Quote of the Day - Sheffield-Sheffield Lake City Schools Home

Welcome to Career Search!
Mrs. Sweigart
Career Search Syllabus
Mission of Course: Students will learn skills necessary for enhancing their
education, exploring careers, and conducting job searches.
Important Concepts:
Practical Problems
Time Management
Study Skills
Test Taking Tips
Multiple Intelligences
Career Portfolio
Skills Inventory
Career Clusters
Occupation Inventories
Balancing Work and
Career Search
Job Retention
Course Mapping
College Search
Resume Writing
Cover Letters
Career Trends
Career Search Syllabus Cont.
Daily Structure:
10 minute writing assignment- Journaling
Practical Problems for the day
Reading or Activity
Using the information students have gathered throughout the course, they will
write a 5 page paper in which they will compare and contrast 3 different career
options. The students will select best choice for them based on their skills,
abilities and aptitudes and summarize how they came to this conclusion.
Rules and Expectations
Students should…
have respect for themselves,
others, and the teacher at all times.
not talk when others are talking.
be prepared for class each day- the
teacher will NOT supply materials.
be engaged in class discussions,
note taking, activities, etc.
keep track of their own grades by
recording assignments on a grade
sheet, and checking their Pinnacle
•Verbal warning
•Phone call home
•Office Referral
•If behavior continues and alternative
assignment will be given and student will
not be allowed to participate in class s/he
proves that they will cooperate.
* Failure to complete course
requirements will result in assignment to
LTI until all late work is received.
School Supplies
3 Subject Spiral Notebook
Loose Leaf Paper
1 inch 3 ring binder with pockets
Other Important Things to Know
Check my website! All missed work, lesson plans,
etc. are there! Don’t ask me!
Come to class prepared! In the real world no one will
have the supplies you need to do
your job!
Pinnacle is IMPORTANT! Know
how to access it and how it works!
Quote of the Day
“Often people attempt to live their lives
backwards: they try to have more things, or
more money in order to do more of what
they want so that they will be happier. The
way it actually works is the reverse. You
must first be who you really are, then, do
what you need to do in order to have what
you want.” - Margaret Young” (Singer and
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding the rules and expectations of
the classroom?
• Getting the supplies I need for class?
• Determining what Career Search is all
Quote of the Day
“Never be afraid to try something new. The
ark was built by an amateur, the Titanic was
build by a professional.” - Anonymous
What Should I Do About…
• Working with my group?
• Meeting my classmates?
Quote of the Day
“If you break your neck, if you have nothing
to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got
a problem. Everything else is
inconvenience” - Robert Fulghum (Author of All
I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten)
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding Practical Problems?
• Identifying Practical Problems?
Quote of the Day
“A bend in the road is not the end of the
road... unless you fail to make the turn.”
- Author Unknown
What Should I Do About…
• Thinking about common Practical
• Identifying the steps to solve a Practical
Quote of the Day
“I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader
shoulders.” - Jewish Proverb
What Should I Do About…
• Identifying how I solve problems?
• Learning how I can solve problems more
Quote of the Day
“The healthy and strong individual is the one
who asks for help when he needs it.
Whether he's got an abscess on his knee or
in his soul.” - Rona Barrett (American gossip
columnist and businesswoman)
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding values that influence
problem solving?
• Recognizing who affects problem solving?
• Identifying how I affect others by the way I
solve problems?
Quote of the Day
“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it
probably doesn't lead anywhere.” - Frank
A. Clark (Author and Cartoonist)
What Should I Do About…
• Proving that I understand Practical
• Interpreting what I have learned?
Quote of the Day
“Have you got a problem? Do what you can
where you are with what you've got.”
Theodore Roosevelt (Former President of the United
What Should I Do About…
• Proving that I understand Practical
• Interpreting what I have learned?
Quote of the Day
“The key is not to prioritize what's on your
schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
- Stephen R. Covey (Author)
What Should I Do About…
• Managing my time better?
• Using my school planner?
• Identifying other ways to manage my time?
