating Etymology - exo (outside,without) Exit Exoskeleton Exorcism Exodus Exotic 1. Find antonyms for the following words Strength, successful, stationary, hurrying, pupil, renewable, exit, exoskeleton. Put as many of them as you can into one WOW sentence. 2. Research: What is meant by the term “democratic rights?” As Australians do we have democratic rights? Wednesday - Write your 6, 9, and 12 times tables - Continue these patterns and determine the rule in words: a. 2, 5,11,23,47,__ , __ , __ , __ , __ b. 5,13,29,61,125, __ , __ , __ , __ , __ c. 7,14,28,56,112, __ , __ , __ , __ , __ d. 12,15,21,30,42, __ , __ , __ , __ e. 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 __ , __ , __ , __ , __ Thursday 1. Brainstorm as many words as you can that are derived from the Greek prefix ‘ex’. 2. Find synonyms for the following words- barge, exit Exotic, eavesdrop, eisteddfod, components, strut. Reading log Week Book Pages Read What was it about? Parent Signature