Events Leading to the Civil War

Events Leading
to the
Civil War
Sectionalism Differences
Business and
Frontier and
 Wanted tariffs  Opposed
 Wanted federal
government to
 Backed internal government
Government improvements
sponsor internal
 Wanted end to  Increasingly
and cheap labor
cheap public
supportive of
states’ rights
 Increasingly
Factors Contributing to Sectionalism
* different economic systems
* States’ Rights / Slavery
* Tariffs of 1828 and 1832
* Manifest Destiny
* Industrial Revolution
Reform Movements
• Cause:
- Evangelist / 2nd Great Awakening
- no longer pre destiny
- actions matter
- churches split
• Effects:
p. 240
- more conscience
- Christianity to slaves
- slaves viewed message as
promise of freedom
- Black churches develop
- 1st black national convention
Reform Movements
• Cause:
- no uniform policy
- school conditions varied
- almost no attendance laws
- classes not divided by grades
• Effects:
p. 244
- tax support for schools
- public funding for elementary
- increase in public school
- teacher training
Reform Movements
• Cause:
- more working outside home
- lower wages
- no voting rights
- could not sit on jury
- possessions went to husband
• Effects:
p. 254
- Rallies/ Organized groups
- worked for reform movements
- Temperance movement
- Seneca Falls convention
- more schools open for women
Reform Movements
• Cause:
- opening of more factories
- new technology
- new machines
- need for more labor force
• Effects:
p. 259
- more job opportunities/ unskilled
- increase in production
- immigrants & women in jobs
- development of unions
- regular hours & pay
How do they relate ??
• How does sectionalism relate to the
Civil War?
Economic differences, Cultural differences ,
the West expanded …all these caused more
tension between the N & S
• How does the reform movement relate
to the Civil War?
As the country developed and we saw
needs for change/reform… slavery became
a bigger issue
Events that Led to the Civil War
1. Sectional differences
2. Abolitionist Movement
3. Doctrine of Nullification
4. Missouri Compromise
5. Wilmot Proviso
6. Compromise of 1850
7. Kansas – Nebraska Act
8. Bleeding Kansas
9. Lincoln – Douglas Debate
10. Election of 1860
Causes for the Abolition Movement:
- challenged slavery on religious grounds
Great Awakening Ministers
- believed morally wrong; actions matter
- played a big role as reformers
- understood being treated unfairly
Westward expansion
- new territories kept slave issue in focus
Abolitionist Movement
Began in the 1830 – 40’s
4 min
- wanted emancipation now
- favored violence or force
- more effective for public attention
- emancipation slow and gradual
- nonviolent tactics
- methods would win more public support
Opposition to Abolition:
- Many Northerners were racist
- Southerners defense
* economic reasons
* Antebellum South/ part of culture
* slaves not able to care for themselves
- Federal gov’t using the Gag Rule
* South refused to debate
* adopted by Congress
* could not discuss slavery issue
Reform Movements
• Cause:
- religious beliefs
- reformers protesting
- publishing magazines
- women’s movement
• Effects:
p. 248
- Gag rule
- revolts
- states’ rights
Impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
• Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
• Wakes people to the horrors of slavery
• sold Millions
•When Lincoln meets Stowe, he says "So
you're the little woman who wrote the
book that made this great war!"
Impact: help to add fuel to the
burning desire to see slavery
Antislavery Actions
Proslavery Action
Antislavery Actions
Proslavery Action
Published The Liberator
Defeat of VA motion
for abolition
North Star
Tighter slave regulations
Formed antislavery
1836 Gag rule
Nat Turner’s rebellion
S. Congress refuse to
Underground railroad
Fugitive Slave Act
p. 248-253
Free Northern Blacks
Slaves in South
Free Northern Blacks
Slaves in South
Racism / fear
Labor in fields
Least desirable jobs
Work in owners home
Low pay
Some skilled jobs in
Joined abolitionist
Wages went to owners
Basic needs provided
Value as property
Journal – Nat Turner
Hero or Madman???
Read in your textbook p. 252 about the
Nat Turner Rebellion
Based, on what you read, what kind
of person do you think Nat Turner
Nat Turner Timeline 1831
Aug. 22
begins with Nat
and his men
Nov. 1-2
Thomas Gray
visits Nat and
The Confession of
Nat Turner
Aug. 23
Nat’s army dissembles
after killing 55 white me,
women, children. Nat
Nov. 5
At trial, Nat pleads his
innocence but is found
guilty and an insurgent
and is sentences to be
Oct. 30
Nat is captured
after 70 days
Nov. 11
Nat is hanged
Dies at noon
Journal – Harriet Tubman Painting
1. What are the objects in the painting?
2. What is the mood, or atmosphere of
the painting?
3. What details help create the mood?
4. How important are the stars, especially
the North Star, in the painting? Explain
5. Why might the snake be a good symbol
for the evils of slavery?
