Psychology Erick Rendon Per.3 What is Psychology Psychology catches my attention for a health career because it helps people mentally and physically because the person you are helping has a mental disorder, behavior issues, and trauma. Being a psychologist takes 6-8 years of school and practice because you have to learn how to interact with the patient without making them feel uncomfortable. Educational Requirements In order to start a clinical psychology career, individuals will typically need to earn a Bachelor's in psychology or clinical psychology. Additional schooling is also usually necessary after the fouryear degree. This typically includes earning a Master's degree and Doctoral degree in clinical psychology. What is the job outlook The job out look is to help people who need help over coming a mental illness, trauma, or abusive out look. Psychologist can also help kids or adults with learning problems and kids who are affected with bulling; also they can help with drug and alcohol addictions. What collages have psychology programs Albion College (Albion, MI) Alverno College (Milwaukee, WI) Bard College (Annandale on Hudson, NY) Bates College (Lewiston, ME) Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA) Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)... California State University — Northridge (Northridge, CA) What are college required classes The classes that you need to take are Lower level surveys, upper level course work, statistics and research methods, science, and English and composition.