Quote of the Day
“We may be very busy, we may be very
efficient, but we will also be truly effective
only when we begin with the end in mind.”
- Stephen R. Covey (Author)
What Should I Do About…
• Balancing my priorities and the things I
want to do?
• Finding the time to do everything I am
responsible for?
Quote of the Day
“How strange that the young should always
think the world is against them - when in
fact that is the only time it is for them.”
- Mignon McLaughlin (Author)
What Should I Do About…
Getting the most out of High School?
Taking notes?
Reading for information?
Enhancing my study skills?
Quote of the Day
“Most of the important things in the world
have been accomplished by people who
have kept on trying when there seemed to
be no hope at all.” - Dale Carnegie (Motivational
speaker and author)
What Should I Do About…
• Enhancing my study skills?
• Using my study skills to become a better test
• Performing better on different kinds of tests?
• Releaving test anxiety?
Quote of the Day
“Knowledge is not the same as morality, but
we need to understand if we are to avoid
past mistakes and move in productive
directions. An important part of that
understanding is knowing who we are and
what we can do... Ultimately, we must
synthesize our understandings for
ourselves.” - Howard Gardner (Psychologist)
What Should I Do About…
• Identifying my learning style?
• Using my learning style to enhance my
• Understanding how I learn best?
Quote of the Day
“Learning is not a spectator sport.” Anonymous
What Should I Do About…
• Making a plan of action to help me learn
• Combining my learning style with study
skills and test taking tips to make me a
better student?
Quote of the Day
“For when the One Great Scorer comes to
mark against your name, He writes- not that
you won or lost- but how you played the
game.” - Grantland Rice (Sportswriter)
What Should I Do About…
• Learning how I can set goals to accomplish
my dreams?
• Setting realistic and achieveable goals?
• Achieving my goals?
Quote of the Day
“Little victories add up.” - Sam Wyly
(Entrepeaneur and Author)
What Should I Do About…
• Planning my goals to achieve what I want in
the future?
• Identifying what resources I have available
to help me achieve my goals?
Quote of the Day
“We do not act rightly because we have virtue
or excellence, but we rather have those
because we have acted rightly.” Aristotle
What Should I Do About…
• Identifying my values?
• Understanding about universal values?
• Identifying why values are important in
achieving my goals?
Quote of the Day
“The best careers advice to give to the young
is ‘Find out what you like doing best and
get someone to pay you for doing it.’”
Katherine Whitehorn (British Journalist)
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding Ohio Career Information
Systems (OCIS)?
• Creating an online career portfolio?
• Starting my Individual Academic Career
Plan (IACP)?
Quote of the Day
”Many people worry so much about
managing their careers, but rarely spend
half that much time managing their lives. I
want to make my life, not just my job, the
best it can be. The rest will work itself out.”
Reese Witherspoon (Actress)
What Should I Do About…
• Navigating through OCIS?
• Creating an online career portfolio?
• Starting my Individual Academic Career
Plan (IACP)?
Quote of the Day
“Analyzing what you haven’t got as well as
what you have is a necessary ingredient of a
career.” Orison Swett Marden (American Writer)
What Should I Do About…
• Recognizing and using the different
applications available in OCIS:
Career Clusters Inventory
Interest Profile
Work Importance Locator
Occupations Match
Quote of the Day
“Job security is gone. The driving force of a
career must come from the individual.”
Homa Bahrami (Lecturer Hass School of Business)
What Should I Do About…
• Recognizing and using the different
applications available in OCIS:
Career Clusters Inventory
Interest Profile
Work Importance Locator
Occupations Match
Quote of the Day
“A career is born in public, talent in privacy.”
Marilyn Monroe (Actress)
What Should I Do About…
• Recognizing and using the different
applications available in OCIS:
Career Clusters Inventory
Interest Profile
Work Importance Locator
Occupations Match
Quote of the Day
”The career of a write is comparable to that
of a woman of easy virtue. You write first
for pleasure, later for the pleasure of others
and finally for the money.” Marcel Achard
(French Playwright)
What Should I Do About…
• Recognizing and using the different
applications available in OCIS:
Career Clusters Inventory
Interest Profile
Work Importance Locator
Occupations Match
Quote of the Day
“I heard shouting and turned to see a fish hurling through the
air into a man’s arms. A cheer followed, and the fish was
expertly wrapped and given to a laughing woman. I was
laughing, too. I watched for fifteen minutes. The shouts,
cheers, and laughing continued—mixed with flying fish.
