An Unified Approach to Structural Health Management and Damage Prognosis of Metallic Aerospace Structures Aditi Chattopadhyay Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Arizona State University Prognosis of Aircraft and Space Devices, Components, and Systems Air Force Office of Scientific Research University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio February 19 and 20, 2008 Grant Number: FA95550-06-1-0309 Program Manager: Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu Aditi Chattopadhyay Antonia Papandreou •Smart structures •Signal processing •Sensing & Information Processing •Detection & Estimation •SHM •Multiscale modeling •Mechanics of composites James B. Spicer •Materials process monitoring & control •Ultrasonics •High-temperature characterization •MDO Roger G. Ghanem Pedro Peralta •Fracture & fatigue •Composite materials •FEM •Continuum mechanics Douglas Cochran •Statistical signal processing •Theory of sensing •Mathematical modeling MURI Structural Health Monitoring & Prognosis of Aerospace Systems •Risk assessment •Stochastic mechanics •Computational mechanics •Inverse problems and optimization Dan Inman •SHM • Wireless sensing and damage assessment •Membrane optics 2 MURI RESEARCH TEAM ASU Team Academic Professionals: Jun Wei, Narayan Kovvali Graduate Students : Debejyo Chakraborty, Clyde Coelho, Chuntao Luo, Subhasish Mohanty, Donna Simon, Sunilkumar Soni, Rikki Teale, Christina Willhauck USC Team Academic Professional: Maarten Arnst Graduate Students : Maud Comboul, Sonjoy Das, Arash Noshadravan JHU Team Academic Professional: Seyi Balogun Graduate Students : Lindsay Channels, Travis DeJournett VT Team Academic Professional: Benjamin L. Grisso Graduate Student : Mana Afshari OBJECTIVES •Computationally efficient multiscale modeling techniques for characterizing the damage state of a material (including nucleation and growth) • Damage detection and classification techniques for sensor integration and instrumentation • Prognosis capabilities for predicting failure probability and remaining useful life • Testing, validation and application TECHNICAL APPROACH •Physically based models to characterize damage nucleation & growth •Characterize wave propagation in hotspot •Optimally integrate sensor network •Waveform design & damage detection •Sensor management schemes for detection/classification •Stochastic models to account for uncertainties •Estimation of remaining useful life •Validation on test structures BASIC RESEARCH ISSUES • Connect microscopic damage to macroscopic scale monitoring • Sensor sensitivity • Sensor/host structure coupling • Hierarchical information management • Hybrid approach for life estimation • Precursor to damage/first failure to inspection BENEFIT TO DOD/INDUSTRY • Improved techniques will facilitate assessment of health of metallic aircraft structures • Project outcome will help surmount some of the technical challenges, complementing ongoing activities at AFRL • Research results will help establish improved IVHM systems • Future aircraft systems can benefit from integration with prognosis programs focused on current aircraft. • Advancements in damage analysis, detection & classification are useful sustainable infrastructure and electronic system monitoring TASK DESCRIPTIONS AND PERSONNEL A. Chattopadhyay P. Peralta James Spicer A. Chattopadhyay A. Papandreou-Suppappola Daniel Inman Douglas Cochran A. Chattopadhyay P. Peralta Roger Ghanem Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 •Material Charecterization •Multiscale model to predict damage nucleation & growth •Optimal sensor placement •Detection •Signal processing •Diagnosis & classification •State awareness •Life prediction Task 4 (All PI’s) Testing, validation and applications AFRL / VA Boeing Phantom Works • • • DOD COLLABORATIONS AND TRANSITION TO REAL SYSTEMS Collaboration with AFRL: • Mark Derriso, Structural Health Assessment Team Leader, AFRL/VA • Provides data from AFRL experimental set-ups • Frequent meetings with Mark and his team: discuss MURI progress and relevant AFRL problems needed to help transition of our work to real systems • Meetings with Jim Larsen (AFRL/MLLMN) and Kumar Jata (AFRL/MLLP) Collaboration with Boeing Phantom Works (Eric Haugse) • Hotspot Program with AFRL (involves actual F-18 