Evaluate Human Resources Service Delivery – Element 3 How do you know what you have done has been done well? Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. – Bill Gates Feedback from who? • Internal Customers – someone who helps the organization serve the end customer. For example, employees, other departments, suppliers, safety officers, marketing • External Customers – people that come from outside the business who use or is directly affected by a company’s products or services. Why Feedback? • Crucial to developing business success. • Ensures your product, services and customer support are on the right track. • Find out the customers (internal or external) views on how well a service/product is performing. • Understand your customers requirements and concerns. • Encourage customer loyalty • Create long term relationships Why Feedback? • Improve organisations reputation and credibility • Enable business to focus on areas of low satisfaction and prioritise improvement strategies/programs. • Enables the opportunity to remedy problems • Part of continuous improvement process How to get the feedback? • Written surveys (feedback forms). • On-line surveys. • Mobile devices. • Telephone. • Chat rooms. How to get the feedback? • • • • Focus groups. Monitor social media. Review meetings Community groups and discussion boards.. • Usability testing.- website review. Task 22 – page 58 • Pros of open questions – find out more detail, develop open conversation, create trust, are perceived less threatening, allow a free response. Cons – time consuming, may result in unnecessary information, require effort from the user. Task 22 – page 58 • Pros of closed questions- require little time investment, just the answer. Cons – incomplete response, can be threatening to user, can result in misleading conclusions/assumptions, discourages disclosure Open Questions • Open questions elicit longer answers. • Usually begin with what, why, how. • It asks the respondent for his or her knowledge, opinion or feelings. • Use words like; • What happened at the meeting? • Why did he react that way? • How was the party? • Tell me what happened next. • Describe the circumstances in more detail Open or closed questions? 1. Was the course content was suitable for the subject delivered 2. Describe the topics you find most informative 3. Did you find the venue/facilities were appropriate for the training 4. Explain how the training has benefited you in the workplace 5. Would you change anything about the course structure and delivery. Provide an explanation to support your reason. What feedback is ABC Services looking for? • Overall employee satisfaction. • Training quality • Assessment •Training conditions •Learner engagement •Work readiness •Changes to improve training Develop a survey – Student Activity • Either using survey monkey or electronically performed develop a survey for ABC employees to complete. • Your aim is to determine the quality, success and effectiveness of the training conducted by partnering training organisation. • Surveys will be peer reviewed. • https://www.surveymonkey.com/home/ SWOT ANALYSIS • Strengths and Weaknesses – internal environment (factors tend to be in the present) • Opportunities and Threats – external environment (factors tend to be in the future) Strategic planning, brainstorming and decision making • You'll get more value from a SWOT analysis if you conduct it with a specific objective or question in mind. For example, deciding on how you should: – take advantage of a new business opportunity – respond to new trends – implement new technology – deal with changes to your competitors' operations Building on Strengths • A SWOT analysis will an organisation identify areas of the business that are performing well. These areas are your critical success factors and they give your business its competitive advantage. • Identifying these strengths also enables the organisation to grow and involves finding ways of using and building on these strengths. Minimise weaknesses • Weaknesses are the characteristics that put an organisation at a disadvantage to others. Conducting a SWOT analysis can help you identify these characteristics and minimise and manage them adequately Seizing opportunities • A SWOT analysis can help identify opportunities that the organisation could take advantage of to make greater profits. Opportunities are created by external factors, such as new consumer trends and changes in the market. Counteracting threats • Threats are external factors that could cause problems for an organisation, such as changes to the market, a competitor's new advertising campaign, or new government policy. A SWOT analysis can help identify threats and ways to counteract them, depending on your strengths and weaknesses Addressing individual issues • You can conduct a SWOT analysis to address individual issues, such as: – staffing issues – business culture and image – organisational structure – advertising – financial resources – operational efficiency. Useful Websites • Mind tools - SWOT • http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/ne wTMC_05.htm • Business Balls – SWOT templates • http://www.businessballs.com/swotanalysi sfreetemplate.htm • See ABC Service Agency for example SWOT Task 23 – Page 59 • Option 1 – Employee 100 new volunteers • Option 2 – Implementation of new technology/computer system • Option 3 – Leadership program to develop supervisors.