At the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, Washington, it’s
another day at work. We should all learn something from
them.” -From ‘Fish! Philosophy’
What Should I Do About…
• Reading ‘Fish! Philosophy’
• Understanding why we are reading ‘Fish!
• Interpreting the importance of this book and
it’s meaning in the working world.
Quote of the Day
”If they improve productivity, get output up
during core hours, we can achieve a much
better balance between work and family
life.” David Coates (Worrell Professor Wake Forest
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding the importance of balancing
work and family responsibilities?
• Determining how to balance work and
Quote of the Day
“There is always a choice about the way you
do your work, even if there is not a choice
about the work itself.” ‘Fish! Philosophy’
What Should I Do About…
• Choosing my attitude?
• Recognizing why I should choose my
• Identifying how I can choose my attitude?
Quote of the Day
By David Whyte
I want to write about faith
About the way the moon rises
over cold snow, night after night
Faithful even as it fades from fullness
slowly becoming that last curving and impossible
sliver of light before the final darkness
But I have no faith myself
I refuse to give it the smallest entry
Let this then, my small poem,
like a new moon, slender and barely open,
be the first prayer that opens me to faith
What Should I Do About…
• Getting the Courage to Change?
• Changing my attitude?
• Encouraging others to change their
Quote of the Day
“There is the puzzle of why some men and
women go to seed, while others remain vital
to the very end of their days. Going to seed
may be too vague an expression. Perhaps I
should say that many people, somewhere
along the line, stop learning and growing.”
John Gardner (American Novelist)
What Should I Do About…
• Choosing my attitude?
•Helping others choose their attitudes?
•Learning to play?
Quote of the Day
“She told me and then I discovered it for
myself.” Unknown
What Should I Do About…
Choosing my attitude?
Learning to play?
Making another’s day?
Being present?
Quote of the Day
“We must choose our attitude everyday and
choose it well.” ‘Fish! Philosophy’
What Should I Do About…
• Discovering why I should:
Change my attitude?
Learn to play?
Make someone’s day?
Be present?
Quote of the Day
“The past is history
The future is a mystery
Today is a gift
That is why we call it the present.”
What Should I Do About…
• Gaining ideas on how I can:
Change my attitude?
Learn how to play?
Make another’s day?
Be present?
Quote of the Day
Meaning is not something you stumble across, like the answer
to a riddle or the prize in a treasure hunt. Meaning is
something you build into your life. You build it out of your
own past, out of your affections and loyalties, out of the
experience of humankind as it is passed on to you, out of
your own talent and understanding, out of the things you
believe in, out of the things and people you love, out of the
values for which you are willing to sacrifice soemthing.
The ingredients are there. Youa re the only one who can
put them together into that pattern that will be your life.
Let it be a life that has dignity and meaning for you. If it
does, then the particular balance of success or failure is of
less account.
John Gardner
What Should I Do About…
• Implementing the Fish! Philosophy?
Quote of the Day
“When you are doing what you are doing,
who are you being? Are you being
impatient and board, or are you being world
famous? You are going to act differently if
you are being world famous.” ‘Fish!
What Should I Do About…
• Implementing the Fish! Philosophy into my life?
• Working with others?
• Teaching my peers about:
Choosing Your Attitude?
Making Another’s Day?
Being Present?
Quote of the Day
“Playing safe is probably the most unsafe
thing in the world. You cannot stand still.
You must go forward.” Robert Collier
(American Motivational Author)
What Should I Do About…
• Implementing the Fish! Philosophy into my
• Working with others?
• Teaching my peers about:
Choosing Your Attitude?
Making Another’s Day?
Being Present?