testing in Arizona for transition to real systems). Participants: AFRL, Boeing Phantom Works, Accelent Technologies, Metis Design • HotSpot Monitoring Program teleconference (bi-weekly) Advisory board committee provides feedback: • Members from AFRL, US Air Force Academy, United Technologies Research Center, Boeing, Next Generation Aeronautics, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, National Transportation Safety Board, NRL, Naval Surface Warfare Center, NASA GRC, NASA LaRC, NASA ARC, US Army ARDECOM, Los Alamos National Lab. TECHNICAL APPROACH Physically-based Multiscale Modeling Microstructure Reconstruction Material Characterization Multiscale Modeling Representative Microstructure (FEM) Metallography Microscale Damage Initiation RVE for Grains/ Particles 3D Grain/ Particle size distributions Short Crack Growth in the Mesoscale Structure Level Fatigue Simulation MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION Multiscale Material Characterization Strain fields ahead of fatigue cracks in wrought Al alloys: in-situ testing and DIC Load Direction Load stage and Rolling Direction (RD) Crack tip Loaded specimen Nanoindentation of precipitates in wrought Al alloys Crack tip MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION Microstructure Reconstruction and Representation Use Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) along with serial sectioning: 2-, 2.5- and 3D 2-D 2.5-D 3-D “Artificial” microstructures are also being generated Same grain size (100 µm) different grain size distribution Large (300 µm) grain size MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION Microstructurally Explicit Finite Element Models Use microstructure representation and meshing tools: defects can be included 3-D 2.5-D 2-D Results show effects of microstructural variability on local fields 2-D 3-D INTERACTION OF RELEVANT SCALES IN MULTISCALE MODELING Homogenization Macro Scale Micro Scale Material Characterization Damage Parameter 0.03 Localization 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 Crystal Orientation 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 Time (s) Damage Parameter Long Crack Propagation 250 Single Crystal Structure Polycrystal Structure Orientation Distribution & Properties 300 Stress (MPa) Crystal Properties 5.00 Void Model 2-D Slice 2.5-D Representation Meso Scale 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 Strain Crack Initiation Short Crack Propagation Hardening Parameter Component 3-D Representation Wave Propagation 11 FATIGUE ANALYSIS (SINGLE CRYSTAL) 400 Stress (MPa) 300 200 100 0 -0.004 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 -100 -200 -300 -400 Strain Stress-strain response Capture crystal orientation Fatigue hardening & saturation Accumulative shear strain Mesoscale Accumulated shear strain Mises stress distribution 8.0E-02 6.0E-02 4.0E-02 2.0E-02 0.0E+00 0 2 4 6 Number of cycles 8 12 Stress (MPa) MESOSCALE STRUCTURE 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Strain Grains OIM (Orientation Imaging Microscopy) Scan OOF 1 2 3 4 X103 ABAQUS & UMAT 13 TECHNICAL APPROACH Methods for In Situ Interrogation and Detection Sensor design, network and placement Damage detection and classification Nonlinear ultrasonic damage characterization Sensing multi-scale damage with impedance, vibration, & Lamb wave based methods Time-frequency & statistical damage classification: AFRL TPS, ASU bolted-joint data Mesoscopic ultrasonic techniques for assessment of material microstructure FEM based analysis of macro- length scale damage with virtual sensors Bayesian sensor fusion of data received from multiple distributed sensors RESULTS: NONLINEAR ULTRASONICS Team Integration JHU Ultrasonics Group (Spicer) Surface displacement Ultrasonic generation data ASU SP Group (Papandreou, Cochran) Receiver Ultrasonic displacement measured at the epicenter 2.4 mJ Amplitude of Model 0 -0.01 -0.00159 -0.02 -0.00318 Model -0.00477 -0.03 -0.04 Lens Oscilloscope Amplitude of Unfatigued 6061 Measurement 0 Nd:YAG 532 nm continuous -0.00636 0 400 800 1200 1600 -0.05 Time (ns) Spectrogram Iris Michelson type interferometer Nd:YAG 1064 nm 9 ns pulse _ Lens Sample on translation stage + Mirror Piezoelectric mirror mount Experimental Schematic for Laser Ultrasonic Investigations