No. 10
Harriet Tubman
Created by:
Westward Expansion Issues
Missouri Compromise 1820
Wilmot Proviso 1846
Compromise of 1850
Kansas - Nebraska Act 1854
Bleeding Kansas 1854-55
Missouri Compromise - 1820
• Balance of power
~ 11 free and 11 slave states
• Missouri applied for statehood
~ would cause unbalance
~ South expected to be slave
• Missouri enters – slave
• Maine enter – free
• Rest of the LA territory be divided at
36 30' N latitude line (set by Congress)
~ Above free, below slave
p. 222
Missouri Compromise
Doctrine of Nullification
• John C. Calhoun
• 1832
• sovereign states had agreed to
accept the Constitution
• they could nullify anything they did
not agree with inside the state
• keep South from leaving the Union
• States’ Rights used for justification
(p. 322-323)
Wilmot Proviso - 1846
• Propose:
1. territory from MX war remain “free soil”
2. California - free state
3. UT & NM terr. - closed to slavery
• North favored
• South against (would unbalance
Congress to favor N)
•Effect: South threatened to secede from
p. 306 & Reading guide
Compromise of 1850
- proposed by Henry Clay to Congress
- hopes of satisfying the south
4 provisions:
1. CA admitted as a free state
2. UT & NM territories could choose (Free or Slave)
- Clay reintroduced popular sovereignty
3. Slave trade would be abolished in D.C.
4. Stricter Fugitive slave laws
Who does this compromise tend to favor
p. 307
Kansas – Nebraska Act 1854
- divided NE territory into 2 states
- initial purpose: create opportunities for a
Transcontinental RR
- KS
& NE should be free (north of the 36’ 30 line)
- Passing repeals the Missouri Compromise
- will established popular sovereignty
(states right to choose)
- President Pierce signed the K-N bill into law.
How do the Compromise and the
K-N Acts affect the popular
sovereignty choice?
Bleeding Kansas 1854-55
• groups sent people to Kansas to vote and
fight for the cause.
• Missourians crossed the border with rifles
to stuff the ballots in favor of slavery
• John Brown, an abolitionist went to Kansas
(sent by God to stop the slavery)
* He and his men killed many
p. 316
Bleeding Kansas…cont.
• For Kansas the Civil War began in 1855
• Voting caused the battle
to begin
• Kansas was a battlefield
over slavery
• Bleeding Kansas widened
the gap between the N & S
Kansas enters as.. FREE
John Brown depicted in a mural titled, "Tragic Prelude" by John Steuart Curray.
On display in the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka.
Political Split
• By late 1850…discontent … political
landscape changing
• Northern Whigs, anti-slave Democrats, &
free-soilers formed the Republican Party
- Opposed expansion of slavery
- Party had strength due to diversity
- united only on slave issue
p. 320
Journal - Dred Scott Case
Read p. 332 – Supreme Court decision
1. What position did Taney’s opinion take?
2. Why did Taney’s opinion matter legally?
3. Why did Taney’s opinion matter politically?
4. What is the Historical impact of Taney’s
Supreme Court decision and the 13th
5. How did the DS decision influence American
6. How is this an example of Federalism?
Dred Scott Case 1857
Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri
• Owner took him into IL and WI (free terr.)
• 4 years later returned to MO
• Scott sued for his freedom
(had lived in a free territory)
* Vital questions for Supreme Court
1. Could Scott sue – Was he a citizen of
the U.S.?
2. Was slavery a state issue – did being in a
free state make him free?
Dred Scott Case - continued
Legal Importance
• expanded the reach of slavery by declaring
it property
Political Importance
• increased sectional tension
Historical Impact
• Supreme Court decision was cancelled out
when 13th &14th amendments passed
Example of… Checks and Balance
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
* Candidates / 1858 IL senator election
> Democrats - Stephen Douglas
> Republicans - Abe Lincoln
- Douglas defended popular sovereignty
(not slavery) but protecting democracy
- Lincoln was anti-slavery
* Douglas won the election
~ lost support of southern states
* Lincoln (unknown) became well known after
the debate
p. 326
John Brown’s Raid - 1859
• Harper’s Ferry, VA
• Brown received financial backing from
Northern abolitionist
• Goal to seize weapons, distribute to slave,
start an uprising
• Brown was captured
• Hanged for treason
• Viewed as a martyr , terrorist
p. 327
John Brown going to his hanging
by Horace Pippin
p. 328
Election of 1860
* Four candidates running for President
> N. Democrats - Stephen Douglas
> S. Democrats - John Breckinridge
> Republicans - Abe Lincoln
> Constitutional Union Party - John Bell
* Republicans platform - limit extension of slavery
Lincoln ---------- Bell ----------- Douglas --------- Breckinridge
- Southern radicals saw no alternatives but
to secede
- Believed secession would be peaceful
- It would unify the South
- SC led the way in secession
* justified based on states rights
(said voluntarily joined, voluntary leave)
Secession - continued
- Within eight weeks MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, and TX
voted to secede (deep south)
* a new nation established
* Confederate States of America
- Jefferson Davis – President
- Alexander Stephens – VP
Secession - continued
- South left the union before Lincoln’s
* Lincoln’s stand:
1. would not interfere w/ slavery
where it existed
2. slavery would not be extended
3. no state could lawfully withdraw
from the union
4. did not want to provoke war
EOC Workbook
• Pages
76 (1,2)
77 (5)
84 (1,2,3)
85 (1,2)
• Read
States’ Rights and Nullification
on p. 79/80
Link and Learn
• Pages
4 (Harriet B. Stowe)
10 (Bleeding Kansas)
13 (Dred Scott case)
14 (Liberator newspaper)
15 (Parties 1850’ 1860’s)
18 (Dred Scott)
32 (Dred Scott v. Sandford, Secession, Pop. Sovern)
Review Questions
• Who would have favored the KansasNebraska Act? WHY?
• Popular Sovereignty is a term that
reflects which concept?
• How have the compromises truly
affected the slave territory issue?