Quote of the Day
“At the end of the day you're talking about
going to someone who needs it badly and
deserves it badly and building them a home
that makes life a little easier for them.” Tom
Forman (Producer and Film Maker)
What Should I Do About…
• Implementing the Fish! Philosophy into my
• Working with others?
• Teaching my peers about:
Choosing Your Attitude?
Making Another’s Day?
Being Present?
Quote of the Day
“I don't know what it is. I think we have to
really focus a lot more and everyone has to
pay attention to detail and really kind of
buckle down and make sure we do
everything.” Ann Strother (Basketball Player and Coach)
What Should I Do About…
What Should I Do About…
Implementing the Fish! Philosophy into my life?
Working with others?
Teaching my peers about:
Choosing Your Attitude?
Making Another’s Day?
Being Present?
Quote of the Day
“The best way to get a summer job is to start
now, if you haven't started already.” John
Challanger (CEO of an Outplacement Consultancy)
What Should I Do About…
• Learning about summer employment
• Recognizing what summer jobs may be
available to me?
• Understanding how to obtain summer
Quote of the Day
• “Any large fall in labor force participation
at this point suggests that the labor market
is not growing out of recession, but rather
that discouraged job seekers are giving up,
or not beginning, their job search.” Jared
Bernstein (Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser to Vice
President Biden)
What Should I Do About…
• Learning how to conduct a job search?
• Looking for a job?
• Identifying resources to aid me in my job
• Utilizing resources to find a job?
Quote of the Day
“We ask all of our job seekers in the outplacement program to only look at the web
after 6:30 at night or before maybe 6:00 in
the morning. It is a soaker up of time and in
a job search, you've got to get out and see
people. You can't sit behind a desk and
tinker with your resume.” (CEO of an Outplacement
What Should I Do About…
• Filling out job applications?
• Finding job applications?
• Understanding the information needed for a
job application?
Quote of the Day
“It's estimated that there may be two hundred
and fifty million children in the world
engaged in some form of exploitative child
labour.” Carol Bellamy (Former Director of the Peace
Corp. and UNICEF)
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding Labor Laws?
• Applying for a work permit?
Quote of the Day
“Resume: a written exaggeration of only the
good things a person has done in the past, as
well as a wish list of the qualities a person
would like to have.” Bill Bennett (Businessman)
What Should I Do About…
Writing a resume?
Learning how to write a resume?
Understanding what a resume is all about?
Knowing the components of a resume?
Quote of the Day
“Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A
man should do his job so well that the
living, the dead, and the unborn could do it
no better.” Martin Luther King Jr.
What Should I Do About…
• Writing a cover letter?
• Understanding how to write a cover letter?
• Recognizing why I should write a cover
Quote of the Day
“A lot of people quit looking for work as soon
as they find a job.” Zig Ziglar (Author)
What Should I Do About…
Writing a resume?
Learning how to write a resume?
Understanding what a resume is all about?
Knowing the components of a resume?
What Should I Do About…
• Researching occupations?
• Identifying which occupations may be for
• Understanding the requirements needed to
obtain those occupations?
Quote of the Day
“Choose a job you love, and you will never
have to work a day in your life.” Confucius
What Should I Do About…
• Writing a cover letter?
• Understanding how to write a cover letter?
• Recognizing why I should write a cover
Quote of the Day
“Absence of occupation is not rest; a mind
quite vacant is a mind distressed.” William
Cowper (English Poet)
What Should I Do About…
• Learning how to conduct a job search?
• Looking for a job?
• Identifying resources to aid me in my job
• Utilizing resources to find a job?
Quote of the Day
“It looks as though the consumer isn't too
worried about losing his job or spending his
money.” Peter Cardillo (Chief Market Economist)
What Should I Do About…
• Learning how to retain a job?
• Gaining the skills necessary to be a dilligent
• Recognizing my weaknesses so that they
can be improved?
Quote of the Day
"Kids that continually take a challenging
course of study throughout their senior year
(of high school) come back from college
having been very successful. But kids who
take a limited schedule frequently have a
hard time being successful their freshman
year.” Brad Diller (Comic Writer)
What Should I Do About…
• Discovering what courses I need to take in
high school?
