English IV: Brave New World Research Paper TYPED ROUGH DRAFT DUE: Wed/Thurs November 28/29 FINAL DRAFT DUE: Mon/Tues December 3/4 (EMAIL TO MSCHONHAR@GREERMIDDLECOLLEGE.ORG) For your 2nd quarter essay, you will research and write a paper on an important issue presented in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Your essay will provide an effective response to the following questions about your topic: 1) What is the meaning and background of your issue? Consider and include scientific, fact-based evidence. 2) How does your issue apply to Brave New World? (You MUST use textual evidence—including quotations—to support your claims) 3) How does your issue apply to modern American society? Include evidence/support for your claims. Example topics include: eugenics, behaviorism/classical conditioning, emotions, nature versus nurture debate, addiction, effects of oxygen deprivation, class consciousness, education, materialism, indoctrination, industrialization, technology/science and ethics, castes, solitude, pain, self-mutilation, “groupthink,” religious freedom/control, etc. You will need to include proper MLA documentation (both in-text citations and a works cited page) for all sources used in your essay (you should have at least two sources, including a source about your issue and Brave New World as a source). Your essay should be at least three pages long. This writing assignment is worth 100 points (equivalent to a test/project grade). You must turn in all brainstorming, research notes, outlines, rough drafts, etc. on the date the essay is due. ASSESSMENT: Your essay will be evaluated on the following elements: CONTENT: Does your essay fully develop an argument about a specific and relevant issue from Brave New World? Do you identify significant information about your issue, effectively connect the information to the novel, and meaningfully relate the issue to modern American society? Do you use evidence to support your claims? ORGANIZATION: Does the structure of your essay aid in the comprehension of your claims? Do you include a strong thesis statement/plan, and do your body paragraphs follow a logical order? Do you use effective topic sentences and concluding sentences? Does your conclusion leave the reader with a sense of why the argument in your essay is significant? GRAMMAR/STYLE: Is your writing clear and rhythmic? Do your words powerfully communicate your ideas? Does your essay display a variety of sentence structures? Did you proofread your essay for grammatical errors that might prohibit the reader from understanding your argument? MLA FORMATTING: Do you properly set up your essay with a header, heading, and title? Is your essay double-spaced throughout, with 1” margins and appropriate font? Did you include in-text citations to provided references for your sources? Is your works cited page present and properly formatted?