Stabilization circuit RESULTS: SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE BASED DAMAGE CLASSIFICATION Sample Tested Results Sensor Actuator Team Integration Lug joint: typical structural hot spot ASU SP Group (Papandreou, Cochran) features for SVM ASU Modeling Group (Chattopadhyay) RESULTS: TIME-FREQUENCY CLASSIFICATION Collaboration with Mark Derriso (AFRL/VA) • PZTs attached to bolted square aluminum plate • PZT-1 used for transmitting 0-1.5 kHz chirp • Signals received at PZT2, PZT-3, and PZT-4 • Damage Class definition: - Class 1 = Bolt 1 at 25% torque - Class 2 = Bolt 2 at 25% torque - Class 3 = Bolt 3 at 25% torque - Class 4 = Bolt 4 at 25% torque - Class 5 = All bolts at 100% torque (fully tightened/healthy case) S. Olson, M. DeSimio, and M. Derriso, “Fastener Damage Estimation in a Square Aluminum Plate”, Structural Health Monitoring Journal, 2005 Confusion matrix (HMM based damage classifier) 0.80500 0.05500 0.13500 0 0.00500 0 0.98000 0.00500 0 0.01500 0.05500 0.08000 0.86500 0 0 0.00500 0.02000 0 0.97000 0.00500 0 0 0 0.00125 0.99875 TECHNICAL APPROACH Prognosis via State-Awareness and Life Models Probabilistic Data Driven Prognosis Model Prediction of crack growth and plastic zone parameters by Gaussian Process Model Fracture Mechanics Based Physics Model System Identification Prognosis Model Prediction of effective stress intensity factors that account for closure effects Vibration and wave based system identification for damage state estimation Hybrid Prognosis Model R U L E GAUSSIAN PROCESS DATA DRIVEN APPROACH Based on high dimensional kernel function Uncertainty quantified using Bayesian approach History as training distribution Predicts new mean damage and associated variance Predicts possible collapse point if new predicted variance exceeds threshold flag Damage Index (Crack Length) • • • • • k N N+1 Flight Cycle DATA DRIVEN MODEL PREDICTION Load Spectrum Single Variate Model Prediction HYBRID PROGNOSIS APPROACH Data driven model for calculating plastic zone constraint factor Results From Pure Physics Based Model Incremental crack length from physics based model Results From Hybrid Model TECHNICAL APPROACH Testing, Validation & Application Calibrate and validate modeling methods Material characterization, multiscale model and state awareness model Sensor network and placement •Detection •Signal processing •Diagnosis & classification Application to Structural Hotspots AFRL/VA, Boeing Structural Hotspot Program EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS Sample 1 (Polished) Cycles to 380,621 failure (110 – 1100 lbs) Sample 2 (Sand Blasted) 823,537 (110 – 1100 lbs) Sample 3 (Sand Blasted) >3 Million (80 – 800 lbs) Life of sample 2 about twice of sample 1 under similar loading condition Two distinct damage nucleation sites for sample 2 Failure mode - High cycle fatigue from shoulders for sample 1 & 2 - Very high cycle fretting fatigue from pin hole Induced Stresses Influence Fatigue Life and Failure Patterns GUIDED WAVE IN LUG JOINT Healthy Damaged FUTURE WORK Task 1: • Predict damage nucleation & propagation using modified fatigue damage criteria. • Simulate sensor signals & study their interaction with cracks using distributed point source method (DPSM) – a wave based approach. Task 2: • Adaptive signal processing and classification using active and multi-task learning methodologies. • Use of data from new sensors and physics based FEM modeling to train damage detection and classification algorithms. Task 3: • Formulate multivariate prognosis models that incorporate physical-based models to account for load sequence effects. • Incorporate material and sensor signal variability into prognosis framework. • Develop a prognosis approach for crack nucleation based on "virtual sensors" (output from multiscale modeling) to estimate life spend to grow "detectable" damage. Task 4: • Perform testing on instrumented samples with complex geometry (lug joints, bolted joints) to gather statistical information on failure modes, sensor performance and to collect data for model validation (integration with Tasks 1, 2, and 3). • Develop a test article for use with the biaxial load frame to obtain statistical information under both complex geometries and complex loading (integration with Tasks 1, 2, and 3).