• Understanding the different courses
available to me?
• Choosing the appropriate classes to help me
reach my educational and career goals?
Quote of the Day
“One of the guiding principles I learned from my parents led
through my early schooling and continues to do so today that's the value of hard work. I didn't wait for opportunities
to fall in my lap; instead, I sought out opportunities and
made opportunities for myself where they might not have
existed before. Throughout high school I challenged
myself to take advanced level courses and to remain active
through various extracurricular activities [including] Junior
Achievement, academic challenge, Spanish club and the
Asian American club.” Chirag Patel
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding the different courses
available to me?
• Chosing the appropriate classes to help me
reach my education and career goals?
• Mapping the courses I need to take for the
remainder of my high school career?
• Identifying the courses I will need to take in
Quote of the Day
While there are many obstacles that deter
students from going to college, finances by
no means should be the deciding factor.”
Bobby Scott (Politician)
What Should I Do About…
• Going to college?
• Choosing which college to go to?
• Visiting colleges?
Quote of the Day
“Visiting a college campus will help students
and families get a true feel for the school.
And spring break is a perfect time for these
visits to occur.” Martha Holler (Author)
What Should I Do About…
• Going to college?
• Choosing which college to go to?
• Visiting colleges?
Quote of the Day
“It's like being in college and being undecided
about your major. As soon as you choose
your major, you focus in on it.” Wyclef
Jean (Musician and Politician)
What Should I Do About…
• Determining what I should major in in
• Discovering the program of study for the
major that I choose?
• Investigating different programs of study?
• Recognizing if the college makes a
difference as to what major I choose?
Quote of the Day
“We've made it a point whenever we go on
vacation, whenever we take a trip, that we
visit whatever university or college is in the
area.” Silvia Hasak (Author)
What Should I Do About…
• Going to college?
• Choosing which college to go to?
• Visiting colleges?
Quote of the Day
“If you call failures experiments, you can put
them in your resume and claim them as
achievements.” Mason Cooley (Writer)
What Should I Do About…
Writing a resume?
Learning how to write a resume?
Understanding what a resume is all about?
Knowing the components of a resume?
Quote of the Day
“I'd update my resume so you're ready for any
outcome.” Bob Weinstein (Producer)
What Should I Do About…
Writing a resume?
Learning how to write a resume?
Understanding what a resume is all about?
Knowing the components of a resume?
Quote of the Day
“Confidence has a lot to do with interviewing
- that, and timing.” Michael Parkinson
What Should I Do About…
Learning how to interview?
Dressing for interviews?
Acting at an interview?
Preparing for an interview?
Quote of the Day
“Follow up the interview with a phone call. If
Carrot Top can figure out how to use a
phone, so can you.” Tom Cole (Politician)
What Should I Do About…
• Practicing how to interview?
• Improving my interview skills?
Quote of the Day
“Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.”
G.B. Stern (English Author)
What Should I Do About…
• Understanding why I should send a letter of
• Writing a letter of appreciation?
• Sending a letter of appreciation?
Quote of the Day
“America has not led but fled on the issue of
global warming.” Senator John Kerry
What Should I Do About…
• Recognizing career trends?
• Identifying what jobs will be most available
to me?
Quote of the Day
“Job growth is expected to continue for the
healthcare sector in 2006, driving an
extraordinary labor demand. As a result, the
search for qualified workers is becoming
increasingly competitive with the shortage
of registered nurses, physical and
respiratory therapists, radiology technicians
and other positions.” Rosemary Haefner (Vice
President of Human Resources for CareerBuilding.com)
What Should I Do About…
• Recognizing career trends?
• Identifying what jobs will be most available
to me?
Quote of the Day
““With the Baby Boomer generation getting
up in age, there's going to be a real lack of
skilled workers here in the future and
everybody is recognizing that. A lot of these
youngsters want to go into technology and
computer fields and that's all well and good,
but it leaves a gap of skilled laborers and
there are good jobs to be had out there.”
Paul Harris (Rotary International Founder)
What Should I Do About…
• Recognizing career trends?
• Identifying what jobs will be most available
to me?